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Chris Jobling

Blackboard vs Moodle 2.0: 100+ metrics compared head to head by @MoodleRUB | ... - 0 views

    "Ruhr-Universität utilizes both Moodle and Blackboard (as a growing number of colleges and higher education institutions are doing) and over the last two weeks was charged with comparing the two LMSs head to head"
Chris Hall

Evaluating the impact of Web articles - 0 views

    The growing flood of scholarly literature is exposing the weaknesses of current, citation-based methods of evaluating and filtering articles. A novel and promising approach is to examine the use and citation of articles in a new forum: Web 2.0 services li
Chris Hall

Official Google Blog: Introducing Measurement Lab - 0 views

    Today Google, the New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute, the PlanetLab Consortium, and academic researchers are taking the wraps off of Measurement Lab (M-Lab), an open platform that researchers can use to deploy Internet measurement tools.
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