Five things you may want to know about buddhify
1. buddhify has been designed as a solution to the problem that there is a lot of interest in mindfulness-based meditation nowadays but most of the ways its taught are still stuck in the 20th century
2. buddhify is made by a team who are both properly experienced in traditional meditation and properly knowledgable about technology, innovation and understanding what people really want
3. buddhify aims to start a new wave of authentic modern translations of classic contemplative traditions, so if you don't like it please do make something better. Really
4. Over and above the many good and great meditation teachers who have influenced the app, the perhaps more surprising inspirations behind buddhify are Ira Glass of This American Life, Jad Abumrad of Radiolab, the late Steve Jobs and the emerging culture of urban and pro-social gaming represented by people like Hide&Seek and Jane McGonigal
5. buddhify is called buddhify because a) it's a cute name and b) it's a grateful nod to the roots of mindfulness-based meditation in Buddhism. However the app is for anyone with an interest in developing their mental wellbeing and is not interesting in pushing any particular belief system, religious or otherwise