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Rhondda Powling

Listen to 15 Literary Icons Reading Their Own Work - Flavorwire - 0 views

    "A collection of 15 writers - some alive, some long gone - reading their own words (all fiction, with the exception of William Faulkner, whose Nobel Prize speech is included because it's now often taught alongside his novels and stories, and Joan Didion's memoir, The Year of Magical Thinking). "
Rhondda Powling

The 7 C's of Meaningful Learning Begin with Citizenship | Tech Learning - 0 views

    "It's up to teachers to guide students in choosing to uplift, teach, inform, challenge, and care for others with their messages versus break down others. Additionally, our students need guidance in realizing their self worth and seeing themselves as individuals in a digital world. They need to practice choosing what they feel is right as individuals versus going along with their peers for instant approval. These are ideas Shelly Terrell shared in a keynote speech"
Camilla Elliott

Sense and Sensibility: Why Librarians Remain Essential to Our Schools @HuffPostBlog htt... - 2 views

  • In the final analysis as the work done by speech pathologists and librarians illustrate, public school instruction extends beyond what happens in the classroom to other areas where highly specialized and dedicated professionals assist student achievement on a variety of levels. They also reinforce the notion of education as a humanistic rather than a commercial enterprise that requires a respect for the individuals who serve. As the late Jesuit educator Timothy Healy, former President of Georgetown University and the New York Public Library once observed, "The most important asset of any library goes home at night -- the library staff."
Rhondda Powling

ReadWriteThink Notetaker - ReadWriteThink - 0 views

    ReadWriteThink Notetaker. Useful for a wide variety of reading and writing activities, this outlining tool allows students to organize up to five levels of information.
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