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Phil Taylor

The Best Productivity Tool Is The One You Actually Use - 0 views

  • With very few exceptions, switching apps or trying a new system isn’t going to have any big effect on your productivity. That’s because productivity is ultimately about you.
Phil Taylor

21st Century Competencies - 0 views

  • education is falling behind the curve,1 as it did during the rapid changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution.
  • The last major changes to cur­riculum2 were effected in the late 1800s as a response to the sudden growth in societal and human capital needs
  • Having students develop deep knowledge is as essential as ever. But today, we must also make that knowledge relevant.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Tough choices must be made regarding what to pare back in order to allow for more appropriate areas of focus
  • we need to infuse “themes” — important lenses such as global literacy, environmental literacy, information literacy, digital literacy, systems thinking, and design thinking
  • Higher-order skills such as the “4 C’s” — creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration4 — are essential for deeply learning knowledge as well as for demonstrating understanding through performance.
  • Character is about how we engage in the world.
  • Meta-learning is the awareness of one’s own learning and cognitive ability. Having such an awareness is the best hedge against continuous changes.
  • Historical inertia has been a large deciding factor when it comes to curriculum design, at the policy/process level.
  • we must keep two key questions before us at all times: Is education relevant enough for this century? Are we educating students to be versatile in a world that is increasingly challenged and challenging?
  • The Opportunity for Independent Schools
Phil Taylor

Shake things up with blended learning SmartBlogs - 0 views

  • Blended learning is an education program in which a portion of the student learning is provided through an online delivery system, with the student having a level of control over the pace and location of the lesson.

Introduce Best CRM Development in India- Trace Software - 0 views

    Trace is one of the big brand for Software Services and Now we are offering you Ecommerce CRM in India. Trace is one of the best CRM Development in india. Today, We are handling many Projects in many Different Countries like- USA, U.K, UAE, Europe, Asia and the Services are Mobile Apps Development, Offshore and Outsourcing, Software Development and Product Development, Web Designing Services, Software Testing. For more Queries Contact Us:-

Trace is known for Ecommerce crm in India|CRM development in india|Project ma... - 0 views

    Trace is basically known for Ecommerce CRM in india, CRM development in India. We are offering you Project Management Software in India. Today, We are handling USA, U.K, UAE, Europe, Asia Projects. For More Queries Contact Us:-
Phil Taylor

Today, Kids Need To Learn More Than Facts, But To Solve Problems And Innovate | - 0 views

  • Today, however, teenagers carry far more information and computing power in their pockets than would ever fit in their heads.
Phil Taylor

Computational Thinking Across the Curriculum | Edutopia - 0 views

  • a way of solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior by drawing on the concepts of computer science
  • Algorithmic Thinking
  • Decomposition
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Abstraction
  • Pattern Recognition
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