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Patti Porto

EdTech Solutions - Teaching Every Student: A Must Have Tool for Any Student Using Googl... - 1 views

    "Text Help has made a new toolbar available for free for anyone who uses Google Docs and the Chrome Browser. What is now possible is dual highlighted (two colors) text to speech in Google Docs! This is huge, an amazing benefit for our struggling readers, writers and researchers."

TextHelp for Google Docs - 0 views

    Download this free app for your Google Chrome browser. Within Google Docs a TextHelp toolbar provides many features including: highlight and read text, dictionary, picture dictionary, translater and collect highlights. While there are some glitches - I noticed that the highlight and collect feature didn't always pull what I highlighted - this free tool is a great additional to supporting students reading and writing.
Mindy Johnson

Google Earth - 0 views

    "Google Earth continues to mesmerize young people with its ability to put the world's geographic information at their fingertips. Educators around the globe have created engaging classroom activities that go beyond geography to teach literature, history, math, environmental science, and more. "
Mindy Johnson

Google SketchUp - 0 views

    Create 3D models, maps, and diagrams in an easy-to-use, supported online environment.
Mindy Johnson

bloomsapps - 0 views

    "Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. "
Betsy Dalton

IPads in the Classroom - 0 views

    This site will be both a support site for my presentations about iPad use for teaching and learning and it also includes links to other iPad information pages. You can submit your own resource to be added to the site. (Kathy Schrock)
Brian Wojcik

MikeyBeeSoftware - 0 views

    "SSReader is a free, large font reader for OS X that speaks text files aloud and displays the text stanza-after-stanza, simultaneously. Although this reader was created to assist those with visual impairments, it can be used by anyone"
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