A comprehensive listing of social networks used in educational environments. It includes links to topic areas that may be of use to teachers in this course. For example- art.
Hi Eric, what VLE/LMS do you use? What kind of issues did you run into? As your university explores blogs and wkis are they considering external sources?
Thanks to Todd for mentioning this Flickr photo in the Voice Thread. What do you think of this visual of PLE as a subset of PLN? Do you think it is accurate? Any suggestions for expanding the diagram?
I think you will find this video a helpful summary describing visually why educators should consider crating and participating in a personal learning network.
You have to check out this YouTube video of a 7th grade student giving a tour of her personal learning environment. The project was conducted as part of dissertation research implementing the use of networked learning and construction of personal learning environments in a 7th grade life science class.
Visit this presentation website to learn how educators can use Web 2.0 tools to communicate and collaborate with peers and learn about some of the newest tools teachers are using to support their own professional learning goals. Contains links to a number of PLN resources.
Thanks Abigail. After reading this, a point to ponder comes to mind. They mention that it is up to parents to monitor what is being expressed and that they have a presence in their child's online social network. If social networking is used in the classroom, how much responsibility does the teacher have? How do we inform the parents? What is their role in this case? Any thoughts?
Great blog Jamey! It emphasizes that the use of social networks in the classroom is not a simple black/white, good/bad, do/don't issue. As your last sentence mentions, it is so important that SNet-iquette be taught as it can have such a huge impact on a person's life. If it is not taught in the classroom, where will it be taught?
Stephen, meetup.com looks like a perfect network to help you with your goal of teaching American Military History online. Not only will you learn more about the content and make contacts, you can set up your course or module here.