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kuni katsuya

BlazeDS Developer Guide - 0 views

  • Serializing between ActionScript and Java
  • java.util.Date (formatted for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC))
  • java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Date
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Object (generic)
  • java.util.Map
  • Array (dense)
  • java.util.List
  • List becomes ArrayList SortedSet becomes TreeSet Set becomes HashSet Collection becomes ArrayList
  • Array (sparse) java.util.Map java.util.Map
  • java.util.Map If a Map interface is specified, creates a new java.util.HashMap for java.util.Map and a new java.util.TreeMap for java.util.SortedMap.
  • BlazeDS passes an instance of java.util.ArrayList to parameters typed with the java.util.List interface and any other interface that extends java.util.Collection. Then these types are
  • sent back to the client as mx.collections.ArrayCollection instances
  • If you require normal ActionScript Arrays sent back to the client, you must set the legacy-collection element to true in the serialization section of a channel-definition's properties; for more information, see Configuring AMF serialization on a channel.
  • legacy-collection Default value is false. When true, instances of
  • java.util.Collection
  • are returned as
  • ActionScript Arrays
  • legacy-map Default value is false. When true, java.util.Map instances are serialized as an ECMA Array or associative array instead of an anonymous Object.
  • A typical reason to use custom serialization is to avoid passing all of the properties of either the client-side or server-side representation of an object across the network tier.
  • standard serialization scheme, all public properties are passed back and forth between the client and the server.
  • Explicitly mapping ActionScript and Java objects
  • Private properties, constants, static properties, and read-only properties, and so on, are not serialized
kuni katsuya

3 ways to serialize Java Enums | Vineet Manohar's blog - 0 views

  • Mapping enum to database column using JPA/Hibernate You can use any of the 3 approaches discussed above. Map the enum to an integer column. The persistence implementation should automatically convert enum to ordinal() and back for you. Map the enum to a String column. The persistence implementation should automatically convert the enum value to String value via the name() function. Map the enum using a business value. You should mark the enum field as @Transient, and create another String field which you can map to a String column in your database table. Here’s an example code snippet. view plaincopy to clipboardprint?@Entity  public class Product {   @Column   private String colorValue;     @Transient   public Color getColor() {    return Color.fromValue(colorValue);   }     public void setColor(Color color) {    this.colorValue = color.toValue();   }  }  
  • Approach 3: Using a user defined business value – Recommended approach! This approach involves assigning a an explicit user defined value to each enum constant and defining a toValue() and fromValue() methods on the enum to do the serialization and deserialization.
  • public enum Color {   RED("RED"), GREEN("GREEN"), BLUE("BLUE"), UNKNOWN("UNKNOWN");     private final String value;     Color(String value) {     this.value = value;   }     public static Color fromValue(String value) {     if (value != null) {       for (Color color : values()) {         if (color.value.equals(value)) {           return color;         }       }     }       // you may return a default value     return getDefault();     // or throw an exception     // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid color: " + value);   }     public String toValue() {     return value;   }     public static Color getDefault() {     return UNKNOWN;   }  }  public enum Color { RED("RED"), GREEN("GREEN"), BLUE("BLUE"), UNKNOWN("UNKNOWN"); private final String value; Color(String value) { this.value = value; } public static Color fromValue(String value) { if (value != null) { for (Color color : values()) { if (color.value.equals(value)) { return color; } } } // you may return a default value return getDefault(); // or throw an exception // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid color: " + value); } public String toValue() { return value; } public static Color getDefault() { return UNKNOWN; } } This approach is better than approach 1 and approach 2 above. It neither depends on the order in which the enum constants are declared nor on the constant names.
kuni katsuya

Chapter 4. Remoting and Serialization - 0 views

  • 4.3. Mapping Java and AS3 objects
  • data conversions are done during serialization/deserialization
  • Externalizers and AS3 Code Generation
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • Due to the limited capabilities of the ActionScript 3 reflection API than cannot access private fields, it is necessary to create an externalizable AS3 class (implementing flash.utils.IExternalizable and its corresponding externalizable Java class
  • writeExternal
  • In both classes you have to implement two methods
  • the Gas3 generator can automatically generate the writeExternal and readExternal methods.
  • With GraniteDS automated externalization and without any modification made to our bean, we may serialize all properties of the Person class, private or not
  • In order to externalize the entity bean, we must tell GraniteDS which classes we want to externalize with a
  • externalize all classes named com.myapp.entity.Person by using the org.granite.hibernate.HibernateExternalizer
  • you could use this declaration, but note that type in the example above is replaced by
  • instance-of:
  •             <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Entity"/>             <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass"/>             <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Embeddable"/>
  • : type
  • annotated-with
  • Instead of configuring externalizers with the above method, you may use the
  • feature:
  • precedence rules for these three configuration options:
  • <granite-config scan="true"/>
  • autoscan
  • GraniteDS will scan at startup all classes
  • found in the classloader of the GraniteConfig class, and discover all externalizers (classes that implements the GDS Externalizer interface)
  • DefaultExternalizer
  • this externalizer may be used with any POJO bean.
    4.3. Mapping Java and AS3 objects
kuni katsuya

Agile/Evolutionary Data Modeling: From Domain Modeling to Physical Modeling - 0 views

  • serial approach which risks communication errors
    • kuni katsuya
      serial approach, aka 'throw it over the wall' approach
  • parallel approach which risks double work (both of us would have explored the same schema issues, her from an object point of view and me from the data point of view) and incompatible work (we could have easily made different schema design decisions)
kuni katsuya

Adobe Community: Updated Groovy template for GraniteDS Builder (gas3) - 0 views

  • Updated Groovy template for GraniteDS Builder (gas3)
  • also stripped out the specialized GraniteDS datatypes in favor of the LCDS serialization convention that Adobe uses (i.e. a Java map should translate to an 'Object' type, a Java enum should translate to a 'String', and Java collections should always serialize as 'ArrayCollection')
  • didn't do a 'base' version and a version that doesnt get touched by the code generator, but you could easily do so by modifying this template
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • two versions
  • for Managed entities:
  • meant for non managed entities:
kuni katsuya

entity-pruner - prune JPA entities so they can be serialized for client service calls -... - 1 views

  • entity-pruner prune JPA entities so they can be serialized for client service calls
kuni katsuya

GraniteDS - deserialize ActionScript object to a Java Map object - Ross Henderson - 0 views

  • GraniteDS – deserialize ActionScript object to a Java Map object
  • key of type String and a value of type List
  • HOWEVER, the value has to be an ArrayCollection, not an Array.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Dictionary object is very similar to Java’s Map object.
  • Granite claims to implement the same serialization/deserialization matrix as BlazeDS (with two small exceptions).
kuni katsuya

Google Groups - 0 views

  • new ArrayCollection();
  • new ArrayCollection();
  • new ArrayCollection();
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • new ArrayCollection();
  • new ArrayCollection();
  • You cannot serialize ListCollectionView instances directly. Use ArrayCollection instead in your constructor :
  • new ArrayCollection();
  • ListCollectionView to List<E> conversion
  • send a ListCollectionView object to a java method that accepts a java.util.List, I get a NoSuchMethodException.
kuni katsuya

Project Overview - 0 views

  • Project Overview
  • comprehensive development and integration platform for building Flex / Java EE RIA applications
  • open source
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • implementation of the Flex remoting protocol and of the AMF3 data format, with out-of-the-box adapters for all usual Java frameworks
kuni katsuya

Chapter 1. Getting Started - 0 views

  • Hello World, revisited with EJB3
  • history is persisted in the database by means of a JPA entity bean and those objects are serialized back to the Flex client each time you enter a new name.
kuni katsuya

Chapter 10. Integration with CDI - 0 views

  • GraniteDS provides out-of-the-box integration with CDI via the Tide API
  • Integration with CDI
  • fully supports serialization of JPA entities from and to your Flex application, taking care of lazily loaded associations
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • GraniteDS also integrates with container security for authentication and role-based authorization
  • granite-cdi.jar
  • JBoss 6 and GlassFish v3
kuni katsuya

Chapter 9. Integration with Seam 2.2 - 0 views

  • Integration with Seam 2.2
  • GraniteDS provides out-of-the-box integration with Seam 2.2 via either the RemoteObject API or the Tide API to remotely call Seam components, and fully supports serialization of JPA entities from and to your Flex application, taking care of lazily loaded associations
kuni katsuya

Chapter 15. Data Management - 1 views

  •  abstractEntity.uid();
    • kuni katsuya
      sets the uid before persist
  •  UUID.randomUUID().toString();
  • AbstractEntity 
  • ...70 more annotations...
  • @MappedSuperclass
  • Important things on ID/UID
  • entity lives in three layers:
  • Flex client
  • JPA persistence context
  • database
  • When updating existing entities coming from the database
  • id is defined and is maintained in the three layers during the different serialization/persistence operations
  • when a new entity is being created in any of the two upper layers (Flex/JPA)
  • new entity has no id until it has been persisted to the database
  • most common solution is to
  • have a second persisted id, the uid
  • which is created by the client and persisted along with the entity
  • recommended approach to avoid any kind of subtle problems is to have a real uid property which will be persisted in the database but is not a primary key for efficiency concerns
  • You can now ask Tide to
  • limit the object graph before sending it
  • Flex with the following API :
  • EntityGraphUnintializer
  • uninitializeEntityGraph
  • Person object will be uninitialized
  • uperson contains
  • only the minimum of data
  • to correctly merge your changes in the server persistence context
  • Tide uses the
  • client data tracking
  • to determine which parts of the graph need to be sent
  • Calling the EntityGraphUninitializer manually is a bit tedious and ugly, so there is a cleaner possibility when you are using generated typesafe service proxies
  • annotate your service method arguments with :
  • @Lazy
  • take care that you have added the [Lazy] annotation to your Flex metadata compilation configuration
  • in the Flex application, register the UninitializeArgumentPreprocessor component in Tide as follows :
  • [UninitializeArgumentPreprocessor]
  • all calls to will
  • automatically use a properly uninitialized version
  • of the person argument.
  • 15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • simplify the handling of data between Flex and Java EE
  • Chapter 15. Data Management
  • Tide maintains a client-side cache of entity instances and ensures that every instance is unique in the Flex client context
  •  uid().hashCode();
  • Tide currently only supports Integer or Long version fields, not timestamps and that the field must be nullable
  • in a multi-tier environment (@Version annotation)
  • highly recommended to use
  • JPA optimistic locking
  • highly recommended to add a
  • persistent uid field
  • AbstractEntity
  • in general this identifier will be
  • initialized from Flex
  • @Column(name="ENTITY_UID", unique=true, nullable=false, updatable=false, length=36)     private String uid;
  • @Version     private Integer version;
  • uid().equals(((AbstractEntity)o).uid())
  • consistent identifier through all application layers
  • @PrePersist
  • 15.3. Reverse Lazy Loading
  • 15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • 15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • 15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • entity instance can be in two states :
  • Stable
  • Dirty
  • property meta_dirty is
  • bindable
  • could be used
  • to enable/disable a Save button
  • correct way of knowing if any object has been changed in the context, is to use the property meta_dirty of the Tide context
  • tideContext.meta_dirty
  • reliable when using optimistic locking
  • check that its @Version field has been incremented
1 - 16 of 16
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