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Chris Hall

Times Higher Education - When I grow up, I want to be spoon-fed - 0 views

    Instead of sermonising about the need for more contact hours, ministers should stop infantilising students and listen to what they actually want, argues Paul Ramsden
Chris Hall

Important Considerations for Schools and Admins leaning toward Moodle adoption | Moodle News - 0 views

    Important Considerations for Schools and Admins leaning toward Moodle adoption
Chris Hall

Google LatLong: Rain or Snow, Now You Can See Weather in Google Earth - 0 views

    It's the middle of summer, but for those of us who long for the return of cold winter weather and warm cups of cocoa, throw on your favorite poncho and check out the weather in Google Earth 5.2. The latest version projects images of rain and snow over the
Chris Hall

Going with the flow: whither enterprise RSS? :: Blog :: Headshift - 0 views

    One of the most annoying habits of self-appointed technology gurus, sheikhs, czars or experts is that they take their own behaviour as the basis for extrapolation to predict how the rest of the world will/could/should use tools.
Chris Hall

The Tao of Tweeting - 0 views

    It doesn't take much skill to tweet - you simply type what you want to say in under 140 characters. But while the barrier to entry is extremely low, tweeting well is something else entirely.
Chris Hall

10 Technology Ideas Your Library Can Implement Next Week | American Libraries Magazine - 0 views

    Even non-techies can offer cutting-edge services right away
Chris Hall

Get Skype on your TV - Skype Blogs - 0 views

    In just a few months' time, you'll be able to get Skype on your TV - and you can find out more in the video above.
Chris Hall

ALT comment on the Higher Education Funding Council for England's Strategy Statement "Opportunity, choice and excellence in higher education" - ALT Open Access Repository - 0 views

    "ALT comment on the Higher Education Funding Council for England's Strategy Statement "Opportunity, choice and excellence in higher education" Schmoller, Seb and Slater, John (2011) ALT comment on the Higher Education Funding Council for England's Strategy Statement "Opportunity, choice and excellence in higher education". ALT. (Unpublished)"
Chris Hall

Campus 'slackers' kicked into gear | News | Times Higher Education - 0 views

    "Pushing the laziest student in class to work a little bit harder can be an infuriating task for lecturers. However, where one-to-one mentoring and encouraging words have failed, peer pressure might just work, according to a study on how to motivate so-called "shirkers"."
Chris Hall

Times Higher Education - Leader: Hours and hours of reckoning - 1 views

    In higher education, it's not how much time you spend with students, but what you do with it that should count
Chris Hall

Diversity and Ability - Training as unique as you are! - 0 views

    "Welcome to DnA's Open Source and Free software page. For DnA, the use of Open Source and Free software complements many of DnA's own core values and provides a wealth additional free support for users. The Open Source Software movement developed in the early 1980s and provides accessibility and life-changing support for users unable to access computer software due to high costs."
Chris Hall

Student-designed feedback software wins share of Jisc funding | News | Times Higher Education - 1 views

    "A digital system designed to help university staff to collect and act on student feedback is one of two student-designed technologies to win £25,000 in funding from higher education technology body Jisc."
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