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Janos Haits

Massive open online course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    A Massive open online course (MOOC) is a course where the participants are distributed and course materials also are dispersed across the web. This is possible only if the course is open, and works significantly better if the course is large. The course is not a gathering, but rather a way of connecting distributed instructors and learners across a common topic or field of discourse.[1] MOOCs are a more recent form of online course development --

Job Oriented Skill Development Engineering Design Training Institute at, Ghazibad,Delhi,Kolkata,Sudan, Nigeria, Egypt, Bangladesh, South Sudan,South Africa, Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Kuwait, UAE, Australia, United kingdom. America,Nigeria, and rest of world. - 0 views

    Advance Electrical Design & Engineering Institute (AEDEI) ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute of Electrical Design & Engineering training programs for Dedicated to Electrical Engineers. AEDEI is latest venture for providing the quality education in the best possible facilities is a key aim of Skill developments for various verticals in Electrical Engineering design. Courses we offer ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESIGN COURSE,SOLAR POWER PLANT DESIGN & ENGINEERING COURSE, Battery Energy Storage System, Solar plant design course, Hybrid electric vehicle design course and other Courses. To know more visit our official website.
Janos Haits

Find Courses ~ MOOC - 0 views

    Find Open Online Courses

GCSE Science Course | GCSE Science | GCSE Science Online | IGCSE - 0 views

    Up2science offers GCSE Science online Course for students to get good grades in GCSE Science, this is the best online GCSE Science course in UK.
    Up2science offers Online GCSE Science Course, this is the best course for GCSE Science in the UK to get good grades in GCSE Science.
Janos Haits

Stanford Offers Online Computer Science Courses Free to All | Geekosystem - 0 views

    Stanford University is Offering Computer Science Courses Online, Free to Anyone
Paramedical Admission

Paramedical course admission - 0 views

    By the assistance of you can get full direction for paramedical course admissionin good college. It will also help you to identify your career path and guides you to achieve your goals.It is one of the best education providers.
Janos Haits - 0 views

    the educational Internet platform of the German Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam. Starting in September you will be able to take part in our worldwide social learning network based on interactive online courses covering different subjects in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Enter a fascinating world of knowledge with our free open online courses. Meet other participants from around the world and familiarize yourself with fundamental and current topics in ICT, computer science and IT systems engineering.
Janos Haits

Class Central * Free online courses AKA MOOC aggregator - 0 views

    "Class Central is a free online course aka MOOC aggregator from top universities like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, etc. offered via Coursera, Udacity, edX, Canvas Network, & others"
Janos Haits

Free Online Course Materials | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare - 0 views

    Graduates of MIT's electrical engineering and computer science department work in diverse industries and conduct research in a broad range of areas.
Janos Haits

Machine Learning - 0 views

    Coursera is pleased to offer the free online courses listed below:
Janos Haits

edX - online courses and classes from the world's best - 0 views

    The Future of Online Education for anyone, anywhere, anytime
Janos Haits

30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS - Free Tuts+ Premium Course - 0 views

    We created 30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS because we believe everyone has the right to learn how to build wonderful things on the web. The course is 100% free and always will be, no strings attached. It is instructed by veteran web developer and trainer Jeffrey Way, and brought to you by the new Tuts+ Premium. Happy learning!
Janos Haits

the campus experience. online. | iversity - 0 views

    Our aspiration is to become the course management platform of choice for instructors and students around the globe. But of course, iversity's cutting-edge infrastructure can also be deployed for international research projects. Work is something you do rather than somewhere you go. With this maxim in mind, iversity has designed a cloud-based service that fosters limitless collaboration among academics worldwide. Faculty are no longer forced to work with the outdated software in use at their institution. Instead, they can sign up on an individual basis. Oh, and the best part: it's free.
Janos Haits

FutureLearn - Free online courses - 0 views

    "The best free online courses in the world."
Janos Haits

MITx 6.002 - 0 views

    MITx will offer a portfolio of MIT courses for free to a virtual community of learners around the world. It will also enhance the educational experience of its on-campus students, offering them online tools that supplement and enrich their classroom and laboratory experiences.
Erich Feldmeier

Myles O'Neill: About | The Synthetic Bestiary - Synthetic Biology, Genetic Engineering, and The Future - 0 views

    "This website is all about the intersection of biology and technology. It seeks to educate and inspire in equal measures. We live in very exciting times and they are getting more exciting all the time! Synthetic biology and genetic engineering will be important game changers over the course of this century and thus knowledge about them is valuable for people of any background. An important hurdle for these technologies is public acceptance, this acceptance can only come through education - and that is the real goal of this site."
Janos Haits

NovoEd | Learn. Collaborate. Innovate. - 0 views

    "Take free courses from Stanford University"
Janos Haits

The Collaboration Network for Academia | iversity - 0 views

    The Collaboration Network for Academia Organize courses, research groups and conferences - for free.
Janos Haits

edX - Home - 0 views

    An open-source online learning platform that will feature teaching designed specifically for the web. Features will include: self-paced learning, online discussion groups, wiki-based collaborative learning, assessment of learning as a student progresses through a course, and online laboratories. The platform will also serve as a ..
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