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kuni katsuya

Stephen Colebourne's blog: Javadoc coding standards - 0 views

  • Javadoc coding standards
  • explain some of the rationale for some of my choices
  • this is more about the formatting of Javadoc, than the content of Javadoc
  • ...63 more annotations...
  • Each of the guidelines below consists of a short description of the rule and an explanation
  • Write Javadoc to be read as source code
  • Making Javadoc readable as source code
  • Public and protected
  • All public and protected methods should be fully defined with Javadoc
  • Package and private methods do not have to be, but may
  • benefit from it.
    • kuni katsuya
      think of it as internal design documentation when you revisit this code 8 months from now: - based on nothing but your well-chosen ;) package/class/method/variable names, will you recall all of your current design intentions and rationale? likely not - when you hand-off this code to another software engineer, how easy will it be to mostly rtfm? will you have to waste time preparing design/implementation notes specifically for the hand-off? if this is the case because the code is unreadable and not self-guiding and there's not already at least high level design notes in a wiki, you're doing it wrong!
  • If a method is overridden in a subclass, Javadoc should only be present if it says something distinct to the original definition of the method
    • kuni katsuya
      ie. don't just copy-paste the javadoc from the superclass. that's mindless and pointless monkey work
  • Use the standard style for the Javadoc comment
  • Do not use '**/' at the end of the Javadoc
  • Use simple HTML tags, not valid XHTML
  • XHTML adds many extra tags that make the Javadoc harder to read as source code
  • Use a single <p> tag between paragraphs
  • Place a single <p> tag on the blank line between paragraphs:
    • kuni katsuya
      this at least makes the paragraph breaks wysiwygísh and somewhat easier to read
  • Use a single <li> tag for items in a list
  • place a single <li> tag at the start of the line and no closing tag
  • Define a punchy first sentence
  • it has the responsibility of summing up the method or class to readers scanning the class or package
  • the first sentence should be
  • clear and punchy, and generally short
  • use the third person form at the start
  • Avoid the second person form, such as "Get the foo"
  • Use "this" to refer to an instance of the class
  • When referring to an instance of the class being documented, use "this" to reference it.
  • Aim for short single line sentences
  • Wherever possible, make Javadoc sentences fit on a single line
  • favouring between 80 and 120 characters
  • Use @link and @code wisely
  • @link feature creates a visible hyperlink in generated Javadoc to the target
  • @code feature provides a section of fixed-width font, ideal for references to methods and class names
  • Only use @link on the first reference to a specific class or method
  • Use @code for subsequent references.
  • This avoids excessive hyperlinks cluttering up the Javadoc
  • Never use @link in the first sentence
  • Always use @code in the first sentence if necessary
  • Adding a hyperlink in that first sentence makes the higher level documentation more confusing
  • Do not use @code for null, true or false
  • Adding @code for every occurrence is a burden to both the reader and writer of the Javadoc and adds no real value.
  • Use @param, @return and @throws
  • @param entries should be specified in the same order as the parameters
  • @return should be after the @param entries
  • followed by @throws.
  • Use @param for generics
  • correct approach is an @param tag with the parameter name of <T> where T is the type parameter name.
  • Use one blank line before @param
  • This aids readability in source code.
  • Treat @param and @return as a phrase
  • They should start with a lower case letter, typically using the word "the". They should not end with a dot. This aids readability in source code and when generated.
  • treated as phrases rather than complete sentences
  • Treat @throws as an if clause
  • phrase describing the condition
  • Define null-handling for all parameters and return types
    • kuni katsuya
      ideally, if the method in question has any specified/required pre and/or post conditions, they should be noted in the javadoc, not *just* null handling also, there are cleaner ways to design around this type of old school null handling hackage
  • methods should define their null-tolerance in the @param or @return
  • standard forms expressing this
  • "not null"
  • "may be null"
  • "null treated as xxx"
    • kuni katsuya
      DO NOT DO THIS this is just bad design
  • "null returns xxx"
    • kuni katsuya
      this might also stink of poor design ymmv
  • In general the behaviour of the passed in null should be defined
  • Specifications require implementation notes
  • Avoid @author
  • source control system is in a much better position to record authors
  • This wastes everyone's time and decreases the overall value of the documentation. When you have nothing useful to say, say nothing!
    • kuni katsuya
      likewise with javadoc on things like default constructors /**  * Creates an instance of SomeClass  */ public SomeClass() {} is equally useless and unnecessarily clutters up the source code
kuni katsuya

MySQL :: MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual :: Driver/Datasource Class Name... - 0 views

  • useUnicode
    • kuni katsuya
    • kuni katsuya
      see also: if characterEncoding is unspecified, jdbc driver sets it to the character set specified by the mysql system
  • defaults to 'true'
  • characterEncoding
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • If 'useUnicode' is set to true, what character encoding should the driver use when dealing with strings? (defaults is to 'autodetect')
    • kuni katsuya
    • kuni katsuya
      if characterEncoding is unspecified, jdbc driver sets it to the character set specified by the mysql system
kuni katsuya

Access Tokens and Types - Facebook Developers - 0 views

  • Access Tokens and Types
  • Access Tokens
  • random string that provides temporary, secure access to Facebook APIs
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • token identifies a User, App or Page session and provides information about granted permissions
  • Types
  • User Access
  • generated in the login flow when a
  • Facebook Pages
  • on behalf of a user
  • use this token to perform API calls
  • Page Access
  • used to
  • manage
  • user grants permissions to an app
  • user who is the
  • App Secret or an App Access token should never be included in any code that could be accessed by anyone other than a developer of the app
  • must grant an extended permission called
  • manage_pages
  • use this type of token to make API calls
  • on behalf of a page
  • unique to each page, admin and app
  • App Access
  • useful to modify app settings, create and manage test users or read App Insights data
  • use app tokens to publish or delete content
  • on behalf of a user
  • unique to each app
  • Security Best Practices
  • extremely important that an App Secret is not compromised
  • Page admin
  • App Access Tokens should only be used directly from your app's servers in order to provide the best security
kuni katsuya

JAAS Reference Guide - 0 views

  • JavaTM Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) Reference Guide
  • Common Classes Subject Principals Credentials
  • Authentication Classes and Interfaces
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Authorization Classes Policy AuthPermission PrivateCredentialPermission
  • Subject
  • Principals
  • Credentials
  • Authorization Classes
  • Policy
  • AuthPermission
kuni katsuya

Chapter 17. Configuration Reference - 0 views

  • <security>
  • custom security service that should implement
  • services-config.xml
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • contains all the remoting and messaging configuration of the application. There are three main sections: channels, factories and services.
kuni katsuya

JPA Reference Guide - JBoss AS 7.1 - Project Documentation Editor - 0 views

  • Troubleshooting The logging can be enabled to get the following information: INFO - when persistence.xml has been parsed, starting of persistence unit service (per deployed persistence.xml), stopping of persistence unit service DEBUG - informs about entity managers being injected, creating/reusing transaction scoped entity manager for active transaction TRACE - shows how long each entity manager operation took in milliseconds, application searches for a persistence unit, parsing of persistence.xml
  • Container-managed Extended Persistence context
  • extended persistence context can
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • span multiple transactions
  • and allows data modifications to be queued up (like a shopping cart),
  • without an active JTA transaction
  • entity lifecycle
  • is managed by the underlying persistence provider.
  • New (transient):
  • an entity is new if it has just been instantiated using the new operator, and it is not associated with a persistence context. It has no persistent representation in the database and no identifier value has been assigned.
  • Managed (persistent):
  • a managed entity instance is an instance with a persistent identity that is currently associated with a persistence context.
  • Detached:
  • the entity instance is an instance with a persistent identity that is no longer associated with a persistence context, usually because the persistence context was closed or the instance was evicted from the context.
  • Removed:
  • a removed entity instance is an instance with a persistent identity, associated with a persistence context, but scheduled for removal from the database.
  • Replacing the current Hibernate 4.0.x jars with a newer version
  • update the current as7/modules/org/hibernate/main folder
  • Delete *.index files in as7/modules/org/hibernate/main and as7/modules/org/hibernate/envers/main folders
  • Remove the older jars and copy new Hibernate jars into as7/modules/org/hibernate/main + as7/modules/org/hibernate/envers/main.
  • Update the as7/modules/org/hibernate/main/module.xml
  • as7/modules/org/hibernate/envers/main/module.xml to name the jars that you copied in.
kuni katsuya

MySQL :: MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual :: Using Character Sets and Uni... - 0 views

  • Using Character Sets and Unicode
  • MySQL 3.23/4.0/4.1 Manual
  • MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • character encoding
  • could either be automatically detected from the server configuration, or could be configured by the user through the useUnicode and characterEncoding properties
  • character encoding between client and server is automatically detected upon connection
  • character_set_server for server versions 4.1.0 and newer
  • To override the automatically detected encoding on the client side, use the characterEncoding property in the URL used to connect to the server.
kuni katsuya

JPA Reference Guide - JBoss AS 7.0 - Project Documentation Editor - 0 views

  • Persistence unit properties
  • Should be hibernate3-bundled if Hibernate 3 jars are in the application archive (adapterModule and adapterClass will automatically be set for hibernate3-bundled).
  • (Hibernate 3 integration classes)
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Working with other persistence providers
  • A project to build integration for persistence providers like EclipseLink, is here.
  • Troubleshooting
  • “” logging can be enabled to get the following information: INFO - when persistence.xml has been parsed, starting of persistence unit service (per deployed persistence.xml), stopping of persistence unit service DEBUG - informs about entity managers being injected, creating/reusing transaction scoped entity manager for active transaction TRACE - shows how long each entity manager operation took in milliseconds, application searches for a persistence unit, parsing of persistence.xml
  • To enable TRACE, open the as/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml (or as/domain/configuration/domain.xml) file. Search for <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.0"> and add the category
  • Packaging the Hibernate 3.5 or greater 3.x JPA persistence provider with your application
  • needs to be set to hibernate3-bundled.
  • <property name="" value="hibernate3-bundled" />
  • Sharing the Hibernate 3.5 or greater JPA persistence provider between multiple applications
  • Applications can share the same Hibernate3 (for Hibernate 3.5 or greater) persistence provider by manually creating an org.hibernate:3 module (in the AS/modules folder). Steps to create the Hibernate3 module:
  • <property name="" value="org.hibernate:3" />
kuni katsuya

Internet media type - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Internet media type
  • two-part identifier for file formats on the Internet
  • called MIME types
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • sometimes referred to as Content-types
  • two or more parts:
  • media type
  • A type,
  • optional charset parameter
  • is composed of
  • a subtype
  • optional parameters.
  • and zero or more
  • indicate the character encoding (e.g. text/html; charset=UTF-8)
  • experimental or non-standard[3] media types were prefixed with x-
  • this practice was deprecated due to incompatibility problems when the experimental types were standardized
  • subtypes that begin with prs. are in the personal or vanity tree
  • Subtypes that begin with vnd. are vendor-specific
  • Limitations
  • may incorrectly classify a content's media type:
kuni katsuya

Introduction to Enterprise Architect, UML Modeling Tool [EA User Guide] - 0 views

  • Introduction to Enterprise Architect
  • Enterprise Architect User Guide provides tutorials, guidance and reference material to help you use Enterprise Architect in: Modeling With Enterprise Architect Model Management Project Management Model Auditing Model Baselining and Differencing Model User Security Model Version Control Code Engineering Visualization and Analysis of Code Execution RTF and HTML Document Creation (Reports)
  • Introduction to Enterprise Architect
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Enterprise Architect User Guide provides tutorials, guidance and reference material to help you use Enterprise Architect in: Modeling With Enterprise Architect Model Management Project Management Model Auditing Model Baselining and Differencing Model User Security Model Version Control Code Engineering Visualization and Analysis of Code Execution RTF and HTML Document Creation (Reports)
  • If you are new to modeling and UML as well as Enterprise Architect, or otherwise want a rapid review of the process of modeling with Enterprise Architect, go to the Quickstart Tutorial.
kuni katsuya

JPA Reference Guide - JBoss AS 7.1 - Project Documentation Editor - 0 views

  • Replacing the current Hibernate 4.0.x jars with a newer version
kuni katsuya

How do I migrate my application from AS5 or AS6 to AS7 - JBoss AS 7.0 - Project Documen... - 0 views

  • Configure changes for applications that use Hibernate and JPA
  • Update your Hibernate 3.x application to use Hibernate 4
  • Changes for Hibernate 3.3 applications
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Changes for Hibernate 3.5 applications
  • if your application uses Hibernate 3 classes that are not available in Hibernate 4, for example, some of the validator or search classes, you may see ClassNotFoundExceptions when you deploy your application. If you encounter this problem, you can try one of two approaches: You may be able to resolve the issue by copying the specific Hibernate 3 JARs containing those classes into the application "/lib" directory or by adding them to the classpath using some other method. In some cases this may result in ClassCastExceptions or other class loading issues due to the mixed use of the Hibernate versions, so you will need to use the second approach. You need to tell the server to use only the Hibernate 3 libraries and you will need to add exclusions for the Hibernate 4 libraries. Details on how to do this are described here: JPA Reference Guide.
  • In previous versions of the application server, the JCA data source configuration was defined in a file with a suffix of *-ds.xml. This file was then deployed in the server's deploy directory. The JDBC driver was copied to the server lib/ directory or packaged in the application's WEB-INF/lib/ directory. In AS7, this has all changed. You will no longer package the JDBC driver with the application or in the server/lib directory. The *-ds.xml file is now obsolete and the datasource configuration information is now defined in the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml or in the domain/configuration/domain.xml file. A JDBC 4-compliant driver can be installed as a deployment or as a core module. A driver that is JDBC 4-compliant contains a META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file that specifies the driver class name. A driver that is not JDBC 4-compliant requires additional steps, as noted below.
  • DataSource Configuration
  • domain mode, the configuration file is the domain/configuration/domain.xml
  • standalone mode, you will configure the datasource in the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
  • MySQL datasource element:
  •         <connection-url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/YourApplicationURL</connection-url>        <driver-class> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver </driver-class>        <driver> mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar </driver>
  •        <security>            <user-name> USERID </user-name>            <password> PASSWORD</password>        </security>
  • example of the driver element for driver that is not JDBC 4-compliant. The driver-class must be specified since it there is no META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file that specifies the driver class name.
  •  <driver-class>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</driver-class>
  • JDBC driver can be installed into the container in one of two ways: either as a deployment or as a core module
  • Install the JDBC driver
  • Install the JDBC driver as a deployment
  • In AS7 standalone mode, you simply copy the JDBC 4-compliant JAR into the AS7_HOME/standalone/deployments directory
  • example of a MySQL JDBC driver installed as a deployment:     AS7_HOME/standalone/deployments/mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar
kuni katsuya

Seam Framework - Cron Module Home - 0 views

  • Seam 3·>/Cron Module·
  • Scheduling and asynchronous invocation support for managed beans
  • Documentation: Reference Guide
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Type-safe Scheduled Method Execution
  • Built-in Qualifiers for Common Scheduling Needs
  • Asynchronous Method Execution with CDI Event-driven Callbacks
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