Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts | - 0 views
marshal sandler on 03 May 09May 3, 2009 Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase I don't know Janets backround but no Social Media Consultant on the internet can present the features and how to use an application better ! There is a knack to creating information on Products very few do it successfully-her content is a manual for success ! Book Mark and Tag Janet Fouts-for Knowledge squidoo, marshalsandler, zemanta, chrisbrogan, seth, likaholix, micropersuasion, facebook, edelamdigital, edelmandigital, kindle2.0, comcast cares, nazis, tumblr, fox2dertoit, disqus,, trust, plummets, fredwilson, pownce, google, music, slavery,, search, wordpress, vimeo, holacost, wordle, newyorktimes, headup, bose, krumlr, scriptingnews, rocks, foodzie, edlemandigital, worldblog, customerservice, gothamgal, iphone, housefire, vegetableart, socialmedia, frankeliason, robocrunch, android,janetfouts,,ericgoldstein,steve rubel,edelman digital,shave,haircut,chris brogan,seth godin,techburgh,andyquayle,squid blog,Janet Fouts-Social media,how to, Twitter Client Battle | Janet Fouts. Enhanced by Zemanta diigo it Save Page to Krumlr! Stumble It! Add this page to Mister Wong Share and Enjoy: * Digg * Sphinn * * Facebook * Mixx * Google * * connotea * MisterWong.DE * BarraPunto * Faves * MisterWong * co.mments * SphereIt * Netvibes * Tumblr * LinkedIn * TwitThis * Reddit * Yahoo! Buzz * * StumbleUpon * YahooMyWeb Sphere: Related Content Blog Traffic Exchange Related Posts * Gotham Gal-Etiquette Image via Wikipedia It is no secret Gotham Gal is one of my favorites and is a top content creator ! I once posted a comment on her husband's web site that I still took notes on Crain StationaryWith A Quill pen ! My mother was very well...... * Disqus Add