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Zeddes Blog: Free Social Media Promotion; Exchange Unlimited Likes and Followers Free! ... - 0 views

    The is a social media promotion website driven by internet to give free likes and followings. It help in increasing likes and followings on all types of social media profiles like Facebook, twitter, linkedin.
Kilron Keit

SEO Marketing Expert - Marketing Technique by SEO Expert for Promoting Your Website Online - 0 views

    In today's technological world online business has placed its leg to promote service or products. But few people know that to promote website visibility of that particular manufacturer at search engine results there is need of SEO marketing expert. These can be afforded at very affordable rates at anytime.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: International Disability Day Schemes and Programmes - 0 views

    International day for persons with disabilities on 3rd December - Note on schemes for the welfare of persons with disabilities and concessions available to them. The Government of India is committed for the realization of full participation, protection of rights, and equal opportunities to all including persons with disabilities. India is a country where most of the population lives in the rural areas and accessing the health and rehabilitation services has always been a challenge. In a Backgrounder issued yesterday, a brief summary of the major steps initiated by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in this direction were given. Following is the Background Note on the legislative and Institutional framework along with the major schemes of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for the welfare of the People with Disabilities (PwDs). The Note also contains information on facilities and concessions available to PwDs under other central schemes which are being run by other Union Ministries. OFFER ON INTERNATIONAL DISABILITY DAY Wheelchair @ 4499 INR Tricycle @ 6500 INR Legislative Framework: There are four important legislations dealing on disabilities issues- The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, has laid the foundation of recognition of rights for Persons with Disabilities and has facilitated development of specific programmes for their education, rehabilitation, employment, non-discrimination and social security. The Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992 regulates and monitors training of rehabilitation professionals and personnel. The National Trust for the welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999, aims at enabling and empowering persons with disabilities to live independently as fully as possible in their community. Mental Health Act, 1987, address to the specific needs of persons with ment

Commercial Printers Toronto | Trade Printers Toronto | Tradeprint - 0 views

    Marketing is an integral part of business enhancement. It is really important for businesses to not to consider business promotion lightly. Print media must be given utmost importance. Digital Commercial Printers Toronto ensures that all kinds of promotional materials can be availed on time. is one of the best digital commercial printers Toronto that work best for organizational interest.

Top 10 Best Push Notification Tools To Boost Website Traffic: SMM - 0 views

    Mobile push notifications and web push notifications have suddenly become digital marketing world's blue-eyed babies. Businesses are using these push notification services to promote.
cieal per

4Easysoft Promotion Sales - 0 views

    Less budget,more functionality!The best mutimedia suite deals are now on discount!FREE to try!

Foot Care Products for Elderly & Senior Citizens - 0 views

    Foot Care Products for Elderly & Senior Citizens Elastic Knee Caps Muscle or Ligament strains can be really bothersome, especially at the knee joint. We often over-work our knees in strenuous physical activities and then suffer from inflammations or strains. You might want to pick up our Elastic Knee Cap. It provides compression, warmth and improves blood flow to the soft tissue areas surrounding the joint. Its lightweight, breathable and comfortable ensuring it's worn more often, thus improving its therapeutic results. The cotton knitted fabric releases sweat and permit airflow, which its ergonomic design ensures a two way stretch. USE KNEE TAPE TO PROTECT YOUR KNEES AGAINST INJURY Vissco Elastic Tubular Knee Caps Net Price:Rs 210 Before undertaking strenuous activities where you will be bending your knees, it is worthwhile to protect your knees using knee tape. This special type of tape is designed to provide added support to the muscles to help lower the likelihood of sustaining an injury, compared to not using any taping product. In addition, the tape helps protect people who have already had a previous knee injury, as well as those recovering from a current injury. The knee tape integrates with the body so that you do not realize it is there. The weave pattern of the tape is uniquely designed to provide elasticity and move as your knee and leg moves. As a result, it replicates the same elasticity and thickness of your skin, while supporting and stabilizing the area, without adversely affecting your normal range of motion. Besides protecting your knees, you can apply the same type of tape to multiple regions on your body. With many precut designs available, it is possible to increase support for your ankles, elbows, wrists, shoulder, neck, back, groin, and other muscle groups. Go ahead and tape your entire body when you want complete protection for all of your muscle groups. Our Price:Rs214 Net Price:Rs210 ( Apply Coupon Code 'MSW2365' G
Alina Smith

Tips and Tricks on How to Blog on YouTube - 0 views

    Don't know how to blog on YouTube? No worry! Here are complete tips on how to create, post and promote a blog on YouTube.
explainers india

Explainers | Amazing Explainer Videos - 0 views

    We create amazing Explainer Videos that help promote your business, product or service.
Pinhopes Job Site

Climb up the career ladder faster | Few useful tips for Interview | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Reaching your work goals may look like a daunting task at first. With careful planning and implementation of right strategies, you can step up the career ladder quicker than you thought of. Here are few tips on how to get promoted at work quickly:

    Continue learning

    Learning is a lifelong process. To grow in your career, it is imperative that you keep accumulating knowledge across industries' trends, challenges and insights. Staying updated about your domain knowledge enables you to tackle challenges at work more efficiently and higher your chances of getting noticed by employers.

    Lead when required

    To take charge in a work environment doesn't always require you to be in a top position. You can assume a leadership role when circumstances demands at workplace. Exhibit your leadership skills while solving a critical problem at work by effectively communicating, motivating and working in coordination with other team members. Also start taking responsibilities a level in advance to show that you are ready for the next role.

    Give your best

    When you give your best in your work, you stay visible for your passion and performance. If you want to add more value to your work, then go t
karen Jain

What Are The Different Ways To Promote Ecommerce Businesses? | Website Designers & ... - 0 views

    The eCommerce business has a lot of users coming in. But, due to the increase in eCommerce sites, it has become a very competitive market. It has become difficult to convert the visitors to consume...

Samsung announced Galaxy S6 Edge Iron Man Limited Edition - 0 views

    Samsung announced the all new Galaxy S6 Edge Iron Man limited edition in collaboration with Marvel. Samsung and Marvel come together to promote Galaxy S6 Edge with Avengers: Age of Ultron. Younghee Lee, Executive Vice President of global marketing, IT & Mobile Division at Samsung Electronics said, "We are excited to be able to offer our world-class Galaxy S6 Edge smartphone designed especially for Iron Man fans through our continued collaboration with Marvel."
marshal sandler » Krumlr: Twitter - like Social Bookmarking - 0 views

    seths blog Your page Krum titled " » Seth's Blog: Why be good?", at url, that you added to your Krumlr page has been approved and promoted to the main page where it will be ranked with others based on its popularity. tabbloid_2009-01-01_0901 tabbloid_2009-01-01_0900-2 Krumlr: Twitter - like Social Bookmarking. Reblog this post [with Zemanta] Check out my lens Stumble It! Add this page to Mister Wong
marshal sandler

Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: We Will Prove You Wrong - 0 views

    February 21, 2009 Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: We Will Prove You Wrong Image representing Edelman as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase February 20, 2009 We Will Prove You Wrong "Jeff Jarvis handed me a copy of his new book, "What Would Google Do?" after we finished a brainstorm on health care costs at the World Economic Forum. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the author as a visionary and change agent. He does not disappoint in his very pointed and inspirational text that is a must-read for anyone in the communications business. His central thesis is that control has moved to the people, that companies are advised to tap into the power of networks and that marketing must be based on relationships."Richard Edleman The last person to attempted to take a stab at Mr Edleman's Profession was Jason Calacanis-It is pretty hard to criticize the field of public relations unless you have a backround in Semantics,General Semantics, Mathematics,Game Theory and Statistics- Not just mouthing the words but are educated in these fields-General Semantics is a field pioneered by Alfred Korzibski and promoted by Carl Rogers,S I Hayakawa and Antatol Rapaport-and others- The map is not the territory is a remark by Polish-American scientist and philosopher Alfred Korzybski, encapsulating his view that an abstraction derived from something, or a reaction to it, is not the thing itself, e.g., the pain from a stone falling on your foot is not the stone; one's opinion of a politician, favorable or unfavorable, is not that person; a metaphorical representation of a concept is not the concept itself; and so on. A specific abstraction or reaction does not capture all facets of its source-e.g., the pain in your foot does not convey the internal structure of the stone, you don't know everything that is going on in the life of a politician, etc.-and thus may limit an individual's understanding and cognitive abilities unless the two are distinguished. Korzybski hel

VoteMe - New Social Bookmarking Site for All Category - 0 views

    MyVote is a new social bookmark for all category where we could promote our site or blog for getting traffic and back link!
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | 5 Useful Web Applications For Webmasters - 0 views

    Being a webmaster, you've got your hands full, and I should know; I'm obviously one myself. So, anytime I come across applications to make the job easier, especially web applications, I'm quick to try them out and promote their greatness. In this article we have a social network popularity scanner, a 'people' scanner with real-time statistics (somewhat different than an analytical scan), a community based web application set for your business or website and more.
marshal sandler

Seth's Blog: Prizes, kindles, subscriptions, tweets-Subscribe Now « Ms12's We... - 0 views

    Seth's Blog: Prizes, kindles, subscriptions, tweets-Subscribe Now Posted on May 29, 2009 by ms12 Image via CrunchBase Prizes, kindles, subscriptions, tweets You can get alerts whenever this blog is updated by following @thisissethsblog on Twitter. Twitter is immersive. It washes over you. But what happens when a great link or clever post goes by?  Squidoo just launched a promotion around the new TwttrList tool. The power of this tool is that it turns the momentary stream of tweets into a permanent sign post. A curated best of instead of a random time-based river. You can chronicle a conference, or highlight great posts about your brand or event. This lets other people find your collection of the best tweets on Google, or see a series of messages without the noise in between. Here are a few good ones. Give it a try. Maybe you'll win something.  Posted by Seth Godin on May 28, 2009 and check out Related articles by Zemanta
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