Lesson plans for all Grade levels on digital citizenship. Covers internet safety, privacy/security, digital footprints/reputation, self-image, info literacy, cyberbullying, copyright, etc.
You have to create an account to view. FREE to register.
The 21st Century Fluencies are comprised of six main areas: Solution Fluency, Information Fluency, Creativity Fluency, Media Fluency, Collaboration Fluency, and Global Digital Citizenship. The main focus of these fluencies is to help instill in today's students a set of unconscious skills to help them survive and thrive in the 21st century and beyond.
Using the free website builder WIX lots of web 2.0 tools for teachers and guides for working on the web. Includes creative commons and digital citizenship, as well as history sites, world religions, mapping tools, etc.
You may be interested in the attached drawing together of web 2.0 tools -- all websites created using the free website builder WIX. Sorry if already been mentioned before. It does need some navigating around but I have found some real treasures here.