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Ann Sperske

WordSift - Visualize Text - 0 views

    visualize texts. pulls a piece of text apart, word clouds it, maps it and shows where the words appear in the text. web 2.0 tool for visual learners.
Beverley Humphrey

VocabGrabber : Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - 0 views

    VocabGrabber analyzes any text you're interested in, generating lists of the most useful vocabulary words and showing you how those words are used in context. Just copy text from a document and paste it into the box, and then click on the "Grab Vocabulary!" button. VocabGrabber will automatically create a list of vocabulary from your text, which you can then sort, filter, and save. Select any word on the list and you'll see a snapshot of the Visual Thesaurus map
Donna Baumbach

Library Mashups : Links - 0 views

    links for book Library Mashups by chapter. See also n Library Mashups, Nicole C. Engard and 25 contributors from all over the world walk readers through definitions, summaries, and practical uses of mashups in libraries. Examples range from ways to allow those without programming skills to make simple website updates, to modifying the library OPAC, to using popular sites like Flickr, Yahoo!, LibraryThing, Google Maps, and Delicious to share and combine digital content.
Dennis OConnor

YouTube - RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - 0 views

    This is an amazing illustration of Sir Kenneth Robinson's presentation on schooling in the 21st century.  It's fascinating to watch an illustrator create a visual map of Robinson's ideas as they are spoken.  The content of the presentation is enormously important to any educator struggling to change the system.  It's even more important to those who've been subdued and mislead by old ideas into thinking they can't learn or create.
Anthony Beal

How I'm Using my iPad as a Teaching Tool « Indiana Jen - 19 views

     "Poll Everywhere" and "mindmeister (mind-maps tool used in seven pillars)." 
amby kdp

Complete Health and Fitness Guide - 0 views

shared by amby kdp on 19 Nov 14 - No Cached
    Taking control of your health and well-being is a necessary and personal journey. "Complete Health and Fitness Guide" book lays out a sensible road map that makes health and fitness an ingrained part of your lifestyle, and an easy-to-achieve goal for everyone.
Leslie Holwerda

E-learning tools and resources for schools and education - Mind Map - 0 views

    links and info on many (all) etools
Cathy Oxley

Fair Use Map - 51 views

    Educational Fair Use: A Flow Chart for Teachers
    Very useful! Thanks for posting and sharing!
Carla Shinn

17th Century London in 3D - 23 views

    A three and one half minute video tour that show viewers what London may have looked like prior to the Great Fire, created by Pudding Lane Productions. "six students from De Montfort University taking part in the Crytek Off the Map project, building a 3D representation of 17th century London before The Great Fire." For more information on our whole project, including concepts and processes please visit our team blog
Cindy Galpin

educational-origami - Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - 1 views

  • Blooms Domains of learning. Made with C-Map
  • ... communication skills. Marshalling and understanding the available evidence isn't useful unless you can effectively communicate your conclusions.”
  • Bloom's Digital Taxonomy isn't about the tools or technologies rather it is about using these to facilitate learning
  • ...42 more annotations...
  • Collaboration is not a 21st Century Skill, it is a 21st Century Essential.
  • In a recent blog post from the official google blog, Google identified the following as key traits or abilities in 21st Century Employees:
    • Cindy Galpin
      Digital taxonoy rocks
  • The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live together Learning to be
  • Anderson and Krathwohl's taxonomy – Remembering 1. Remembering: Retrieving, recalling or recognising knowledge from memory. Remembering is when memory is used to produce definitions, facts or lists, or recite or retrieve material.
  • Advanced and Boolean Searching
  • Bullet pointing
  • Highlightin
  • Bookmarking or favouriting
  • Social networkin
  • Social bookmarking
  • “... team players. Virtually every project at Google is run by a small team. People need to work well together and perform up to the team's expectations. ”
  • Understanding: Constructing meaning from different types of function be they written or graphic. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows
  • Searching or “googling
  • Blog Journallin
  • Categorising & Taggin
  • ommenting and annotating
  • Subscribin
  • Linking
  • Running and operating
  • Playin
  • Uploading and Sharin
  • Hacking
  • Editing
  • Analysing: Breaking material or concepts into parts, determining how the parts relate or interrelate to one another or to an overall structure or purpose. Mental actions include differentiating, organizing and attributing as well as being able to distinguish between components. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Mashing
  • Applying: Carrying out or using a procedure through executing or implementing. Applying related and refers to situations where learned material is used through products like models, presentation, interviews and simulations. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Reverse-engineering
  • Cracking
  • .Evaluating: Making judgements based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing.. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Blog/vlog commenting and reflecting
  • Posting
  • Moderating
  • Collaborating and networking
  • Testing (Alpha and Beta)
  • Validating
  • Creating: Putting the elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganising elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning or producing. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Programming
  • Filming, animating, videocasting, podcasting, mixing and remixing
  • Directing and producing
  • Publishing
    education bloom's taxomony
    Bloom's Digital Taxonomy; 21st Century Learning and digital connections
Robin Cicchetti

4 Very Different Futures Are Imagined for Research Libraries - Libraries - The Chronicl... - 0 views

  • "Research Entrepreneurs," lays out a future in which "individual researchers are the stars of the story."
  • Reuse and Recycle," describes a gloomier 2030 world in which "disinvestment in the research enterprise has cut across society." With fewer resources to support pathbreaking new work, research projects depend on reusing existing "knowledge resources" as well as "mass-market technology infrastructure."
  • The "crowd/cloud" approach is widespread, producing information that is "ubiquitous but low value."
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • "Disciplines in Charge,"
  • "computational approaches to data analysis" rule the research world. Scholars in the humanities as well as the sciences "have been forced to align themselves around data stores and computation capacity that addresses large-scale research questions within their research field."
  • "Global Followers," describes a research climate much like what we know now, except that the Middle East and Asia take the lead in providing money and support for the research enterprise.
  • nstitutions as well as individual scholars will follow the lead of those parts of the world, which will also set the "cultural norms" that govern research. That eastward shift affects "conceptions of intellectual property, research on human subjects, individual privacy, etc.," according to the scenario. "Researchers bend to the prevailing wind rather than imposing Western norms on the cultures that increasingly lead the enterprise."
  • "I plan to use the scenarios to engage staff and key stakeholders in mapping things out,"
  • The cumulative point made by the scenarios is that librarians should think imaginatively about what could happen and not get hamstrung by too-narrow expectations. (The phrase "adapt or die" comes to mind.)
    Discusses changing information formats and scenarios of response. Good article to reference in 5 year plans.
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