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Laura Wood

Learning Matters - 0 views

    The Actual Home Page with links to the blog, podcasts, videos, interviews, latest news, etc.
Adrea Lawrence

World Digital Library Home - 0 views

shared by Adrea Lawrence on 21 Apr 09 - Cached
Julian Hipkins, III Video Player - 0 views

    This is a seven minute video that I found from MSNBC. It deals with the journey diamonds take from the mine to the store. My students were surprised at how much goes into producing a diamond.
Debbie Moore

Census in Schools - 0 views

    This site is sponsored by the U.S. Government, Census Bureau. It is speicfically designed as an educational resource for students, teachers and schools. The Census Bureau will provide lesson plans, maps, worksheets and other educational material free of charge to any teacher.
    I observed my cooperating teacher using this site (Census in Schools) for a 6th grade geography class. The students responded positively and were actively engaged in the lesson. The students were able to work with their own individual maps while exploring and answering essential questions. The site also has information and materials appropriate for all other grades. I think that this site could also be used for U.S. History since the first census orginiated for the purpose of creating a representative government.
Laura Wood

Peace Media - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      For "educators, students, organizations, and the community of practitioners working in the conflict management field" To "access multimedia materials that support conflict analysis and prevention, conflict resolution, and post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation." Very political
    • Laura Wood
      Again, I would strongly caution you to try out games and media first. The Darfur and UNHCR games are extremely violent.
    • Laura Wood
      Search by Keyword, Country, Region, Type of Resource, Subject, and/or Language
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    • Laura Wood
      The amount of info can get quickly overwhelming so I recommend searching for what you are particularly interested in. For example there are teaching guides for tons of movies and documentaries.
    Compiled database of games, radio programs, teaching materials, etc about global peace. Some of the content is rather graphic and all should be screened for appropriate audiences. Info on Darfur, refugees, education in various countries. Etc.
    Compiled database of games, radio programs, teaching materials, etc about global peace. Some of the content is rather graphic and all should be screened for appropriate audiences.
Erin Power

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on - 0 views

    Amazing speech by Sir Ken Robinson talking about how schools squash creativity, and multiple intelligences.
Julian Hipkins, III

Kimberlite Pipe Animation - 0 views

    This clip shows the process of diamonds coming up through a kimberlite pipe. My students begged me to show it over and over again.
Julian Hipkins, III

NATURE: Puzzles & Fun - 0 views

    This is a great visual explanation of how diamonds are formed. While explaining the process it's quite useful to have a detailed image to refer to.
Adrea Lawrence

Historical Currency Conversions - 0 views

    Historical currency converter in USD
Lauren Price

The Great Depression - Shmoop - 0 views

    Helpful link if you're looking for information on the Great Depression.
Laura Wood

FBI Youth - Home - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      So clearly the coolest link on this webpage is the "History" link. This will link you to the history of the FBI which is interesting in and of itself BUT also contains some links to primary documents. For example there is a link in 1966 called "six civil rights activists murdered" that takes you to the FBI file of the murder investigation. It might be really neat to have students look at this file and look at other accounts of this incident to understand how police/FBI officers interact with communities and crime. There's another neat account under June 1933 of the Kansas City Massacre!
    • Laura Wood
      The "FBI Investigates" tab is a little like the spy museum. It takes you through two cases, what happened and how investigators solved the crime. For any CSI - philes this might be some great info.
    • Laura Wood
      "FBI Adventures" is a little not as cool as I'd hoped. While they do give brief snapshots of country profiles, students don't get to actually investigate anything on their own. What they Could do is begin to see how even crime is globalized and how countries now have to work together to protect citizens - an interesting angle on globalization/global studies.
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    • Laura Wood
      The "SA Challenge" is tragically lame. It's basically a cyber scavenger hunt to find the answers to questions about the website. Then you self check. If you find all the answers you get to be the director of the FBI - at least that's what the website says. Lame.
    • Laura Wood
      Again, "Games" are tragically low tech and pretty lame. Word hunt, etc.
    • Laura Wood
      "A day in the life" would be good for any students who were thinking about becoming FBI agents. Always good to give students career choices.
    FBI's youth website. Probably designed to entice kids to want to be in, support and trust the FBI. Some very cool stuff (no lesson plans). Check out the super rad "History" link!

Putney Student Travel Homepage - 0 views

    • jbdrury
      descriptions of the leadership/teaching postions they offer
    • jbdrury
      I know a lot of schools have community service requirements for their students; this would be a unique way of fulfilling them. I still have to stress that I think the tuition rates are MUCH too high. $5000 to volunteer for a month in India - I did the same on my own for about $400
    This is a travel education service that provides study abroad and volunteer opportunities for high school students, as well as summer leadership opportunities for adults/teachers. I have a few friends that took leadership positions and found it rewarding - too be honest I don't know how many people could afford the tuition though - yikes!

The Gullah: Rice, Slavery, and the Sierra Leone-American Connection - 0 views

    • jbdrury
      Well researched with bibliography
    • jbdrury
      You could incorporate this into any lesson plan dealing with the issue of slavery / I find the culture so fascinating I would design an entire lesson plan around it
    I couldn't resist adding this page; I consider myself fairly well-versed in American history yet I had never heard of the Gullah people until a few weeks ago. Absolutely fascinating in my opinion - and incredible that this culture still exists and is being preserved
Joellen Kriss

About: DocSouth - 0 views

    DocSouth is a website run through UNC Chapel Hill that provides pirmary sources relating to the American South via the internet. It's a really simple site to use, but extremely rich with content. It also provides guides on how to site the materials found within the site and could be a very good web site from which to draw primary sources for the classroom and also to help teach research skills.
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