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kuni katsuya

Chapter 14. Tide client framework - 0 views

  • Tide client framework
  • framework features
  • Dependency Injection
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Event Bus
  • Contextual Components and Conversations
  • Contexts and Components
  • two main kinds of contexts:
  • global context
  • unique context that exists during the whole lifetime of the Flex application
  • compared to to the server-side session
  • conversation contexts
  • temporary contexts that can be created and destroyed at any time during the lifetime of the application
  • can exist simultaneously
  • isolated from each other
  • Components are stateful objects that can be of any ActionScript 3 class with a default constructor
  • have a name
  • A context is mostly a container for component instances
  • three available scopes:
  • session scope
  • conversation scope
  • event scope
    "Tide client framework"
kuni katsuya

Chapter 14. Tide client framework - 0 views

kuni katsuya

InfoQ: Dan Allen on Arquillian Testing Framework - 0 views

  • Arquillian Testing Framework
  • Arquillian is an integration and functional testing platform that can be used for Java middleware testing. With the main goal of making integration (and functional) tests as simple to write as unit tests, it brings the tests to the runtime environment, freeing developers from managing the runtime from within the test.
kuni katsuya

Article Series: Migrating Spring Applications to Java EE 6 - Part 1 | How to JBoss - 1 views

  • In fact people still love those books without realizing that the world has changed dramatically ever since
  • The reality check here is to wonder whether the rhetorics set forth by Rod Johnson in his 2003/2004 books are still actual today
  • So if you still care about those books, the best way to show your appreciation is probably to use them as your monitor stand
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • The discussion whether or not to use Spring vs. Java EE for new enterprise Java applications is a no-brainer
  • Why migrate?
  • since then fallen a prey to the hungry minds of Venture Capitalists and finally into the hands of a virtualization company called VMware
  • While the different companies and individuals behind the Spring framework have been doing some work in the JCP their voting behavior on important JSRs is peculiar to say the least
  • outdated ORM solution like JDBC templates
  • some developers completely stopped looking at new developments in the Java EE space and might have lost track of the current state of technology
  • size of the deployment archive
  • fairly standard Java EE 6 application will take up about 100 kilobytes
  • comparable Spring application weighs in at a whopping 30 Megabytes!
  • Lightweight
  • Firing up the latest JBoss AS 7 Application Server from scratch and deploying a full blown Java EE 6 application into the server takes somewhere between two and five seconds on a standard machine. This is in the same league as a Tomcat / Spring combo
  • Dependency injection
  • Java EE 6, the Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) specification was introduced to the Java platform, which has a very powerful contextual DI model adding extensibility of injectable enterprise services
  • Aspect Oriented Programming
  • “AOP Light” and this is exactly what Java EE Interceptors do
  • common pitfall when taking AOP too far is that your code might end up all asymmetric and unreadable. This is due to the fact that the aspect and its implementation are not in the same place. Determining what a piece of code will do at runtime at a glance will be really hard
  • Testing
  • With Arquillian we can get rid of mocking frameworks and test Java EE components in their natural environment
  • Tooling
  • capabilities comparison matrix below to map Spring’s technology to that of Java EE
  • Capability Spring JavaEE Dependency Injection Spring Container CDI Transactions AOP / annotations EJB Web framework Spring Web MVC JSF AOP AspectJ (limited to Spring beans) Interceptors Messaging JMS JMS / CDI Data Access JDBC templates / other ORM / JPA JPA RESTful Web Services Spring Web MVC (3.0) JAX-RS Integration testing Spring Test framework Arquillian *
kuni katsuya

Plummer's Mind: GraniteDS Tutorial: Intro to The Tide Client Framework - 0 views

  • GraniteDS Tutorial: Intro to The Tide Client Framework
  • only one per Application
  • Tide Context
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Tide will automatically inject shared data and correctly route events without requiring the application developer to write their own mechanism for sharing information or explicitly registering event listeners
  • Tide events are a simplification on the already existing Flex event framework
kuni katsuya

7. Tide Framework - Confluence - 0 views

  • GDS/Tide project represents the Data Services part of GDS
  • comparable to LiveCycle Data Services, which is neither open source nor free, as it provides similar features such as client container of managed entities, data paging, and integration with server components, but it is based on completely different principles:
  • strongly typed Hibernate/JPA detached objects
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • All managed entity instances are unique in a Tide context
  • Tide keeps the classic three layers web architecture, when LCDS removes the service layer, and is some kind of remote JPA provider for Flex applications
  • Tide approach is to minimize the amount of code needed to make things work between the client and the server
  • principles are very similar to the ones of JBoss Seam, which is the main reason why the first integration of Tide has been done with this framework. Integrations with Spring, EJB 3 and CDI are also available
  • need to compile your MXML/AS sources with the granite-essentials.swc and granite.swc libraries
kuni katsuya

ICW Developer Network - 0 views

  • ComparisonThis section provides a brief comparison of SAFs functionality with that of the Acegi Security Framework [11] and JBoss Seam Security [12]
  • Acegi’s Policy Decision functionality is not based on Java security standards but on a proprietary solution
  • ACL defines per domain object who has access permissions
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Both Acegi as well as SAF use AspectJ and Spring AOP for Policy Enforcement
  • JBoss Seam follows a different process when implementing Policy Decision functionality and sets access rules with the help of JBoss Rules [13] the JBoss rules engine
  • access decision to the domain objects in an application can be based on any number of complex rules
  • @Restrict annotations
  • 07.2007
kuni katsuya

8. Bean Validation (JSR-303) - Confluence - 0 views

  • "Bean Validation" specification (aka JSR-303) standardizes an annotation-based validation framework for Java
  • Flex doesn't provide by itself such framework. The standard way of processing validation is to use Validator subclasses and to bind each validator to each user input (see Validating data). This method is at least time consuming for the developer, source of inconsistancies between the client-side and the server-side validation processes, and source of redundancies in your MXML code.
  • GraniteDS introduces an ActionsScript3 implementation of the Bean Validation specification and provides code generation tools integration so that your Java constraint annotations are reproduced in your AS3 beans
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • GraniteDS validation framework provides a set of standard constraints
  • Constraint Description AssertFalse The annotated element must be false AssertTrue The annotated element must be true DecimalMax The annotated element must be a number whose value must be lower or equal to the specified maximum DecimalMin The annotated element must be a number whose value must be greater or equal to the specified minimum Digits The annotated element must be a number whithin accepted range Future The annotated element must be a date in the future Max The annotated element must be a number whose value must be lower or equal to the specified maximum Min The annotated element must be a number whose value must be greater or equal to the specified minimum NotNull The annotated element must not be null Null The annotated element must be null Past The annotated element must be a date in the past Pattern The annotated String must match the supplied regular expression Size The annotated element size must be between the specified boundaries (included)
  • Constraint annotations must be placed on public properties, either public variables or public accessors
  • -keep-as3-metadata+=AssertFalse,AssertTrue,DecimalMax,DecimalMin, Digits,Future,Max,Min,NotNull,Null,Past,Pattern,Size
  • must use
  • keep the constraint annotations in your compiled code
  • Error Messages and Localization
  • {name.notnull}
  • {name.minsize}
  • use the built-in ResourceBundle support offered by Flex:
  • to add support for different locales
  • follow the same principle:
  • create a for the new locale
  • translate all default error messages and add new ones for your customized message keys
  • Note that the bundle name must always be set to "ValidationMessages".
  • Using the FormValidator Class
kuni katsuya

Dependency injection discourages object-oriented programming? @ Blog of Adam Warski - 0 views

  • Dependency injection discourages object-oriented programming?
  • if you’re using DI, and you have an X entity, do you have an XService or XManager with lots of method where X is the first argument?
    • kuni katsuya
      evidence of the anti-pattern of procedural design in a java ee6 cdi application
  • previous way is more procedural
    • kuni katsuya
      ie. ProductService.ship(Product,Customer)
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • service/manager is a set of procedures you can run, where the execution takes a product and a customer as arguments
  • better
  • OO approach
  • not saying that achieving the above is not possible with a DI framework
  • only that DI
  • encourages the ProductService approach
    • kuni katsuya
      well, dependency injection, but moreover, the soa approach to service design tends to force otherwise intelligent software engineers into doing procedural design the services just end up being bags of method calls that implement any type of behavior, with the domain objects or entity beans being reduced to mere data structures with little responsibility or behavior beyond persistence. (which, in this anti-pattern, is typically mostly provided by the repository or dao class! ie. domain object crud)
  • it’s just easier
    • kuni katsuya
      ... if you just blindly follow the anti-pattern, of course  ;)
  • many benefits
    • kuni katsuya
      with the procedural approach, you also cannot implement polymorphic behavior, for instance
  • builder
  • fluent interface
  • it’s not for small projects
    • kuni katsuya
      fuckwhat? small or big matters not. if di is applied poorly, regardless of project size, it's an anti-pattern! disregard these comments!
  • problems with DI frameworks:
    • kuni katsuya
      not sure i agree with these points, but will refuse in a later sticky note
kuni katsuya

Agorava Project - 0 views

  • Agorava The Social Framework
kuni katsuya

List of unit testing frameworks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

kuni katsuya

Why I will use Java EE instead of Spring in new Enterprise Java Projects in 2012 - Java... - 0 views

  • J2EE was horrible
  • This is why the Spring framework was created
  • It was lightweight, easy to use, and applications could be deployed in a web container (such as Tomcat) instead of a heavy J2EE application server
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Pros and Cons of JEE and Spring
  • Advantages of JEE
  • set of standard specifications, thus it is vendor-independent
  • testing is possible!
  • Lightweight application servers and frameworks such as Arquillian arrived
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