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Kenneth Jones - 0 views

    Interesting way to get to know your area
Kenneth Jones

Restoring Our Schools | The Nation - 1 views

  • We need to take the education of poor children as seriously as we take the education of the rich, and we need to create systems that routinely guarantee all the elements of educational investment to all children.
    • Kenneth Jones
      Power to the....WHO?
  • "don't simply measure whether students can fill in a bubble on a test but whether they possess twenty-first-century skills like problem-solving and critical thinking and entrepreneurship and creativity."
    • Kenneth Jones
      Well, yes, of course, but we still need to discuss that birth certificate...and that messy oil spill that he casued...
  • This is the challenge that Obama pledged to take on, and the one we should hope he will vigorously pursue.
    • Kenneth Jones
      HOPE? How long will we hope? This reminds me of the need to wean ourselves from foreign oil....It was Nixon that first started talking about the "Absolute Neccesity" of energy independence. I want to be hopeful and I want to do what I can, but I have to say I am not optimistic.
Kenneth Jones

Restoring Our Schools | The Nation - 0 views

    • Kenneth Jones
      Are these goals worthy of attention? Do they assume 21st Century skills? What century's aspirations do these address?
  • This is partly because the international assessments demand more advanced analysis than do most US tests. They require students to weigh and balance evidence, apply what they know to new problems and explain and defend their answers. These higher-order skills are emphasized in other nations' curriculums and assessment systems but have been discouraged by the kind of lower-level multiple-choice testing favored by NCLB.
    • Kenneth Jones
      SOunds like we have to work 3-4 times as hard and long at what we've been doing or we might shift gears and try a new approach!
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • inequality has an enormous influence on US performance. White and Asian students score just above the average for the European OECD nations in each subject area, but African-American and Hispanic students score so much lower that the national average plummets to the bottom tier
    • Kenneth Jones
      WOW! Politics DO matter!
  • This is because of greater income inequality and because the United States spends much more educating affluent children than poor children, with wealthy suburbs often spending twice what central cities do, and three times what poor rural areas can afford.
    • Kenneth Jones
      Now hold on just a dagum minute! Sounds like you're talking an inadequate wealth distribution system at odds with a national priority...I think lower taxes, less regulation and Drill, Baby Drill should suffice!
  • At a time when three-quarters of the fastest-growing occupations require postsecondary education, our college participation rates have slipped from first in the world to seventeenth. While more than half of young people are becoming college graduates in many European and Asian nations, fewer than 40 percent of American young people—and fewer than 20 percent of African-American and Hispanic youth—receive a college degree.
    • Kenneth Jones
      The Flattening of the World is truly an Inconvienient Truth!
  • States that would not spend $10,000 a year to ensure adequate education for children of color in under-resourced schools later spend more than $30,000 a year to keep them in jail.
  • we have not pointed our schools at the critical higher-order thinking and performance skills needed in the twenty-first century.
    • Kenneth Jones
      I WAS Right!
  • Finland dismantled the rigid tracking system that had allocated differential access to knowledge to its young people and eliminated the state-mandated testing system that was used for this purpose, replacing them with highly trained teachers educated in newly overhauled schools of education, along with curriculums and assessments focused on problem-solving, creativity and independent learning. These changes have propelled achievement to the top of the international rankings and closed what was once a large, intractable achievement gap.
    • Kenneth Jones
      How do their politicians know when to pat themselves on the back? Aren't they Socialists?
  • South Korea has transformed itself
    • Kenneth Jones
      OK, now I'm mad! On who's dime did they do this? How much do we spend on maintaining the DMZ?
  • "experience, investigate and create"
    • Kenneth Jones
      Sounds like a Problem, Project, Passion Based, LoTI curriculum.
  • Teachers, meanwhile, engage in research sponsored by the government to evaluate and continually improve their teaching.
    • Kenneth Jones
      How do adminstrators get to play Gotcha?
    Use this as a starting point to get others to use diigo...
Kenneth Jones

Classroom 2.0 - 0 views

    This Ning has been around a while
    I used to frequent this quite often....lots of good stuff
Kenneth Jones

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - 2009 MILE Guide: Milestones for Improving Lea... - 0 views

    Good place to start honestly thinking about where you are.
    This is probably not new, but the self-assessment caused me to really think about my edu-community and more importantly, how I contribute to the findings and what I might do to be a part of any positive change.
Kenneth Jones

carriebarron's visual/learner Bookmarks on Delicious - 0 views

    A Promethean trainer's visual learner collection
    I haven't had a lot of time to explore this collection, but the creator was a passionate advocate for her collection...
Kenneth Jones

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. - - 0 views

    This will be useful to spark discussions and bring the world into the classroom
    This looks promising....for exactly what, I am as yet uncertain...
Kenneth Jones

Visible Body | 3D Human Anatomy - 0 views

    Great for science adventures, might even be useful for discussions on the use of details in language/literacy arts classes
    I came across this at a Promethean workshop during a discussion of using images to Bloom-up the discussion. This was part of explaining the SUCCESSs model in Made to Stick. It costs, but I might try to see if it can geneerate some ewww, that's so gross, yet I am fascinated....learning!
Kenneth Jones

Home (AHS Learning Ecology) - 0 views

    Carl Fisch's site at Arapaho HS
    In case you missed it at the training.
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