Book Buddy Digital Media | Hear & Read Intervention - 19 views
Allison Burrell on 21 Feb 13"A research-based approach to reading intervention, The Book Buddy Hear & Read program pairs print content with audio, using the accessible, enabling technology of the GoReader™. Pre-loaded with audio, simple to operate, and affordable. Individualize instruction, despite overcrowded classrooms. Self-driven support, through simple technology, scaffolds instruction while building confidence. Hear & Read helps students develop phonemic awareness and fluency by synchronizing the image of a word with the sound of that word, and ultimately, the meaning of that word. Tablets and smart phones are amazing multi-function units. You can take photos, watch movies, surf the web, and play Angry Birds(c). The GoReader™ has one function: to support a striving reader without distractions. This simple, personal, educational tool is priced so that every student has access. The best solution for striving readers is the one that helps them learn to read - period."