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in title, tags, annotations or urlThe Generation That Doesn't Remember Life Before Smartphones - 0 views
You hear two opinions from experts on the topic of what happens when kids are perpetually exposed to technology. One: Constant multitasking makes teens work harder, reduces their focus, and screws up their sleep. Two: Using technology as a youth helps students adapt to a changing world in a way that will benefit them when they eventually have to live and work in it. Either of these might be true. More likely, they both are. But it is certainly the case that these kids are different—fundamentally and permanently different—from previous generations in ways that are sometimes surreal, as if you'd walked into a room where everyone is eating with his feet.
It's as if Beatlemania junkies in 1966 had had the ability to demand "Rain" be given as much radio time as "Paperback Writer," and John Lennon thought to tell everyone what a good idea that was. The fan–celebrity relationship has been so radically transformed that even sending reams of obsessive fan mail seems impersonal.
The teens' brains move just as quickly as teenage brains have always moved, constructing real human personalities, managing them, reaching out to meet others who might feel the same way or want the same things. Only, and here's the part that starts to seem very strange—they do all this virtually. Sitting next to friends, staring at screens, waiting for the return on investment. Everyone so together that they're actually all apart.
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Teen who posted anti-bullying YouTube video kills herself - Winnipeg Free Press - 2 views
Why the PopuLLar Project is Popular with Teens : Teacher Reboot Camp - 0 views
Instagram, Wattpad and YouNow aren't just apps - for many teens, they're more than that | The Washington Post - 0 views
Teen Social Media Infographic from Common Sense Media | Common Sense Media - 3 views
5 Reasons Teenagers Act the Way They Do - Mental Floss - 0 views
Risk Taking
This means teens literally cannot come to a decision as fast as an adult.
scans showed that the reward center of the teen brain became much more active in the company of their peers
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Teens Are Flocking To Snapchat As Twitter Struggles To Attract The Younger Demographic - 1 views
It Sure Is Complicated: Teen Life in the Digital Age | MiddleWeb - 0 views
Children’s days are over-scheduled with sports, arts, functions and additional classes. Yet the need to connect and socialize has not gone away in these overly adult-managed times.
Many of the young people interviewed here said they would actually rather be hanging out with friends in real spaces than posting updates in online spaces, but the hemmed-in reality of their lives makes that nearly impossible.
We teachers are not “digital immigrants.” We are their guides, and our role, along with parents, has never been more important, nor more complicated.
Why is My Teen So Forgetful? | An Ethical Island - 0 views
Are teens behaving badly online? | Toronto Star - 0 views
“Adults didn’t grow up with social media, and so they only look for the bad, and see scary stuff like cyberbullying and sexting” he says. “They don’t realize that 90 per cent of kids use social media for really good things, like making friends.”
“Teens are simply doing on social media what they have done for decades, using social relationships to experiment and test behaviours and values they will use as adults” says Andersen.
“The role of parents is to model appropriate behaviour for their kids and to develop expectations with their kids around social media use. We can’t just hand them a cellphone and cross our fingers.