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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Joti P


What Are The Benefits Of Healthy Foods For Teenagers? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Teens should eat a variety of foods from all the food groups, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meat and low-fat dairy.
  • Provides Energy
  • diet that contains a healthy mix of carbohydrates, protein and fat supports a teen's energy level and allows him to make it through each day's tasks.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Carbohydrates are the body's main source of fuel, and a teen should get 45 to 65 percent of his daily calories from them.
  • Protects Overall Health
  • nutrient-dense diet offers the vitamins and minerals that a teen needs to say healthy
  • Anti-oxidants in nutritious foods fight cellular damage that could lead to cancer or heart disease down the road.
  • Controls Weight
  • emphasizes nutrient-dense foods that are also low in fat and calories
  • help a teen control his weight
  • Improves Concentration
  • teen who spends most her day at school will learn better if she keeps her body fueled with healthy foods.
  • Breakfast is especially important for a teen,
  • will keep her going through afternoon classes, and nutrient-dense snacks in between will keep hunger at bay, allowing to her to focus on her schoolwork.
    • Joti P
      livestrong also proved to be a very reliable website throughout this assignment
    Reliable website for insight on question 10 

Health Benefits of Exercise - 0 views

  • Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, noninsulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood and help you to better manage stress.
  • How Physical Activity Impacts Health
  • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes. • Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Helps control weight. • Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
  • Specific Health Benefits of Exercise
  • Heart Disease and Stroke.
  • physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening your heart muscle
  • High Blood Pressure
  • can reduce blood pressure in those with high blood pressure levels.
  • Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes
  • reducing body fatness, physical activity can help to prevent and control this type of diabetes.
  • Osteoporosis. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and may prevent many forms of bone loss associated with aging.
  • Psychological Effects. Regular physical activity can improve your mood and the way you feel about yourself
  • help you to better manage stress.

Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity - - 0 views

  • Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity

Benefits Of Healthy Eating For Maintaining A Healthy Body - 0 views

  • There are many benefits of healthy eating including increased vitality and energy
  • one of the most important benefits of eating healthy foods is weight control and protection from disease.
  • Top 5 Benefits Of Eating A Healthy Diet
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Weight Management.
  • Better Skin Tone.
  • Increased Energy.
  • Individuals that eat the wrong foods or eat at the wrong times are always complaining of tiredness.
  • you will feel more energetic and in due course your rate of metabolism increases as well.
  • Protection from Diet-Related Disease.
  • effect of a healthy diet in the protection from diseases may not be immediately apparent.
  • In fact, you may never realize what health problems you may have developed had you not followed a healthy diet
  • useful in the management of adult onset diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure and high cholesterol as well as other health issues.
  • Better Sleep Patterns.
  • If you eat the right size portions of healthy foods at the right time
  • find that you tend to sleep better in the night since the body is not busy trying to digest and excrete toxins found in junk foods.
  • You will begin to feel much healthier in no time!
    Good specific examples on the benefit of healthy living. 

Health and Living: Benefits of healthy eating - 0 views

  • Healthy eating is the way we eat the right combination of foods
  • Healthy eating provides the body with sufficient energy
  • provides the right number of calories to keep our weight in healthy range with the energy we expend to stay alive and active.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • provides the proper balance of carbohydrate, protein, and fat in our diets.
  • Remember that it’s difficult to reduce the amount of fat in the diet if we don’t intake more carbohydrates or protein.
  • Healthy eating provides plenty of waters in our body.
  • Healthy eating provides also sufficient but not excessive amounts of essential vitamins and minerals
    Answers for question 10 

How Can I Get Motivated to Exercise? - 0 views

  • Motivation is key to maintaining a regular exercise schedule — yes, schedule.
  • Exercise can be fun and entertaining, but if you're not keeping a schedule, chances are you aren't doing it consistently enough.
  • Other than keeping that precious workout appointment, the best motivator is having fun.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Exercising doesn't have to be a drag.
    • Joti P
      I have found this site to be very useful throughout this assignment! 
    Answers question 9

Staying Motivated to Exercise | Keeper of the Home - 0 views

  • How can we stay motivated when life gets busy?
  • Get a big enough WHY
  • Having a strong reason for doing what we do, helps us get through the times when we don’t feel like doing whatever that thing is.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • The same is true for exercise. Just working out because you think you should, won’t keep you going for long. Think about why it is important.
  • Whatever your reason for exercising, keep it in mind.
  • Communicate it to a friend.
  • Write it in a journal.
  • certainly worth the brief discomfort you may feel during your workout!
  • Set small goals and challenges
  • Since my goal was clear and could be achieved quickly, I was able to see it through.
  • it is fun to challenge yourself to do something new.
  • Along the same lines, it is nice to do a particular type of workout for a set amount of time. I like to do six or twelve week plans.
  • Vary your workouts.
  • It is also helpful to vary the type of exercise you do throughout the week
  • Remember: Find an exercise you enjoy.
  • Find something you enjoy and you will have the workout battle much less often.
  • Be consistent.
  • easier to exercise on a regular basis than haphazardly.
  • When you are consistent the body adapts and changes.
  • workout becomes less tiring and more enjoyable.
  • Don’t rely on motivation.
  • important not to fall into the motivation trap. We must be aware of the fact that we will not be motivated every day.
  • remember our why and choose to workout even when we really don’t feel like it.
  • encourage you to carve out a little time each day to really get moving.
  • Just find something you can do consistently and before long you’ll be feeling good!
    (.org) site and has some relible information for question # 9 

How to Stay Motivated to Exercise | - 0 views

  • Determine an attainable goal such as exercising twice on weekdays
  • Create rewards for achieving your goal.
  • reward can be a massage, a new workout outfit, a new CD, a session with a personal trainer, or a new piece of sports equipment - whatever you really want.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Partner with a friend,
  • Subscribe to a fitness magazine or online fitness newsletter.
  • Create a competition with co-workers or friends.
  • Change into your workout clothes. Sometimes, it's just a matter of getting dressed that causes the biggest barrier.
  • Exercise burns calories, increases energy, and improves your health - even in small doses.
  • Try a new sport or class.
  • Make a commitment to your dog to go for a long walk at least twice each week.
  • Look for ways to incorporate activity into your day
  • Sign up for a race and send in the entry fee
  • Join a gym
  • For some, paying for a membership increases the likelihood of compliance
    • Joti P
      Again, alot of this information has been repeated from previous sites.
    Question # 9

10 Tips for Staying Motivated - Fitness, Exercise - 0 views

  • Change is never easy, yet, if you stay with a routine long enough, you'll enjoy the positive results and benefits
  • 1. Find something you enjoy and that will be easy for you to do.
  • If you hate running, than don't start a running program. Try brisk walking instead.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Your best choice is something that you are able to do.
  • 2. Exercise at the the right time.
  • be aware that the longer you put off exercising, the harder it is to get motivated to exercise.
  • 3. Set specific, realistic, and attainable goals--both short-term and long-term.
  • weekly goal might be to work out four times,
  • long-term goal might be to finish a 5K race.
  • Keep your goals attainable
  • 4. Monitor your progress.
  • Keep a journal to see your improvement.
  • 5. Don't push yourself too hard or you'll want to quit.
  • progress takes work, allow yourself adequate time to each new level.
  • 6. Reward yourself for each new goal reached.
  • Buy yourself a new book, article of clothing, or something else that you enjoy
  • 7. Read about exercise and fitness
  • more you read, the more you will learn about exercise and avoid potential pitfalls
  • 8. Vary or change your routine.
  • When your workout routine starts to get stale, add variety
  • try adding another activity for change
  • helps prevent boredom.
  • 9. Get the support of others.
  • Exercise with your family, spouse, friend or neighbor
  • 10. Do not worry if you miss a session or two, but keep going
    Good for answering question 9 

Strength Training Guidelines for Children & Teens (continued...) - 0 views

  • During the last stage, Specialization (ages 15-18), teens can start training for high performance development.
  • Avoid maximum strength training (one-rep max lifts) to reduce the risk of injury
  • muscles aren’t built up while they’re working out, but while they’re resting
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • set up generous sleep and nutrition goals to help your child make the most of his or her training.

Strength Training Guidelines for Children & Teens - 0 views

  • During the Initiation stage (ages 6-10), kids should participate in low-intensity programs
  • having fun and trying to improve their motor skills.
  • Emphasize multilateral development, maximizing the range of motion in multiple parts of the body.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • second stage, Athletic Formation (ages 11-14), it's important to develop the core muscles (lower back, hips, and abdominals).
  • Balance and flexibility exercises are also important.
  • Young adolescents can participate in moderate anaerobic training
    Stength training. Question 8

How to Do the Leg Curl - Performing the Leg Curl Exercise - 0 views

  • How to Do the Leg Curl - Exercise Description
  • Start with a light weight and lie on the bench face down.
  • Adjust the pads so that they are in a comfortable position around the ankles so that there is some heel involvement in the effort
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • You should adjust the weight so that you can do about 8 to 12 repetitions in each set.
  • Grasp the support handles, remember to breathe out on exertion and in on recovery, then lift the pads upward as you flex the knee joints.
  • Lift the pad as far as it will go toward the buttocks.
  • Lift and lower the leg under control
  • This is mainly a bodybuilding exercise to build muscle in the hamstrings.
  • Don't lift excessively heavy weights on this machine.
  • To some extent, you can target the hamstrings by pointing the toes (plantar flexion), and the calf muscle (gastrocnemius) by curling the toes toward the shin (dorsiflexion).
    Leg muscle training exercise. 

Weight Training for Teens | Pure Matters - 0 views

  • Weight Training for Teens
  • Teens who work out with weights, as well as exercise aerobically, reduce by half their risk for sports injuries.
  • Weight training also helps improve sports performance
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • boosts bone density and strengthens tendons,
  • Weight training vs. body building
  • Weight training focuses on improving musculoskeletal strength and total fitness
  • Fitness, not superhero
  • Middle- and high-school students should train to increase their strength and improve their physical fitness
  • good teen weight-training program focuses on toning muscles with lighter weights and a high number of repetitions.
  • Be responsible
  • Teens should be supervised at all times while strength training, and should always use safe equipment.
  • Start slowly
  • should begin slowly and increase gradually.
  • shouldn't be increased too soon or by too much.
  • emphasize proper technique
  • Two to three sessions a week on alternating days should be enough to strengthen and tone muscles.
  • Size matters
  • "Programs for teens often rely on free weights, such as dumbbells and barbells; rubber tubing; and calisthenics, such as abdominal curls."
  • Focus on the individual
  • should be individually designed for each adolescent
  • Make it fun
  • should be noncompetitive and fun
  • Stay active
  • Conditioning exercises should be part of an active lifestyle that includes plenty of other physical activity.
  • should feel comfortable with the weight-training program and look forward to it.
  • "Participating in a wide variety of physical activities helps teens stay balanced, trim and physically healthy."
    Good page to read up on muscle training for teens 

Sleep Debt | Sleep Deprivation - 0 views

shared by Joti P on 06 Jan 12 - Cached
  • Sleep deprivation has become one for the most pervasive health problems facing the United States
  • do not get the sleep they need because their schedules do not allow adequate time
  • Others are unable to get a good night’s rest due to sleep disorders, chronic pain, medications, hot flashes, stress or health conditions such as heart disease, depression, arthritis or heart disease.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • How does a lack of sleep affect the body?
  • having lost the ability to maintain body heat and develop a fever to stave off infection
  • will generally be irritable and clumsy
  • will have problems concentrating and will begin to make mistakes on normal tasks.
  • Other short-term consequences include: Decreased daytime alertness. Loss of just one and half hours sleep can result in a 32% reduction in daytime alertness. Impaired memory and cognitive ability, the ability to think and process information. More than double the risk of sustaining an occupational injury.
  • Long-term consequences can include the following:
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Mental impairment
  • Increased mortality risk
  • Sleep Debt Can Be Dangerous
  • Sleep deprivation in children
  • Nearly half of teens reported at least occasional difficulty in falling or staying asleep and almost 13% experiencing chronic and severe insomnia.
  • affects mood, behavior, and academic performance.
  • Insufficient sleep has also been associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Consequences of sleep deprivation 

Helping Teenagers With Stress | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - 0 views

  • Some sources of stress for teens might include: school demands and frustrations negative thoughts and feelings about themselves changes in their bodies problems with friends and/or peers at school unsafe living environment/neighborhood separation or divorce of parents chronic illness or severe problems in the family death of a loved one moving or changing schools taking on too many activities or having too high expectations family financial problems
  • can lead to anxiety, withdrawal, aggression, physical illness, or poor coping skills such as drug and/or alcohol use.
  • Teens can decrease stress with the following behaviors and techniques:
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Exercise and eat regularly
  • Avoid excess caffeine
  • Learn relaxation exercises
  • Learn practical coping skills
  • Decrease negative self talk:
  • Learn to feel good about doing a competent or "good enough” job
  • Take a break from stressful situations.
  • Build a network of friends who help you cope in a positive way
    Good website to trust (.org). Helps with some insight on question 7.

Stress - 0 views

  • The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a whole range of situations
  • The hypothalamus signals the adrenal glands to produce more of the hormones adrenaline
  • These hormones speed up heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • This natural reaction is known as the stress response
  • But the stress response can also cause problems when it overreacts or fails to turn off and reset itself properly.
  • But stress doesn't always happen in response to things that are immediate or that are over quickly.
  • long-term events, like coping with a divorce or moving to a new neighborhood or school, can cause stress, too.
  • can produce a lasting, low-level stress that's hard on people.
  • can wear out the body's reserves, leave a person feeling depleted or overwhelmed
  • weaken the body's immune system
  • crammed schedules, not having enough time to rest and relax, and always being on the go
  • Pressures that are too intense or last too long, or troubles that are shouldered alone, can cause people to feel stress overload
  • a feeling of being constantly pressured, hassled, and hurried irritability and moodiness
  • stomach problems, headaches, or even chest pain
  • problems sleeping
  • sadness or depression
  • Everyone experiences stress a little differently.
  • Keep Stress Under Control
  • Take a stand against overscheduling.
  • Be realistic.
  • Get a good night's sleep.
  • Learn to relax.
  • Treat your body well.
  • Watch what you're thinking.
  • Solve the little problems.
  • Build Your Resilience
  • They're cool under pressure and able to handle problems as they come up.
  • Researchers have identified the qualities that make some people seem naturally resilient even when faced with high levels of stress.
  • Think of change as a challenging and normal part of life.
  • setbacks and problems as temporary and solvable.
  • you will succeed if you keep working toward your goals.
  • Take action to solve problems that crop up.
  • Build strong relationships
  • support system and ask for help
  • Participate regularly
    Helps to answer question 7

Good Sleep Habits For Teens - ProHealth Care - 0 views

  • Good sleep hygiene is important for everyone, from the youngest infant to senior citizens.
  • Teenagers have unique sleep requirements and sleep hygiene.
  • Below is a suggested checklist for teens:
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • avoid all products containing caffeine (including soda, chocolate, etc.) after 4:00 p.m.
  • avoid alcohol.
  • avoid smoking
  • Keep your teen away from stimulating activities in the late evening such a heavy studying
  • computer games
  • violent or frightening television shows
  • calm family atmosphere surrounding bedtime.
  • Do not let your teenager fall asleep while watching television or videos.
  • establish a regular exercise routine and healthy diet.
  • avoid late afternoon and evening bright light,
  • If allowed to "sleep-in" on the weekends, your teen's body clock will be disrupted, and he or she will have a very hard time waking up on Monday morning.
  • avoid napping
  • a short nap is okay, but limit it to 30 or 45 minutes.
    • Joti P
      This site is good in seeing how sleep affects teen life. It seems like a trusted site (.org)
    Good website for dealing with healthy sleeping cycles.

7 Most Effective Exercises - 0 views

  • Who doesn't want firm, flat abs?
  • begin lying on your back with feet flat on the floor and fingertips supporting your head.
  • Be careful not to pull your neck forward by sticking the chin out
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • don't hold your breath, and keep elbows out of your line of vision to keep chest and shoulders open.
  • take the standard crunch and rotate the spine toward one side as you curl off the floor
  • "It's really important that the twist comes first because then it's the obliques that are actually getting you up."
  • Burning belly fat requires the well-known formula: using up more calories than you take in.
  • work the ab muscles
  • Bent-over Row
  • Technique
  • the question is not so much whether the exercise works as how well you execute.
  • "Done with good technique, all exercises do what they're supposed to do,"
    cont.. #2

7 Most Effective Exercises - 0 views

  • 1. Walking
  • do anywhere,
  • 2. Interval training
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Whether you're a beginner or an exercise veteran, a walker or an aerobic dancer, adding interval training to your cardiovascular workout will boost your fitness level
  • 3. Squats
  • Strength training is essential, the experts say. "The more muscular fitness you have," says Cotton, "the greater the capacity you have to burn calories."
    Good examples on some other exercises to do at the gym.

Home Exercises For Teen Girls | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Commercial Crunch
  • McMaster University in Canada found that short bursts of exercises were just as effective as long sessions.
  • Dance, Dance
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • try playing a video game like "Dance, Dance Revolution." You'll burn calories and get to work on your moves at the same time, all in the comfort of your home.
  • try other video games geared to fitness such as "Wii Fit" or "Wii Active."
  • include activities and games so that you concentrate more on the fun than you do the exercise.
  • Pickup Game
  • purchase a basketball hoop, soccer net or hockey net for the home
  • You don't need to be a professional to try to shoot a few hoops
  • Workout Research
  • Your library can be a wealth of interesting workout ideas and programs that you can try so you never feel trapped into one workout program.
  • You may even find that you have a passion for a certain type of exercise, whether it's yoga, kickboxing, aerobics or something else
  • Friend Support
  • Talk one of your friends into exercising with you at home each day after school.
  • Make it a standing date that you meet up several times per week for exercising, and make a rule to not cancel on each other.
  • give you the final push that you need to become active and healthy.
    Some easy-to-do-at-home exercises. For question #6.
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