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Phil Taylor

Anatomy of Successful 21st Century Student ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    "We make technology a pivot around which revolves learning when in fact technology is only a means to an end. Equating 21st century education with digital know-how per se is a blatant fallacy."
Phil Taylor

A Principal's Reflections: Common Misconceptions of Educators Who Fear Technology - 2 views

  • Common Misconceptions of Educators Who Fear Technology
  • Control: For technology to be not only integrated effectively, but also embraced, a culture needs to be established where teachers and administrators are no longer fearful of giving up a certain amount of control to students.  T
  • Lack of training: With the integration of technology comes change.  With change comes the inevitable need to provide quality professional development. 
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • We are beginning to see some schools across the country take the lead in merging sound pedagogy with the effective integration of technology.  These schools and educators, whether they realize it or not, are not only enhancing the teaching and learning process, but they are also providing their learners with essential skill sets pivotal for success in today’s society.  These skill sets include critical thinking/problem solving, media literacy, collaboration, creativity, technological proficiency, and global awareness.  The ultimate result with this shift has been increases in engagement as well as a sense of relevancy and meaning amongst learners, all of which are foundations for improving achievement.
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