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Phil Taylor

Can Focus On 'Grit' Work In School Cultures That Reward Grades? | MindShift - 1 views

  • Stanford University professor Carol Dweck puts it, they need to have a “growth mindset” — the belief that success comes from effort — and not a “fixed mindset” — the notion that people succeed because they are born with a “gift” of intelligence or talent.
Phil Taylor

The Biggest "Game-Changer" in Education | The Principal of Change - 0 views

  • “What do you see as the big ‘game changer’ in education?”
  • The real game changer isn’t something external; it is internal.  It is the way we think and grow.  It is moving from that “fixed” mindset about teaching and learning, and moving to the “growth” mindset.
  •  Change is the one constant that we will always have in our world and if we do not grow and learn to embrace it, then we will become irrelevant.
    "Change is the one constant that we will always have in our world and if we do not grow and learn to embrace it, then we will become irrelevant."
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