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Creative Commons Kiwi on Vimeo - 4 views

    Creative Commons New Zealand overview video.
Crissi Blair

Peter O'Connor: The case for local schools - 2 views

  • So why would you choose your local school now? Simply because all the evidence suggests that the edge in education parents seek is not gained with fancy technological gadgets, nor in this idea of effective or good teachers.
  • The key is in the quality of the relationship that children have with their classroom teacher. And we simply have in New Zealand amongst the very best teachers in the world and you can pretty much trust that the ones in your local school are as good as the ones in that expensive private school down the road.
  • if more of our kids go to their local school, we have a chance to rebuild a sense of community,
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • And we refuse to be marketed to, to be sold the lie that our community and our school is not as good as that one down the road where the richer kids go to
  • the core role of schools. That role is not literacy and numeracy but about creating a community of happy kids learning about the world and their place in it.
    Peter O'Connor writes about the benefits of local schools in Auckland.
Robbie Wathne

Mt Alvernia iCentre :: Connecting learners with skills, tools & information - 1 views

    I love this School Library website. It is well set out, easy to navigate and has great information. A go to site for any student or parent.

Reading for pleasure builds empathy and improves wellbeing, research from The Reading A... - 4 views

  • reading for pleasure can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce the symptoms of depression and the risk of dementia, and improve wellbeing throughout life
  • strong evidence to show that reading for pleasure plays a vital role in improving educational outcomes
  • in the UK, reading levels are low among people of all ages: most children do not read on a daily basis and almost a third of adults don't read for pleasure
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • reading for pleasure and empowerment
  • better parent-child communication
  • reduction of depression and dementia symptoms among adults.
  • people who choose to read, and enjoy doing so, in their spare time are more likely to reap all of these benefits
  • When I write a story I hope to beguile, to enchant, to bewitch, to perform an act of magic on and with my readers' imaginations.
  • The true aim of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it'."
  • everything changes when we read
  • reading for pleasure has a dramatic impact on life outcomes
  • children who read for pleasure are happier, healthier and do better in life than those who don't
    Research in UK into benefits of reading for pleasure
Jenny Whiting

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Classroom Curriculum | Common Sense Media - 3 views

    Fantastic resource on Digital Citizenship.  Has flyers for parents. Teacher lessons Professional Development
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