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kuni katsuya

Chapter 4. Remoting and Serialization - 0 views

  • 4.3. Mapping Java and AS3 objects
  • data conversions are done during serialization/deserialization
  • Externalizers and AS3 Code Generation
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • Due to the limited capabilities of the ActionScript 3 reflection API than cannot access private fields, it is necessary to create an externalizable AS3 class (implementing flash.utils.IExternalizable and its corresponding externalizable Java class
  • writeExternal
  • In both classes you have to implement two methods
  • the Gas3 generator can automatically generate the writeExternal and readExternal methods.
  • With GraniteDS automated externalization and without any modification made to our bean, we may serialize all properties of the Person class, private or not
  • In order to externalize the entity bean, we must tell GraniteDS which classes we want to externalize with a
  • externalize all classes named com.myapp.entity.Person by using the org.granite.hibernate.HibernateExternalizer
  • you could use this declaration, but note that type in the example above is replaced by
  • instance-of:
  •             <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Entity"/>             <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass"/>             <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Embeddable"/>
  • : type
  • annotated-with
  • Instead of configuring externalizers with the above method, you may use the
  • feature:
  • precedence rules for these three configuration options:
  • <granite-config scan="true"/>
  • autoscan
  • GraniteDS will scan at startup all classes
  • found in the classloader of the GraniteConfig class, and discover all externalizers (classes that implements the GDS Externalizer interface)
  • DefaultExternalizer
  • this externalizer may be used with any POJO bean.
    4.3. Mapping Java and AS3 objects
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