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Tools - 0 views

shared by Ole C Brudvik on 08 Nov 11 - Cached
  • Diigo Toolbar, best for power users, avaliable on IE, Firefox
    Or you can use Capture selected area function available in the Diigo Toolbar.

Managing Video Game Playing in the Home - 2 views

  • Managing Video Game Playing in the Home
    • anonymous
      coming out from the research "grand theft childhood" these sort of "practical guides" for parents to manage computer game to prevent addiction.
  • Get involved
    • anonymous
      since computer games is part of the child's life, parent then need to get involved in it, and seek ways to manage it, rather than just condemn it and mark it 'addiction'.
    I think your tagged resources and comments gives gives good insight into game addiction. It is a complex issue that can develop into psychological disorders and chemical dependency in the brain. Other factors as stages of development of children, personality, escape from real life and other contextual factors has an effect on this and a solution to game addiction should be based on managing such causes:)

Game Addiction Clinic Swamped - Slashdot - 0 views

  • "Although experts are still debating whether excessive game playing counts as an addiction, Mr Bakker has no doubt that the symptoms are the same. 'If we see a car burning outside, we don't sit around wondering what to call it,' he said. 'It is not a chemical dependency, but it's got everything of an obsessive-compulsive disorder and all of the other stuff that comes with chemical dependency.' Tim, a 21-year-old from Utrecht, said he had hardly left his bedroom for five years because he was so obsessed by his computer games. "
    • Ole C  Brudvik
      A newspaper in Australia refering to a Dutch gaming addiction comment on that game addiction is definitely psychological disorder. But other argue that it could also be an addiction defined as other addiction as for example drug or gambling addiction and therefore have a checmical dependency?

PlanetPapers - Virtual Addiction - 0 views

  • Computer game companies have proven that people under eighteen years of age play video games to a point of addiction because they want to evade pressures in their lives (“The Fantasy World ” 3). People often consider a job or their family life to be boring and tedious. A video game takes away that feeling by giving gamers a feeling of excitement. “Many people who are video game addicts are those who feel they have boring, mundane lives. Through gaming, they can experience the excitement that they feel they are lacking in their real lives” (Geggis 1). However, the idea of escaping the reality of work or family soon turns into neglect as the gamer becomes more addicted (Scheeres 7). People forget about their jobs and their families and only focus about the game. “I heard about a woman who left her child in the car because she was anxious to get to the next level in The Sims. The child was left there for two hours in a boiling car. I was disgusted when I read that” (Personal Interview). An addiction to computer games causes people to ignore things that can be very important. People escape from daily routines through playing computer games that are exciting and entertaining. Video games are addictive because they cause people to get away from reality.
  • computer games are addictive because they create challenges that can be overcome.

Teen Poker Dangers, Experts: Could Sow Seeds Of Gambling Addiction - CBS News - 0 views

  • Keith Whyte, executive director of the National Council on Problem Gambling, says gambling is "the most popular high-risk activity among teenagers, outpacing drinking, taking drugs and smoking."

wood_problems_game_addiction.pdf (application/pdf-objekt) - 2 views

    This paper argues that the recent concerns about video game "addiction" have been based less on scientific facts and more upon hysteria.
  • ...1 more comment...
    reading the article you shared, especially as expressed in the "general discussion" section, it's not inherent in the activity of playing computer game it self, nor simply about time management. i think it's more in the psychological side of the addict, that he/she actually choose to be addicted to game. just like anyone else can be addicted to smoking or playing golf.
    Two possible approaches: game addiction is/is not a real problem (dichotomous); or: game addiction exists on a scale from barely noticeable to debilitating. The article by Taylor and Francis below discusses a scale (7x3 indicators).
    Jørn, for you to complete this task and create your proposal for a solution to game addiction you should do some more research or look at the bookmark of the other students here and based on that write your proposal in the topic above: "Proposal for solution to game addiction". Your solution should be based on the bookmarks you add here.

Pathological Video Game Use Among Youths: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study - 2 views

  • Following a large sample across 2 years, this study provides needed data on risk factors for becoming a pathological gamer, how long pathological gaming lasts, outcomes, and whether it is a primary problem or is a symptom of comorbid problems.
    • Ole C  Brudvik
      is pathological a possible tag? Evidence for cause?
    Håvar, for you to complete this task and create your proposal for a solution to game addiction you should do some more research or look at the bookmark to the other students here and based on that write your proposal in the topic above: "Proposal for solution to game addiction"

Key Findings From Our Research - 2 views

    • anonymous
      it seems that the violence tendency is already in the children that they express it through video games; addiction can arguably be the same since the video game is simply an object which satisfy emptiness in the child, and without anything else, the child is hooked to the game. 
    • Ole C  Brudvik
      Andreas, you have moderator permission so then you can edit or add tags. Eeverybody are moderators now. What might be the tags for this bookmark?
4More - 1 views

    • Ole C  Brudvik
      You cculd use sticky notes on PDF and place it next to the text you are referring to.
    • Ole C  Brudvik
      Or copy/paste the text in the PDF in sticky note.
    inside te PDF?
    Copy the text from the PDF and paste it in a a comment to the PDF bookmark.

Male video game addiction is neural, study suggests - Technology & Science - CBC News - 1 views

  • Men are more rewarded by video games than women on a neural level, which explains why they're more likely to become addicted to them, researchers at Stanford University claim.
    This study says there is a difference between how men and women react to video games. Men more easily become addicted.
  • ...4 more comments...
    Jørn, this is also evidence:) what kind of evidence is it (make a tag for it)?
    Did you repost this? Seems like i cannot edit tags.
    click More->Edit this item
    Nope, that option does not appear for me: I posted the link, then you seem to have deleted and then reposted it and "taken possession" of it. Looks to me like only the poster can edit tags?
    Have changed your user privileges so that you now should be able to edit tags.
    i can see the "edit item" and add tags to it.maybe on the setting?

Unhealthy Gaming Habits and Addiction - 1 views

  • Similar to substance addictions, online gaming addictions are triggered by Individuals' needs to substitute real-life human connections, which they are unable to achieve normally. Through a virtual fantasy world and real people connected by the internet, MMORPGs allow these people to create these human connections. This may be one reason why people are easily addicted to these games; they need to substitute real interpersonal relationships with virtual ones through a game.
    This is similar line of thoughts with the article I shared recently.

Recent innovations in video game addiction research and theory - 0 views

  • changes in the conceptual definition of video game addiction
  • According to Shotton, ‘dependents’ were drawn to computers because they offered a safe retreat from an uncertain world. Some users were reported to value time spent on their computer above all other life activities, including work and interpersonal relationships
  • Shotton therefore concluded that the potential for harm resulting from computer dependency was outweighed by the many positive aspects of computer use
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Similarly, early studies of problematic video game use often did not propose specific psychological criteria for dependent or problem video game use (e.g. Selnow, 1984). Research studies tended to focus on factors such as amount of time or money spent on video games, or the extent to which video game playing displaced other activities, in their conceptual framing of problem behaviour. For example, Selnow’s (1984) study defined ‘heavy’ video game play according to the basis of frequency of visits to an arcade, average playing duration and amount of money spent on the video game machine. In numerous studies, those individuals who played video games on a highly regular basis, or played video games instead of going to work or school, were thought to be ‘problem’ or ‘dependent’ users. This emphasis on time spent playing and the negative consequences of video game play over other more fundamental psychological criteria for addiction (such as impaired control) led to a large number of individuals being classified as ‘addicted’. It may be for this reason that some studies have reported prevalence rates of video game addiction in adolescents above 10%, an unusually high rate for addictive behaviours (e.g. Griffiths & Hunt, 1998).
    • anonymous
      maybe what we label 'addict' is not an addict at all, due to lack of objective measure to measure addition in computer game.
  • Given these issues of validity, it is perhaps not surprising that Shotton concluded that the individuals in her study did not appear to be ‘dependent’ on computers at all, rather they were simply highly involved in computers as a form of hobby and sometimes used them as a way of coping with stressful life events.
  • One popular model is Brown’s (1997) ‘components’ model of addiction, which states that six core features must be present for a significant period of time in order to indicate addiction
  • The concept of video game addiction is often criticised for its lack of an identifiable object to which players are addicted to in video games (Stern, 1999).
  • That is, video games are not inherently addictive, they simply provide an outlet for emotionally vulnerable individuals to deal with, or perhaps escape from, their real life problems
  • These players preferred electronic friendship because it was easier than managing interpersonal relationships and helped to forget feelings of loneliness
    • anonymous
      If we see this issue of online game addiction in light of the affordance the technology offers. it seems to me that, the new technology (i.e. online and mobile technology) offer new affordances to the users. These affordances allow the "dependant" or "suspected addict" to engage in an activity which was not possible to be done before, or at least not possible to be done conveniently before. That activity, just as any other activity, is in pursuing of a satisfaction towards the goal (reason for activity).  Example: the needs is companionship or friendship, it's an emotional needs to be part of a community; without the existence of facebook or internet or mobile technology, the activity which can be carried out to fulfill that need is to go out and meet new friends. However, with the existence of internet, and in particular Web 2.0, a substitute activity can be taken instead of that traditional method. For some people, this substitute-activity is more convenient and completely replaces the traditional activity.  Although the form of the activity is new, but the goal is not new. It's a basic drive of a human, whatever that is. Since it's all done virtually, so it's more likely that the goal is related to psychological rather than physical, or at least at the current stage of the technology. In the future when the technology can provoke our real senses, then it is getting closer to also cause physical addiction, because it can began to satisfy physical needs. This new substitute-activity is obviously technology-enabled, and most likely technology-dependent; therefore cannot be replicated outside the technology.  Thus, I think, what we see as an addiction towards technology (online game) is actually a degree of dependence on technology to satisfy a need that was perceived to only be able to be satisfied by through that technology. The more dependants they are to technology to satisfy that need, the more it become, what we see as, addiction. What can we do to avo
  • Research suggests that some video games are more psychologically appealing than others
    • anonymous
      ya it began to make sense, since the addiction relates to the affordances of the tool. mm.. so yes, i change my mind then, a game can be addictive, although as any affordances it's a matter of perception. if the" dependent" perceive that affordances, then they can get hooked.
  • These findings suggested that the characteristics of video games themselves could influence the initiation, development and maintenance of video game playing, and by extension, problematic video game playing.
    Global Media Journal - Australian Edition - Volume 4:1 2010

Adults addicted to Video Game - 1 views

    a news about game addiction amongst young adult
    it's interesting to see that adults also get addicted to video/online games, thus the addiction is not restricted to just children.

What Is Video Game Addiction - 0 views

  • Video game addictions are similar to other addictions in terms of the amount of time spent playing, the strong emotional attachment to the activity, and the patterns of social difficulties experienced by gaming addicts.
    • anonymous
      it's a form of addition, and share some properties with other similar type of addictions.
  • As with all addictions, it is important when considering the possibility of a video game addiction to not simply consider the amount of time spent gaming, but also the function it is serving the individual. Video game playing, as one of a range of recreational activities, may not be harmful or indicate an addiction. On the other hand, when game playing is addictive, it takes over as the person’s main way of coping with life, with other important areas of life being neglected or disrupted as a result.
    • anonymous
      not all game user can be called addict, it depends on the function that game plays in the person's life.
    article discussing about Game Addiction.
    there are some interesting view here, IMHO, i highlight them.

Olson_Motivations for Play_final.pdf (application/pdf-objekt) - 0 views

    Electronic games are now an everyday part of childhood and adolescence. The debate has moved from whether children should play video games to how to maximize potential benefits and to identify and minimize potential harms. To do this, we must understand what motivates children to play electronic games and what needs the games meet. Drawing on a survey of 1,254 middle school children, focus groups with boys and their parents, and findings from other quantitative and qualitative research, the author describes a variety of motivations for video game play (including games with violent content) and how these may vary based on factors such as mood, environment, personality, and developmental stage. The findings are put into the context of normal development, and suggestions are given for parents, educators, and researchers.
    Interesting article from Andreas about childrens motivations to play games and how these varies based on various factors.

Grand theft childhood: the ... - Lawrence Kutner, Cheryl K. Olson - Google Books - 0 views

    interesting book as a result from various research in the violance in video games, and how they affecting children, and are they affecting children, and managing video game in a child's life.

Computer Gaming Addiction (Addiction Behavior) - 1 views

    • anonymous
      - Causes is not clear- Similar to any other addiction Phenomena which enforce addiction: -  high accessibility of screen, - 'positive' (or perception of positive) immediate 'benefit' felt by user  basically just like a drug, even the brain respond similarly (in chemical terms)it's categorically classified as behavioural addiction what's interesting is (in my opinion): in one of the slides, it's said that the profile of 'game addiction is "low social" activity, however, i think, with the rise of social media, there are more and more social-based games, and as any social media, the more social it is, the more engaging it become; and thus even more addictive.  So where is the problem lies? Within the social context? Or within the person? Or just chemicals?
    Interesting point, just a note on this: research on addiction states that it is located in a particular area of our brain and people get addicted to different things.Like drugs, food, gambling etc. Maybe food for you Andreas and me:) Maybe its genetic, related to life situation, environment, gender, different causes for different addictions...i dont know. Looking forward to you finding out and deciding the causes together for game addiction:) Interesting tags starts to appear here in your bookmarks:) use tags for every possible cause you identify.
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