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Alexandre Serres

Google Scholar Digest: Journal Scholar Metrics: An international and open access altern... - 1 views

    Google Scholar. "Journal Scholar Metrics: An international and open access alternative for measuring the citation impact of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences journals ", 5 mai 2016
manuel durand barthez

Éloge de la complexité : la signature des chercheurs et le millefeuille de l'... - 1 views

    Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 456-465 D. Pontille, A. Séné, V. Prêtre, N. Pothier, A. Deniau, M. Durand-Barthez, F. Girard
manuel durand barthez

Scientific Reports On Track To Become Largest Journal In The World - 0 views

    PLOS ONE is poised to lose its claim as the largest journal in the world soon, with rival journal, Scientific Reports, taking its place. Scientific Reports, published by Springer Nature was a relative latecomer to the scene, and, at the time of its launch, many skeptics did not believe that there would be room for yet another multidisciplinary open access journal.
manuel durand barthez

The linguistic patterns and rhetorical structure of citation context: an approach using... - 1 views

    Using the full-text corpus of more than 75,000 research articles published by seven PLOS journals, this paper proposes a natural language processing approach for identifying the function of citations.
manuel durand barthez

The Measure of All Things: Some Notes on CiteScore - 0 views

    Like a modern-day Protagoras, Elsevier has offered us CiteScore, a new metric for a community that likes nothing better than to add two numbers together. Some might wonder if we need a new metric, if we are not in fact already awash in metrics.
manuel durand barthez

CiteScore-Flawed But Still A Game Changer - 0 views

    Last Thursday, Elsevier announced CiteScore metrics, a free citation reporting service for the academic community. The primary metric promoted by this service is also aptly named CiteScore and is similar, in many ways, to the Impact Factor. Both CiteScore and the Impact Factor are journal-level indicators built around a ratio of citations to documents.
manuel durand barthez

CRExplorer - Cited References Explorer - 2 views

    Which are the most important papers in the history of a field? On whose shoulders of giants does an author stand? Where to look for the intellectual roots of a research topic? These questions can be answered by using the program CitedReferencesExplorer (CRExplorer). The CRExplorer is a new software development which is based on the programs provided at Loet Leydesdorff's homepage.
Alexandre Serres

iCite | New Analysis | NIH Office of Portfolio Analysis - 1 views

    National Institutes of Health. iCite.
    "The iCite database currently contains articles published between 1995 and 2016; Relative Citation Ratios are available for articles published between 1995 and 2015."
manuel durand barthez

Thomson Reuters to sell IP & science unit for $3.55 billion - 0 views

    Thomson Reuters Corp (TRI.TO) on Monday said it agreed to sell its intellectual property and science business to private equity firms Onex Corp (OCX.TO) and Baring Private Equity Asia for $3.55 billion in cash. The business, which has 3,200 employees, provides intellectual property and scientific information and associated tools and services to governments, universities and companies.
Alexandre Serres

Mort au facteur d'impact! - UdeMNouvelles - 0 views

    Mathieu-Robert Sauvé, Mort au facteur d'impact !, UDEM nouvelles, 18 juillet 2016, Université de Montréal
manuel durand barthez

Organisation IDs for scholarly communications: where next? - 0 views

    On April 17, as part of FORCE 2016 in Portland Oregon, Crossref, and THOR partners DataCite and ORCID convened a workshop to discuss the current state of the art in organisation identifiers. We discussed this issue previously in a post on the ORCID blog, and we're pleased to report back to you all that the...
manuel durand barthez

ID institutionnel par ORCID & Co - 1 views

    Application aux entités institutionnelles de l'identifiant individuel ORCID
manuel durand barthez

L'évaluation de la recherche en question(s), un ouvrage collectif sous format... - 1 views

    Site collaboratif alimenté par les correspondants Information Scientifique et Technique (IST) de l'InSHS.
Alexandre Serres

Conference Paper: "Altmetrics in Social Sciences and Humanities: Possibilities, Challen... - 2 views

    Johanna Lahikainen. "Conference Paper: "Altmetrics in Social Sciences and Humanities: Possibilities, Challenges, and Experiences"", juin 2016
Alexandre Serres

The application of bibliometrics to research evaluation in the humanities and social sc... - 0 views

    Hans Dillaerts. "The application of bibliometrics to research evaluation in the humanities and social sciences: an exploratory study using normalized Google Scholar data for the publications of a research institute", 3 mars 2016
manuel durand barthez

Can Scopus Deliver A Better Journal Impact Metric? | The Scholarly Kitchen - 1 views

    Divergences sur la définition des Citable Document Types dans le WoS et dans Scopus, mais aussi à propos des paramètres du SNIP (Leiden + Scopus) et du SJR (Scimago + Scopus). Le Post est à la fois pertinent sur sa première partie mais contesté (avec raison) sur la seconde par un bibliométricien du CWTS, à l'origine du SNIP.
manuel durand barthez

Emergence of collaboration networks around large scale data repositories: a study of th... - 1 views

    Article fondamental sur les réseaux de coauteurs en lien avec un entrepôt de données disciplinaire : GenBank. Étude comparative "articles" vs. "données directement soumises".
manuel durand barthez

Altmetrics aggregator Plum Analytics acquired by Elsevier - 0 views

    Un billet d'un patron de la NISO sur l'acquisition de Plum par Elsevier et sur le regain de crédibilité acquis par l'Altmetrics (qui va dans le sens de la NISO Alternative Assessment Metrics (Altmetrics) Initiative)
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