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La Gironde va aussi tester le revenu de base - Rue89 Bordeaux - 0 views

    Plusieurs collectivités locales en France lancent des réflexions ou expérimentations sur le revenu de base. Sans perdre de vue l'équilibre des finances publiques...

Cooperatives recognised in EU's future on collaborative economy | P2P Foundation - 0 views

    Cooperatives Europe welcomes the acknowledgement of the European Parliament of "a growing interest in the collaborative economy based on cooperative business models", as well as "the importance of identifying and addressing barriers to the emergence of collaborative businesses, especially start-ups". It also recognizes the development of a community-based collaborative economy "in which knowledge and education sharing models are strong, thereby catalyzing and consolidating a culture of open innovation."

IFTF: Back to the Future? - 0 views

    "From Time-Based to Task-Based Work"

Organizing and Governing the Commons: A Coop-Commons Multilevel Dialogue with Municipal... - 0 views

    "s the history of crises has shown, people and people-based organisations react against the devastating effects of changes and persist in the search for innovative solutions. New ideas and practices have been proposed; there have been experiments with new forms of organizations and ways of working. Some of them, such as the "sharing economy", were immediately captured by emergent, digitally-based capitalist companies, but others created more ambitious and innovative initiatives. In recent years, certain concepts and experiences have interconnected with one another and existing initiatives. New forms of solidarity, reciprocity, property and collective governance are being analyzed, reimagined and promoted through the logic of the Commons, Platform Cooperativism and the Social and Solidarity Economy."

Essay of the Day: Self-Organisation in Commons-Based Peer Production | P2P Foundation - 1 views

    "Commons-Based Peer Production (CBPP) is a new model of socio-economic production in which groups of individuals cooperate with each other without a traditional hierarchical organisation to produce common and public goods, such as Wikipedia or GNU/Linux. There is a need to understand how these communities govern and organise themselves as they grow in size and complexity."

Robots, Universal Basic Income, and the Welfare State - 0 views

    Un point de vue original sur le revenu de base universel, qui invite à se focaliser davantage sur le rapport de force, de plus en plus déséquilibré, entre capital et travail que sur la robotisation de l'économie.

The Human Economy: Creating Decent Livelihoods In Digital Capitalism | P2P Foundation - 0 views

    5 principes pour changer de modèle de développement : taxer davantage le capital, les robots, les données pour créer des emplois équitables ; investir dans les "capabilités" de chacun ; augmenter la demande en mettant en place un revenu de base ; distribuer plus équitablement les richesses ; rémunérer le travail ayant des effets bénéfiques sur les plan social.

Sous-location illégale par l'intermédiaire d'une plateforme : du nouveau en j... - 0 views

    "Les évolutions juridiques viennent également des juridictions qui interprètent la loi, comme en témoignent deux récentes décisions relatives à des cas de sous-location par Airbnb : la première, rendue par la Cour d'appel de Paris, consacre la restitution des fruits illégalement perçus au détriment du propriétaire du bien ; la seconde, rendue par le Tribunal d'instance du sixième arrondissement de Paris, va jusqu'à étendre ce principe aux plateformes elles-mêmes, posant ainsi les bases d'une responsabilité directe de ces dernières en cas de non-respect de leur part des règles encadrant la location de meublés de tourisme."

Employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work | Eurofound - 1 views

    "Eurofound assesses the physical and social environment, autonomy, employment status and access to social protection, and earnings and taxation based on interviews with platform workers. A comparative analysis of the regulatory frameworks applying to platform work in 18 EU Member States accompanies this review. This looks into workers' employment status, the formal relationships between clients, workers and platforms, and the organisation and representation of workers and platforms."

Designing positive platforms: a guideline for a governance-based approach | P2P Foundation - 0 views

    "Our approach is on the design of the governance of the platform, so that the matters of shared power and welfare are dealt with directly and intrinsically, by design. "

wcms_618170.pdf - 1 views

    Ce texte sert de base aux délibérations de la Commission sur l'avenir du travail de l'OIT. Il porte sur l'un des six thèmes de discussion de la Commission : les politiques en matière de formation et de compétences de la main-d'oeuvre.

Uber Retirement | The University of Chicago Legal Forum - 1 views

    "Although by no means a new question regarding retirement, the noteworthy growth of "gig companies" in the "sharing economy," has renewed concerns that even more American workers will lack access to employment-based retirement plans."

How big is China's digital economy? | Bruegel - 0 views

    "Based on the latest available statistics, our measurements indicate that China's digital economy is not bigger relative to the size of the Chinese economy than the OECD average, especially in terms of ICT employment. "

Amazon Mechanical Turk Workers Have Had Enough - 1 views

    Devant les difficultés à réformer Amazon Mechanical Turk "de l'intérieur", les fondateurs des plateformes d'organisation des crowdworkers We Are Dynamo viennent de lancer une plateforme coopérative pour contrer AMT, Daemo. Deux principes de base de cette nouvelle plateforme : une rémunération juste (10 dollars par heure minimum) et une transparence permanente.

How Innovative Funding Models Could Usher in a New Era of Worker-Owned Platform Coopera... - 1 views

    Un exemple de création de plateforme coopérative dans les services à la personne : "To counter poor labor practices, gig workers and entrepreneurs are now taking matters into their own hands by launching their own digital platforms for various services. Called "platform cooperatives," these businesses bring the structure of traditional cooperatives, including worker ownership and governance, to the digital world. This June, Cruz and five others formed Brightly Cleaning, a worker-owned cooperative, with support from two social service organizations based in New York City, New York: The La Colmena Staten Island Community Job Center and the Center for Family Life. Brightly Cleaning soon became one of the first members of the new platform cooperative Up & Go."

Podcast: Cooperative Models for Community-based Economic Development - Shareable - 1 views

    Emission sur les modèles coopératifs, à même de susciter un développement économique à ancrage local.

The Catalan Integral Cooperative: an organizational study of a post-capitalist cooperat... - 0 views

    "Founded by an assembly of activists in Catalonia in 2010, the CIC's revolutionary aspiration is to antagonize Capital by building cooperative structures in the Catalan economy. Its commitment to the principles of the Commons, Open Cooperativism and P2P, make it a prototypical example of a new generation of co-ops connecting the Commons and cooperative movements. Their position is that a truly collaborative economy can only develop when it's commons-based."

Participation, codesign, diversity: Trebor Scholz on Platform Cooperativism | P2P Found... - 0 views

    "1) The platform is owned by the workers or the workers alongside other people who have a stake in this platform. These might be users or consumers. This is about coming into economic power; it is about the move from the blueprints to actual economic power. You cannot substantially change what you do not own. 2) The platform is democratically governed which means that the people who depend on it most, have a say in what happens on it.Importantly, the idea is not to create a clone of the likes of Airbnb or Uber. It isn't about creating replicas. But we do rip the algorithmic heart out of these platforms only to put in a different code based on our values: cooperative values."

Urban commons initiatives in the city of Ghent: a Commons Transition Plan by Bauwens | ... - 0 views

    Bauwens a recently released a report, "to document the emergence and growth of the commons in the city of Ghent and identify strategies and public policies to support commons-based initiatives, involving the citizens. [...] It culminates in a Commons Transition Plan that describes the role, the possibilities and the options for optimal public interventions in terms of reinforcing citizens initiatives."

crowd_work_in_europe_draft_report_last_version.pdf - 0 views

    "The current report strives to picture the digitalised labour market and the diversity of new forms of labour and associated labour conditions in the EU. Based on the results presented here and in the subsequent final report, our research project intends to conclude with concrete policy proposals on the framing of a legal level playing field for crowd workers. "
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