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Pavlína Hublová

Find Your Tribe: A Powerful PLN | LeadUpNow - 2 views

  • "Every educator must have a PLN today. There is no excuse not to anymore. But once you have your PLN, it is time to take it to a new level and find your tribe."
Mitch Weisburgh

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 5 views

    guides for the use of different social media in educaiton: wikis, PLNs, Pinterest, Skype, etc.
Nathan Grimm

Twitter Teacher Conversation Aggregator - 0 views

    A widget that aggregates a bunch of different twitter conversations that teachers are having on twitter. It's a great way to display what your PLN is saying right from your blog.
Dean Mantz

Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Cool Facts, Online Games, Activities, Projects, Ide... - 7 views

    Highly recommended science activities and resources from my PLN on Twitter.
Mitch Weisburgh

grow_your_pln.pdf - Powered by Google Docs - 7 views

    How to build a PLN
Mitch Weisburgh

Connected Educators | Strengthening connected online communities of practice in education - 4 views

    The US Dept of Ed's web page on education networking
Mitch Weisburgh

Education Chats - 2 views

    Twitter chats on education
Mitch Weisburgh

ISTE | 18 education Twitter chats worth your time - 4 views

    List of active education chats
Mitch Weisburgh

Playbook - Remake Learning - 6 views

    "the structure, strategies, and lessons learned by the Remake Learning Network, as well as previews of 10 case studies examining how learning has been remade in schools, museums, libraries, and communities throughout Pittsburgh."
Mitch Weisburgh

5000 Year Timeline of Learning Theory - The Educator's PLN - 4 views

    video on theories of cognition and learnng
Dean Mantz

Google Apps for Education Guide to Going Google - 7 views

    EDU Guide for Google Apps in Education (GAE)
Mitch Weisburgh

Next Generation Professional Learning Community - 6 views

    PLC on education, sponsored by Cisco
Mitch Weisburgh

Plurk 4 Educators - Home - 6 views

    list of teachers on plurk
Mitch Weisburgh

Twitter for Teachers - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 19 views

    list of twitter tools and tags for educators
1 - 17 of 17
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