Round 5 Pre-Release Opportunity Announcement | OFRN - 0 views
MiamiOH OARS on 30 Oct 20The OFRN Round 5 Opportunity Announcement is focused on expanding Ohio's research and development capabilities across the state's academic institutions and business in support of Ohio-based federal partner needs, which ultimately promotes Ohio's economic growth. OFRN Round 5 Areas of Interest (AOIs) include topics in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Artificial Intelligence, Human Factors, Data Analytics and Space Commercialization. This announcement seeks to leverage Ohio's unique research capabilities and its federal partner's expertise to accelerate technology development and innovation by increasing collaboration across government, academic, and industry organizations. The Round 5 Opportunity Announcement is subject to funding availability based upon a pending review and final determination of the Program Objectives from the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE). This is a Pre-Release notification and NOT a formal solicitation.