A response to Ron Clark's article by Doug Goldbert. " If you don't already, I feel you will learn to regret writing this article. This article has the ability to create an even bigger chasm between Parents and Teachers. Parent Involvement in a Child's Education, as proven by 20 years of research, is one of the most effective methods in a child's academic success. Educating our children needs to be a partnership between Parents and Teachers. Especially, since school age children spend 70% of their time outside of school. Your article makes it painfully aware that your idea of a Parent - Teacher partnership is one where Parents do everything you ask without input or questions. "
"For many -- not just those with special needs -- participating in an online course is very difficult without assistive technologies. Augmentive and alternative communication products can help students with disabilities. It is useful, however, to look at some assistive technologies as effective for learners who have specific learning preferences and who may benefit from being able to access content in more than one format.
Take a look at the different assistive technologies that are available. You may be surprised how affordable they are, and how helpful they might be for you, especially with respect to keyboards, touchscreens, screen-readers (and "talking books"), and speech recognition.
Lots of outstanding resources, videos, information in this wiki related to differentiating instruction and multiple intelligences. Sections provided for teachers to contribute to the wiki by adding lesson ideas that incorporate technology in all subject areas for elementary, middle school and high school.
Excellent compilation of resources including videos, lesson plans, blogs and tutorials for differentiating instruction with technology. The lesson plan section is separated into categories for elementary, middle school and high school and is just beginning to develop. We are invited to join the wiki to share lesson plans and resources. pmcgonagle is the creator of the wikispace.
Use this page to explore online resources that can help you meet the learning needs of your students.
Read the task in the blue block. Then, use the links to help you help you complete the activity.
The Resources
* Thematic Starting Points
* Educational Portals
* Search Tools
* Lesson Plans
* Subject Area Starters
The Differentiation
"MeMoves™ is an engaging combination of music, movement and images that decreases stress, improves mood, and enhances one's ability to focus. An enjoyable meditation in motion, MeMoves™ creates an optimal environment for learning and living."
This is an incredible resource for all kids but especially for autistic spectrum kids. Listen to the interview on Seedlings/EdTechTalk with the developers and you will be inspired and motivated. It recently received a Parent's Choice Gold Award and even has an iPhone app. :-) Seedlings recording will be posted here: http://edtechtalk.com/seedlings
"Whether you have an entire class of students with special needs, or you've welcomed a student with a disability into your traditional classroom, this massive list of resources will help you research different disorders and conditions, review special lesson plans, and find the support you need to work with your students and help them succeed."
"download site for the Don't Laugh At Me Program (DLAM) curricula, videos, and CD for use by teachers, administrators, parents and other educational advocates and practitioners. " Curriculum provided for grades 2-5 and 6-8 in downloadable PDF
Outstanding wiki by Michelle Dodd, AU, repository of useful online links tips and tools for educators working with diversity.
Vocational, Life skills and Transition Programs
For students seeking career exploration, community involvement and whole of life learning. Useful links and tools for Students, Trainers & Educators
Challenger TAFT (Technical and Further Education)
There are some fantastic resources shared on this wiki created by Michelle Dodd forstudents, trainers and educators in vocational, life skills and transition programs.
New software product coming soon--not free--works on both Macs and PCs
Since skill in recognizing facial expression of emotions is important to functioning in a social environment, there is value in helping children develop this skill. But, what if it doesn't develop normally?
FACELAND uses an Amusement Park theme to engage and motivate. 6 "Schools" introduce concepts as "clues" and 11 game-like activities offer practice that is fun!
Some great resources that can be downloaded in PDF form from these workshops focusing on special education and differentiation! Each presentation includes the presentation and handouts in PDF form (2 documents per workshop). Good article on co-teaching.
Excellent resources, presentations, handouts from teacher workshops on special education and differentiation. Teacher-to-Teacher is US Dept of Education initiative.
The Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative has been created by and for America's teachers. It supports teachers' efforts in the classroom through professional development workshops and digital workshops and by sharing relevant information through email updates.
Teacher Workshops
Teacher Workshops offer classroom teachers a free opportunity to participate in high-quality professional development designed to provide the classroom support, technical assistance, and increased collaboration needed to assure academic success for all students.
This is a fantastic compilation of materials and resources for teaching children with special needs. The links page has tons of great resources and information about many disabilities. Well worth exploring.
SEN Teacher provides cost-free teaching & learning resources for students with special needs and learning disabilities.
All the resources available or listed here are free for use in schools, colleges and at home.
A fantastic podcasts that focues on Assistive Technology but the tools are great for all teachers and students. It's well worth checking out since it won an award for "Best Professional Development Podcast." :-)
A.T.Tipscast is a regular podcast that focuses on assistive technology and provides some awesome resources. This podcast won the award for "Best Professional Development Podcast" in the 3rd Annual Teachers' Podcast Awards.
Cheryl Oakes is one of the regular bloggers on TechLearning and this is a great blog post she wrote right after NECC this year. Excellent ideas and resources.
This is a fantastic podcast where Tracy shares her successful experience creating a radio show with her special ed high school students. It's worth trying with your students!
This is an inspiring podcast interview with Tracy Pariseau, Sanford HS, Maine, teacher who works with emotionally disturbed students on IEPs. She shares her experiences creating a student radio show with her students.
six-week online workshop aims to introduce participants to different ways in which blogging can be integrated into teaching. It will provide hands-on opportunities for educators who are new to blogging to set up and develop their own blogs, as well as to explore the worlds of possibilities provided by different kinds of blogs. By the end of the workshop, participants will have experimented with creating and enhancing blogs, posting and editing entries, inviting members to their blogs, and commenting on one anothers' blogs - using either Blogger or Wordpress platforms. Participants will also have explored blog comment management, template personalization, tagging (labeling) and really simple syndication (RSS).
This article provides some great suggestions for teaching these important skills. I first heard about the article on a great teacher podcast by Todd Watson, LD Resource teacher in Peoria District, AZ. Listen to his podcast--it's a wonderful way to communicate with his parents--positive, informative, encouraging and educational! Podcast #1 for 08-09: http://applepodcast.peoriaud.k12.az.us:16080/weblog/twatson/
A must-read, research-based article that supports the use of technology in math instruction for all students, but especially special needs students with learning disabilities.
world's leading website on learning disability and ADHD-excellent articles, teaching strategies and tools for teachers, parents and students. Companion sites are Reading Rockets, Colorin Colorado and Adolescent Literacy.
Amazing description of the life of Michael Phelps in his earlier years as told by his mom--what a tremendous example of overcoming challenges and also an important statement to educators about teaching to student strengths and not trying to make them all fit into a conforming mode. Stresses need to find what students CAN do and not focus on what they CAN'T DO. Also great example of importance of parent advocacy and high expectations along with belief in them.
Powerful narrative story based on an interview with Michael Phelp's mom who is now a Middle School principal--wow, did he overcome his earlier challenges! Great story to share with students!
Excellent suggestion for using video iPods with special education students. They can listen to content or tests being read and follow along with both the visual on the iPod and the hard copy.
Mac enthusiast, recently retired teacher educator at Arizona State University-West, retired elementary principal after 25 years, AzTEA Board member(Arizona Technology Education Alliance), eager learner and advocate for Web 2.0.