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Phil Taylor

Google Buys into STAR/Accelerated Reader Parent Company -- THE Journal - 1 views

    "Google Buys into STAR/Accelerated Reader Parent Company By Dian Schaffhauser02/19/1"
Phil Taylor

When It Comes to Education Technology, Video Won't Kill the Radio Star | Emerging Educa... - 0 views

  • Emerging technologies are not limiting teacher’s roles – they are expanding their tool kits, improving their availability, and empowering them in many exciting new ways.
Phil Taylor

John Hunter on the World Peace Game | Video on - 0 views

    "Teacher and musician John Hunter is the inventor of the World Peace Game (and the star of the new doc "World Peace and Other 4th-Grade Achievements")"
Phil Taylor

Are teens behaving badly online? | Toronto Star - 0 views

  • “Adults didn’t grow up with social media, and so they only look for the bad, and see scary stuff like cyberbullying and sexting” he says. “They don’t realize that 90 per cent of kids use social media for really good things, like making friends.”
  • “Teens are simply doing on social media what they have done for decades, using social relationships to experiment and test behaviours and values they will use as adults” says Andersen.
  • “The role of parents is to model appropriate behaviour for their kids and to develop expectations with their kids around social media use. We can’t just hand them a cellphone and cross our fingers.
Phil Taylor

Harvard Education Letter - 0 views

  • ninth-grade English Literature class bent over their cell phones, furiously texting. They are engaged and on task, and she will soon have their thoughts on the possible consequences of Friar Lawrence marrying two star-crossed lovers in sixteenth-century Verona.
  • lessons around the capabilities of the dumbest phone
  • For such quick assessments, many teachers use the free Web tool to get instant feedback
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • tudents told researchers that they learned best when collaborating with peers and, when asked to name their choice of technological learning tools, overwhelmingly chose smart phones over fancy new laptops.
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