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Chris Jobling

Welcome to SAFARI - 0 views

    I asked for suggestions for a replacement for Netskills TONIC and Sam Oakley (@rscsam) also suggested SAFARI "a guided expedition through the information world." This resource was developed by the Open University (OU) and looks like a comprehensive tutorial on accessing, finding and reviewing information  -- and not just from the Internet. The recommended time to work through the examples is 10-13.5 hours. TONIC was much more of a beginners guide to the internet but Safari looks an excellent resource for students embarking on a research project.
Chris Hall

People > ASO Support > Developing Independent Learning > Home - 0 views

    York University Independent Learners site
Chris Hall

Library Research Handbook - 0 views

    Research is like a voyage-it takes planning, a curious mind, an adventurous spirit, an awareness of your final destination, and perseverance, even when the road ahead looks rocky. At times it can be exhilarating-when you discover something new. At times i
Chris Hall

SocialTech: Digital Literacy Debate - 0 views

    Josie Fraser has put up a wiki to help organize attendees, resources, schedule and outputs from the Digital Literacy debate that will be taking place online, in Elluminate, on Friday 27 March 2009, at 1pm GMT.
Chris Hall

New Video: Protecting Reputations Online in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Product ... - 0 views

    Aimed at younger or inexperienced web users, this video helps explain the long-term risks of sharing inappropriate photos, videos and stories on the Web. We've seen the stories and heard personal accounts about people who shared an inappropriate photo tha
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