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Ted Curran

Open Textbooks « Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources - 0 views

    Open Textbooks View over 500 open textbooks in many subject areas: Art Biology & Genetics Business Chemistry Computer Science Economics Education Engineering & Electronics English & Composition Health & Nursing History Languages & Communications Literature Math Music Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Science Sociology Statistics & Probability Find open and free textbooks that may be suitable for use in community college courses from the list of Subjects provided. For descriptions of these open textbooks, see listings in MERLOT and OER Commons. Most of the textbooks on this list have Creative Commons (CC) open licenses or GNU-Free Document License. Others are U.S. government documents in the public domain (PD). Many other textbooks are free to view online but are NOT OPEN for reuse and customization. See Copyrighted Digital Textbooks for a list of learning content without open licenses. Learn more about open textbooks:   FAQs Community College Open Textbook Project OER Commons
Ted Curran

BSP:: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. - 0 views

  • "Open access will revolutionize 21st century knowledge work and accelerate the diffusion of ideas and evidence that support just in time learning and the evolution of thinking in a number of disciplines." Daniel Pesut (Indiana University School of Nursing, USA)
  • They are an outstanding source of medical and scientific information." Jeffrey M. Weinberg (St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, USA)
  • "Open access journals are extremely useful for graduate students, investigators and all other interested persons to read important scientific articles and subscribe scientific journals. Indeed, the research articles span a wide range of area and of high quality. This is specially a must for researchers belonging to institutions with limited library facility and funding to subscribe scientific journals." Debomoy K. Lahiri (Indiana University School of Medicine, USA)
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  • "Open access journals represent a major break-through in publishing. They provide easy access to the latest research on a wide variety of issues. Relevant and timely articles are made available in a fraction of the time taken by more conventional publishers. Articles are of uniformly high quality and written by the world's leading authorities." Robert Looney (Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
  • "Not only do open access journals greatly improve the access to high quality information for scientists in the developing world, it also provides extra exposure for our papers." J. Ferwerda (University of Oxford, UK)
  • "In principle, all scientific journals should have open access, as should be science itself.
  • "The widest possible diffusion of information is critical for the advancement of science. In this perspective, open access journals are instrumental in fostering researches and achievements." Alessandro Laviano (Sapienza - University of Rome, Italy)
  • "Open access journals are probably one of the most important contributions to promote and diffuse science worldwide." Jaime Sampaio (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal)
  • "Open access journals make up a new and rather revolutionary way to scientific publication. This option opens several quite interesting possibilities to disseminate openly and freely new knowledge and even to facilitate interpersonal communication among scientists." Eduardo A. Castro (INIFTA, Argentina)
  • "Open access journals are freely available online throughout the world, for you to read, download, copy, distribute, and use. The articles published in the open access journals are high quality and cover a wide range of fields." Kenji Hashimoto (Chiba University, Japan)
  • "Open Access journals offer an innovative and efficient way of publication for academics and professionals in a wide range of disciplines. The papers published are of high quality after rigorous peer review and they are Indexed in: major international databases. I read Open Access journals to keep abreast of the recent development in my field of study." Daniel Shek (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
    This is a list of quotable testimonials about the value and quality of open educational journals from some respected institutions worldwide.
Ted Curran

Free Online Course Materials | Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology |... - 0 views

    Harvard Health Sciences Open CourseWare
Ted Curran

Health Education Assets Library - Home - 0 views

    An Open Health Sciences repository
Ted Curran

What the Best Online Teachers Should Do - 0 views

  • we explore methods of fostering student engagement, stimulating intellectual development, and building rapport with students when teaching online
  • What the Best College Teachers Do, Ken Bain (2004) identified a set of core characteristics of exemplary college teachers
  • The FLC was supported by funds provided by the Academic Affairs Division, and its members received a stipend of $500 for their participation.
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  • arguments and evidence are more important than facts and figures
  • communicating clear goals and expectations
  • incorporating multiple active learning opportunities
  • providing frequent, prompt, and constructive feedback
  • creating teacher support resources
  • an exploratory study of the practices of exemplary online teachers, Lewis and Abdul-Hamid (2006)
  • efforts to provide constructive and individualized feedback to students
  • facilitating student interaction
  • paying attention to how a course is organized and how teacher presence is enhanced
  • involvement and learning
  • most of the literature deals with the “science” of online teaching rather than the “art” of online teaching. In this paper, we attempt to remedy this state of affairs
  • Faculty Learning Community
  • The program typically includes a curriculum about enhancing teaching and learning with regularly-scheduled meetings and activities that provide participants with opportunities pertaining to the FLC’s major focus. An important component of an FLC is an emphasis on the scholarship of teaching and learning
  • eLearning Pedagogy FLC
  • Its general goal was to increase faculty interest in learning and teaching with instructional technologies
  • Peers are viewed as important in the learning process by creating an environment where “students can reason together and challenge each other” (p. 53) and grapple with the content together while building a sense of community
  • participants attended monthly meetings that included teaching and learning activities, development and training opportunities, and community building
  • participants read the literature on the scholarship of teaching and designed individual projects that allowed the assessment and evaluation of their instructional changes, suitable for presentation or publication in a professional journal
  • At the start of our FLC, we read Bain’s book, with the goal of discussing it in terms of its implications for teaching online
  • during these discussions, each FLC member listed out the major and most interesting points from Bain’s book
  • understanding is more important than remembering
  • we analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of what the best teachers studied by Bain did in terms of online teaching
  • creating effective student interactions with faculty, peers, and content
  • fostering student engagement
  • s timulating intellectual development
  • confronting intriguing, beautiful or important problems, authentic tasks that will challenge [students] to grapple with ideas, rethink assumptions and examine mental models of reality
  • building rapport with students
  • behaviors such as demonstrating and encouraging trust and potential in students, flexibility, self-directed learning, communicating learning and success intentions to students, and conveying realistic goals and expectations.
  • Fostering Student Engagement
  • foster engagement through effective student interactions with faculty, peers, and content
  • see the potential in every student, demonstrate a strong trust in their students, encourage them to be reflective and candid, and foster intrinsic motivation moving students toward learning goals
  • The best teachers want students to learn, regularly assess their efforts and make adjustments as needed, and accommodate diversity with sensitivity to student needs and issues
  • we summarized the major categories of behaviors shown by Bain’s best teachers that are most applicable to online teaching and learning
  • Class content – through its design, lectures, discussions, and assignments – supports the student learning objectives
  • Accordingly, the best teachers use meaningful examples, stimulating assignments, and thought provoking questions to motivate students to know more about their discipline
  • creating a community of learners where the quantity and quality of interactions with peers and faculty foster student engagement
  • Student-to-faculty interaction is considered paramount in fostering student engagement
  • student-to-student interaction is equally important as the quality and quantity of exchanges are predictors of success
  • students should “feel a personal and emotional connection to the subject, their professor, and their peers
  • In the online environment, lecture need not and should not be the primary teaching strategy because it leads to learner isolation and attrition
  • The most important role of the teacher is to ensure a high level of interaction and participation
  • This is achieved by means of greater student-to-faculty contact, participation in class discussions, and a more reflective learning style
  • it is imperative that students be active, not passive, to create a true learning environment
    An account of a professional development project based on exemplary teacher best practices.
Ted Curran

Envisioning the Post-LMS Era: The Open Learning Network (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • Faculty use the CMS primarily as an administrative tool … rather than as a tool anchored in pedagogy or cognitive science models."
  • Several reports confirm that instructors overwhelmingly use content distribution and administrative tools in the LMS while using interactive learning tools only sparingly
  • LMSs have become little more than "storage facilities for lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations."11
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  • largely failed to empower the strong and effective imaginations that students need for creative citizenship
  • First, LMSs are generally organized around discrete, arbitrary units of time — academic semesters. Courses typically expire and simply vanish every 15 weeks or so, thereby disrupting the continuity and flow of the learning process.
  • Second, LMSs are teacher-centric. Teachers create courses, upload content, initiate threaded discussions, and form groups. Opportunities for student-initiated learning activities in the traditional LMS are severely limited.
  • Finally, courses developed and delivered via the LMS are walled gardens, limited to those officially enrolled in them. This limitation impairs content sharing across courses, conversations between students within and across degree programs, and all of the dynamic learning affordances of the read-write web.2
  • personal learning networks (PLNs) to manage information, create content, and connect with others
  • personal cyberinfrastructures
  • Campbell argued that we should embrace technologies that enable co-learners to frame, curate, share, and direct learning "engagement streams
  • Value accrues to the system as a whole because the more users or ‘nodes’ there are in a network, the more possible connections there are
  • several significant weaknesses and challenges associated with PLEs
  • support
  • support
  • Teachers and learners should be encouraged and supported in their efforts to find and use the most appropriate and effective best-of-breed tools outside the LMS
  • the University of Mary Washington deployed an instance of WordPress MultiUser (WPMU) as an alternative teaching and learning platform (UMW Blogs)
  • enabling the creation of blogs that automatically enroll students in courses as "members" of class blogs created by instructors
  • A pilot currently under way at Duke University ( is aimed at assessing the viability of WPMU as an alternative platform for instructors teaching undergraduate and graduate courses. The list of potential uses on the pilot site includes using a WordPress blog as "the central course administrative tool" instead of Blackboard.
  • The LMS paradigm assumes that since some data must be kept private and secure, all data must be kept private and secure.
  • As depicted in Figure 1, proprietary applications and data such as the student information system (SIS), secure online assessment tools, and a university gradebook should be situated inside the private, secure university network. Personal publishing space, social networking, and collaboration tools live in the open, flexible cloud.
  • a loosely coupled gradebook is perhaps the essential module that brings all of the "small pieces" together.
  • instructors and students need a private, secure way to communicate about student performance on assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • If these artifacts are published on the web, they are individually addressable via URLs, so the OLN’s loosely coupled gradebook would simply require the submission of the URL instead of requiring students to upload the artifacts to a traditional gradebook. Instructors would then see a list of student names and links to the artifacts they published on the web
Ted Curran

To Share or Not to Share: Is That the Question? (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • The use of open materials by faculty is something of a continuum, with those who closely guard their intellectual property and privacy on one end, with faculty who seek out and use open content and technologies in the middle, and with those who actively contribute to open content on the other end.
  • All the faculty I spoke to could think of at least a few contexts in which they would not be willing and/or able to share or participate openly.
  • For example, few faculty are willing to embark on large, time-intensive projects, such as writing textbooks, without some guarantee that they will be compensated for their personal investment (time
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  • Research faculty may need to closely guard patentable research under the terms of their institutional contracts, even if their inclination drives them to share openly
  • Science faculty, for example, often publish their research with multiple authors and may be more used to a collaborative model, whereas humanities faculty write for publications that favor a single-author model.
  • Commonly, faculty will lock down some content (research or texts) under intellectual property laws but feel morally obligated to share in another aspect of their field.
  • Two factors delineate a faculty member's attitude toward openness: a nature influence and a nurture influence.
  • the strength of a person's inclination toward sharing
  • On the one end are the keepers, faculty who ask themselves: "Why would anyone outside my course want to know what I think?" At the other extreme are the sharers, faculty who believe that their contribution to the conversation, content, and/or community is invaluable.
  • The second factor that influences attitude toward openness is how strongly the person feels a moral responsibility to share freely with his or her community.
  • Many said something to the effect that they felt it was their duty as an educator to share
  • that everyone in education should share
  • Open faculty see sharing their ideas and expertise as a way to quickly validate or refute ideas, to promote important academic programs, and/or to mentor those instructors with less experience or to be mentored by those with greater experience or more creative ideas. Open faculty value the ideas and content shared by others in their networks and feel an obligation to share alike. This sense of moral responsibility to share is so strong in some faculty that it bothers them when ideas and content are closely guarded. They see this as an affront to their values.
  • In the category of faculty who are strong sharers and strongly open, we find project leaders and thought leaders.
  • What's the difference between those faculty who share with colleagues locally and those who share on the web? Technology skills.
  • Open faculty are learning some of these technology skills from formal workshops and professional training, but many spoke of learning technology skills from other open faculty (or even students) during on-the-fly informal learning sessions.
  • Many of the faculty I spoke to suggested (strongly) that participation in open digital activities (e.g., blogging, writing open-source software, being a curator of open-source materials) should count toward tenure and promotion.
  • Naturally, administrators worry about open digital faculty. What if they say something the institutional leaders don't agree with? What if their work with students on the web creates a liability? Administrators can do three simple things to minimize these issues: If a faculty member writes or shares content openly on the web, using space provided by the college, the inclusion of a simple disclosure statement can provide some separation between the individual and the institution (for example, "These views/materials are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my institution"). To guard against liability, administrators can make sure that open faculty receive training on copyright issues with materials used, privacy issues with students, and security issues with web technologies. These days, most campus activities involve the potential for liability. All administrators can do is make a good-faith effort to protect the institution by ensuring that faculty have a solid grounding in the potential risks. Today's students live much of their lives in the digital world. Faculty have the potential to model and promote good Internet behavior to future workers and leaders. Administrators can support open digital faculty by making an effort to understand what the faculty do: read some of what they write; take them to lunch and discuss their latest projects; try to understand that these faculty are public ambassadors of the institution and stealth faculty developers on campus. In gaining the trust of open digital faculty, administrators will more likely be seen as advisors than as adversaries.
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