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John Burk

Whom We Admit, What We Deny - 3 views

    just gotta love Alfie Kohn-breaking the myth of "not a good fit" to pieces. 
    You have to admit that Kohn "tells the truth," his truth. It happens to resonate with me. I think he does this well because he identifies with the STUDENT, with EVERY STUDENT. So in this article, he is putting himself in the shoes of the rejected child and mirroring back to us "what are we doing?" He calls for just being honest. Is honesty really that hard to manage?
John Burk

Is High Ability Necessary for Greatness? | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network - 2 views

    fascinating detailed analysis of the question of whether or not high ability is necessary to achieve greatness. Answer: it's not. 
    Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed the post and learned a great deal about factors impacting achievement in life. It confirms my subjective view that working hard is important. It isn't all about native talents that reside in working memory.
John Burk

One Percent Education - - 2 views

  • The emphasis on personal achievement has done more than turn the admissions process into a race to rack up résumé points; more important, to the extent that elite colleges set the pace, it is turning the educational culture into one that stresses individual perfection instead of one that stresses social improvement.
  • At the turn of the last century, the influential philosopher John Dewey saw education as a democratizing force not just in its social consequences but in its very process. Dewey believed that education and life were inextricably bound, that they informed each other. Education wasn’t just something you did in a classroom to earn grades. It was something you lived.
  • There is a big difference between a culture that encourages engagement with the world and one that encourages developing one’s own superiority.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Though educators are fond of saying you learn from failure, with today’s stakes, the best students know you cannot really afford to fail. You can’t even afford minor missteps. That is one of the lessons of 1 percent education: 1 percenters must always succeed.
  • Finally, a culture that rewards big personal accomplishments over smaller social ones threatens to create a cohort of narcissists.
  • In the end, 1 percent education is as much a vision of life as it is a standard of academic achievement — a recrudescence of social Darwinism disguised as meritocracy. Where the gap at the country’s best schools was once about money — who could afford to attend? — now there is the pretense that it is mostly about intelligence and skill. Many 99 percenters are awed by the accomplishments of 1 percenters, especially as the gap between rich and poor in SAT scores and college completion widens.
  • The danger isn’t just that people who are born on third base wind up thinking they hit a triple; the danger is that everyone else thinks those folks hit triples. One percent education perpetuates a psychology of social imbalance that is the very antitheses of John Dewey’s dream.
    So how do you introduce these ideas to a leading private school? 
Chris Harrow

Students Love Technology - 1 views

    I'm curious about the study that drove this data, but the presented results on college students should at least make us stop and think.
John Burk

Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Flow is the Opiate of the Mediocore: Advice on G... - 1 views

    Excellent post with advice on how an accomplished pianist becomes excellent. Easily transferrable to school. 
John Burk

How to Make Advisory Work - Practical Theory - 1 views

    excellent post on how to get an advising system really going in a school.
John Burk

What Are You Going to Do With That? - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Ed... - 1 views

    Must read essay with advice for seniors. 
John Burk

The Right Mindset for Success - HBR IdeaCast - Harvard Business Review - 1 views

    An interview with Carol Dweck, professor at Stanford University and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.
John Burk

Do playful people get better grades in school? - Barking up the wrong tree - 1 views

    Answer: YES
Anna Moore

value of sleep_naps - 1 views

    she seems to have made the website less helpful recently; maybe trying to force us into buying the book. but, remarkable researchers with critical message for our students and parents on sleep. has good links to other helpful sites, too.
Anna Moore

Meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness - 1 views

    does meditation change the brain? this article suggests that it does. found meditation to be protective to cortical thinning seen in aging (meaning it may help keep brain cells and their connections strong).
    Really interesting article. This would be the type of research that we want to introduce cohort members to. Not that they would necessary have all their students meditate every day, but they could work in strategies to improve personal reflection on work being done, etc. What do you think? Bob
John Burk

A Word to the Resourceful - 1 views

  • Like real world resourcefulness, conversational resourcefulness often means doing things you don't want to. Chasing down all the implications of what's said to you can sometimes lead to uncomfortable conclusions. The best word to describe the failure to do so is probably "denial," though that seems a bit too narrow. A better way to describe the situation would be to say that the unsuccessful founders had the sort of conservatism that comes from weakness. They traversed idea space as gingerly as a very old person traverses the physical world. [1]The unsuccessful founders weren't stupid. Intellectually they were as capable as the successful founders of following all the implications of what one said to them. They just weren't eager to.
    Be resourceful-this seems like another key part of a metacognition curriculum. How do we teach this to students.  very interesting post from startup god Paul Graham
John Burk

What Stress Actually Does to You and What You Can Do About It - 1 views

    useful summary of effects of stress from lifehacker. 
John Burk

Neil Gaiman Addresses the University of the Arts Class of 2012 on Vimeo - 1 views

    Really great commencement address
John Burk

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work | Video on - 0 views

    great TED talk about happiness, and the power of daily gratitude journals to improve happiness. 
John Burk

(1) Christopher VanLang's answer to Graduate School: What should I do if my PhD advisor... - 0 views

    really thoughtful quora posts applies to much more than just grad students, and describes how students can overcome the "Feeling Stupid" label. 
John Burk

The Uses of Enchantment « The Talent Code - 0 views

  • It is in free time that the special player develops, not in the competitive expedience of games, in hour-long practices once a week, in mechanical devotion to packaged, processed, coaching-manual, hockey-school skills
  • Mostly it is time unencumbered, unhurried, time of a different quality, more time, time to find wrong answers, to find a few that are right; time to find your own right answers; time for skills to be practiced, to set higher limits, to settle and assimilate and become fully and completely yours, to organize and combine with other skills comfortably and easily in some uniquely personal way, then to be set loose, trusted, to find new instinctive directions to take, to create.
    Brilliant post. How can we give students more unencumbered time to to allow themselves to become enchanted with learning? 
John Burk

The Focused Sprint Approach: Rapid Skill Acquisition for Breaking Through Plateaus | Ex... - 0 views

  • First, you have to admit that whatever you’re currently doing isn’t working.
  • Next, you need shake up your learning methods.
  • Now, here’s where the sprint part comes in. Commit to putting in at least 2x to 3x the effort you’ve been putting in for a focused period of time.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • By the end of the two weeks you will have busted through your plateau and rekindled your love of the sport
  • In either case, when your target skills don’t increase in any appreciable way for a significant period of time, you run the risk of never reaching your desired level of expertise. Or worse, you might give up altogether.
John Burk

How to get the most out of studying: Five short videos - 0 views

    videos that explain great tips on how to get the most from studying. 
John Burk

(PDF) Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning IES Practice Guide - 0 views

    PDF link to how to study resources.
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