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Frederick Smith

Poll: Supreme Court's decision on campaign financing opposed by majority - washingtonpo... - 0 views

    Americans of both parties overwhelmingly oppose a Supreme Court ruling that allows corporations and unions to spend as much as they want on political campaigns, and most favor new limits on such spending, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Frederick Smith

Ezra Klein - The big story on the stimulus - WashingtonPost - 0 views

    On the stimulus, the correct story is the big story - the macroeconomic story. According to private forecasters -- not talking Obama administration folks, but private firms that are paid by other private companies to accurately analyze the market -- the stimulus worked.
Frederick Smith

Craig Bowron: Helping or hurting our elderly? - 0 views

    >'With unrealistic expectations of our ability to prolong life, with death as an unfamiliar and unnatural event, and without a realistic, tactile sense of how much a worn-out elderly patient is suffering, it's easy for patients and families to keep insisting on more tests, more medications, more procedures. >Doing something often feels better than doing nothing. Inaction feeds the sense of guilt-ridden ineptness family members already feel as they ask themselves, "Why can't I do more for this person I love so much?" >...At a certain stage of life, aggressive medical treatment can become sanctioned torture. When a case such as this comes along, nurses, physicians and therapists sometimes feel conflicted and immoral. We've committed ourselves to relieving suffering, not causing it. A retired nurse once wrote to me: "I am so glad I don't have to hurt old people any more." '
Frederick Smith

In Tanzania, an American English teacher reconnects with his students - by Frank Bures - 0 views

    Teacher describes reunion with former students in Tanzania. "Mountains can never meet, but people can meet again." - Swahili proverb
Frederick Smith

F.Zakaria-Optimism re US future - 0 views

    Growing, young, innovative society has economic advantages over contracting societies of Europe & Japan
Frederick Smith

Poll finds most Americans are unhappy with government - - 0 views

    But only 1/8 very familiar with Tea Party, with favorable ratings split. Sarah Palin has lost popularity.
Frederick Smith

American exceptionalism: an old idea and a new political battle, by Katherine Tumulty - 0 views

    Republicans attack Obama for seeing US as no more (intrinsically) exceptional than other nations, & suggesting that what is exceptional is the goals citizens strive for, not a pre-ordained status.
Frederick Smith

Kathleen T Kennedy, Sarah Palin is wrong about John F. Kennedy, religion and politics - 0 views

    Niece defends JFK's 1960 speech to Houston ministers as better defining 1st Amdmt's meaning & application than Sarah Palin's recent critical construction.
Frederick Smith

Chris Cillizza - The Sarah Palin Surge (and why it's overblown) - 0 views

    Palin is undermined by questions about her qualifications
Frederick Smith

Partisanship on national security has a bad history - Short Stack - WashPost - 0 views

    Julian E. Zelizer, author of "Arsenal of Democracy: The Politics of National Security -- From World War II to the War on Terrorism," is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University. He points out that accusations of "soft on defense" are not new - they have existed since WW II. And he argues that they had very bad effects on US policies in the 1950s & 1960s.
Frederick Smith

Evangelical reporter refutes 'theocracy aim' - 0 views

    J.M.Phillips (former NYT reporter) attacks columns by M.Dowd, F.Rich & P.Krugman about menace of evangelical "jihadism."
Frederick Smith

Five myths about why the South seceded, by James W. Loewen - 0 views

    Ensuring the continuation of slavery was, overwhelmingly, the chief cause of Southern states' secession and the Civil War.
Frederick Smith

Religious hospitals' restrictions sparking conflicts, scrutiny - 0 views

    Excommunication of Phoenix nun, & ejection of St. Joseph's Hospital, for allowing an abortion to save a mother's life; prohibitions of tubal ligations in Texas & Oregon.
Frederick Smith

M.Gerson, Two parties pray to the same God, but different economists - 0 views

    Justifying economic beliefs by religion. Does Christianity require special care for poor?
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