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Mihaly Nyary

Analysys Mason : About us - News - Communiqué - Europe looks on as KPN and Re... - 6 views

    Dutch operators KPN and Reggefiber are planning to roll out FTTH services across the Netherlands, in an investment that could reach EUR6-7 billion over the next five to seven years. Steve Liput, Lead Consultant and Matt Yardley, Partner at Analysys Mason, look at the significance of this latest annoucement.
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Tétényi István

Google Dokumentumok - FTTH 2008 - 0 views

    FTTH mindenütt.....
Mihaly Nyary

Will the global recession destroy the FTTH dream? -Analysys Mason - 1 views

    Yes of course! gitu aja dipikirin
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Mihaly Nyary

Finn vidéki nylít hozzáférésű hálózat - 0 views

    Suupohjan Seutuverkko was founded in 2005 as a result of EU-funded program Last Mile. During 2005-2007 Last Mile covered 45 % of the costs of building internet connections in the villages. Before this our region had many villages without any kind of internet connection. These small villages didn't even get the lowest adsl-connections. Our company was founded to enable the people as well as the companies in those villages to have the possibility to live and function in the place they want to. Without us in time they would have had to move to the downtown areas of bigger places. We have built several kilometres only to reach one single household. Our network is built with the Open Access principle which means that service providers have all equal opportunities in providing their services to fibre customers. Thereby customers are free to choose their service from the operator they prefer. FTTH connection can replace all existing data communication connections, such as the broadband, cable, satellite, digital TV and telephone connection.
Tétényi István

Communications Breakdown: FTTH and cable open access require more common sense - 0 views

  • And the OPTA (the Dutch NRA) decision on open access to cable doesn't look like it will lead to very much either.
  • both FTTH and cable open access
    • Tétényi István
      Itt a mindkettőn van a hangsúly.
Mihaly Nyary

Communications: Open right-of-way leads to FTTH galore in Bucharest - 3 views

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Tétényi István

T-REGS - Telecoms Regulatory Expertise Europe - France: FttH law adopted and new ARCEP ... - 0 views

shared by Tétényi István on 03 Aug 08 - Cached
  • Last week, the French Parliament and the French regulatory authority ARCEP took major steps in defining a regulatory framework that aims at achieving widespread deployment of Fibre to the Home (FttH).
    • Tétényi István
      Fibre unbundling
  • disagreements about conditions for such fibre access are subject to ARCEP's dispute-resolution powers under the existing Art. L. 36-8 and enhances the existing Art. L. 36-6 in a manner which enables ARCEP to make an ex-ante determination of the technical and financial conditions of the new symmetric fibre access obligation.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • ARCEP's Market 4 decision of 25 July 2008 (page 76) indicates that it will consider extending fibre access obligations if the regulatory measures are insufficient to guarantee competition; the European Commission indicated in its letter dated 18 July 2008 (page 11) (which predates the adoption of the Law) that it encourages ARCEP to consider imposing other remedies in relation to market 4, in case the adopted law would not be sufficient to ensure effective competition in combination with duct access.
  • prevents landlords from refusing the installation and maintenance of fibre-optic lines for very high-bandwidth electronic communications,
    fibre unbundling
Tétényi István

HWSW - Az optikai hozzáférések tovább mélyíthetik a digitális szakadékot - 0 views

  • Az optikai hozzáférések tovább mélyíthetik a digitális szakadékot
    Hogy a mintegy 25 millió brit háztartás mindegyikébe közvetlen, pont-pont összeköttetésű optikai hozzáférés kerüljön (fiber/fibre-to-the-home, FTTH), mintegy 28,8 milliárd angol font, vagyis jelenlegi középárfolyamon körülbelül 8600 milliárd forintnak megfelelő befektetés volna szükséges, becsli a brit kormányzat egy érdekképviseleti és szaktanácsadó testülete, Broadband Stakeholder Group (BSG). Ez azt jelenit, hogy átlagosan egy háztartás bekötése az akár 1 gigabit/s átviteli sebességet kínáló optikai hozzáféréssel 350 ezer forintnak megfelelő beruházást igényelne -- ez az összeg természetesen nagyban a háztartás földrajzik elhelyezkedésétől is függ, vidéken a városi költségek többszörösével lehet számolni, jegyzi meg a riport.
Tétényi István

Analysys Mason : About us - News - Insight - UK next-generation access: BT Vision or BT... - 0 views

  • UK next-generation access: BT Vision or BT expediency?
  • But it would be a mistake to see the greatest pressure coming from the ‘fast’ end of the broadband market; in fact, it’s coming from the slow end
  • In several other European markets outside the UK, more than 15% of broadband subscriptions (as much as 30% in some) are now on cellular networks – up from next to nothing one year ago
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • In the Netherlands, with admittedly much more favourable demographics for access network roll-out, NGA will be practically ubiquitous
    • Tétényi István
      Ez az igaz szám: háztartásonként 73€
  • Mount Broadband is littered with the corpses of industry soothsayers who declared that there would be no consumer demand for higher bandwidth, because there were no foreseeable services that required it. It is difficult to believe that FTTH will not come to be necessary at some point in the future.
  • This stands in marked contrast to other Euro-incumbents, such as KPN and France Telecom, which recognise that FTTH is the end-game.
Tétényi István

100 Mbit/s-os hálózatot vezet be a Magyar Telekom - 0 views

  • 100 Mbit/s-os hálózatot vezet be a Magyar Telekom
  • 2013 végére a Magyar Telekom körülbelül 780 ezer háztartást tervez elérni fiber-to-the-home (optikai kábel a lakásig, FTTH) hálózattal, valamint további 380 ezer kábelhálózattal lefedett háztartásban EuroDocsis 3.0 technológiával fejleszti tovább hálózatát.
Mihaly Nyary

BT and Ofcom | Susan Crawford blog - 0 views

  • Since 2001 the UK Government has provided one billion pounds of “incentive” through state aid (channeled through the Regional Development Authorities), public-private partnerships and induced/aggregated demand from public services (egovernment projects, schools- and hospitals-online) to get BT to install DSL equipment in areas where the company said it was not “economically viable.” For documentation see “Broadband Procurement To Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness of Public Service Delivery” by Mike Gunston, UK Office of Government Commerce, presented at an OECD Broadband Workshop, Paris, France (2-4 December 2002). This huge subsidy bribe sum was supposed to achieve the Government’s goal of making the UK “the most extensive and competitive broadband market in the G7 by 2005″ (UK online: the broadband future - An action plan to facilitate roll-out of higher bandwidth and broadband services, Office of the e-Envoy, 13 February 2001).)
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