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Janos Haits

AskMe - Experiment Publisher - 0 views

    AskMe - Experiment Publisher is a simple to use software package for users to publish their large scale life science experiment data on to the web by use of data mining and visualization concepts. With use of AskMe, scientists can share these datasets easily with their collaborators or they can be made publicly accessible to the scientific community by Sciencenet - our distributed peer to peer search and share engine.
Janos Haits

Home - AcaWiki - 0 views

    AcaWiki enables you to easily post summaries and literature reviews of peer-reviewed research. Many summaries on AcaWiki come up high on Google results. Please read our posting guidelines before proceeding. If you want to find summaries or literature reviews of peer-reviewed research, you can either browse summaries or search.
Janos Haits

YaCy 'KIT-sn-head': About - 0 views

    Sciencenet - Towards a global search and share engine for all scientific knowledge. We have developed a prototype distributed scientific search engine technology, "Sciencenet", which facilitates rapid searching over this large data space. By "bringing the search engine to the data" we do not require server farms. This platform also allows users to contribute to the search index and publish their large scale data to support e-Science. Furthermore, a community-driven method guarantees that only scientific content is crawled and presented. Our peer-to-peer approach is sufficiently scalable for the science web without performance or capacity tradeoff.
Janos Haits

AskMe - Experiment Publisher - 0 views

    AskMe - Experiment Publisher is a simple to use software package for users to publish their large scale life science experiment data on to the web by use of data mining and visualization concepts. With use of AskMe, scientists can share these datasets easily with their collaborators or they can be made publicly accessible to the scientific community by Sciencenet - our distributed peer to peer search and share engine.
IJSTE Journal

IJSTE Journal Publication & Call for Paper 2016 - 0 views

    IJSTE Journal Publication & Peer Reviewed Journals in India. Research Scholar in all engineering and technology fields are swayed to help articles focused around late research.
Erich Feldmeier

Social Media and Peer Learning: From Mediated Pedagogy to Peeragogy | School of Informa... - 0 views

    "Howard Rheingold offers a glimpse of the future of high-end online learning in which motivated self-learners collaborate via a variety of social media to create, deliver, and learn an agreed curriculum: a mutant variety of pedagogy that more closely resembles a peer-agogy. Rheingold proposes that our intention should be to teach ourselves how to teach ourselves online, and to share what we learn"
Janos Haits

Scopus | The largest database of peer-reviewed literature | Elsevier - 0 views

    "Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in   the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts   and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and   visualize research."
Erich Feldmeier

One Per Cent: Social network lets people with same gut flora hook up - 0 views

    "The project was kick-started by a huge public response to the team's research into the genetics of gut bacteria. In a previous study the researchers found that certain gut-specific genetic markers were related to obesity and other diseases. "I got between 50 and 100 e-mails from regular people having problems with the stomach or diarrhoea and wondering if we can help them," Peer Bork, a biochemist and co-creator of MyMicrobes, told Nature. This new website will build on that work, whilst also providing support for concerned members of the public."
Janos Haits - 0 views

    PeerJ provides academics with two Open Access publication venues: PeerJ (a peer-reviewed academic journal) and PeerJ PrePrints (a 'pre-print server'). Both are focused on the Biological and Medical Sciences, and together they provide an integrated solution for your publishing needs. Submissions open late Summer.
Janos Haits

MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching - 0 views

    Putting Educational Innovations Into Practice Find peer reviewed online teaching and learning materials. Share advice and expertise about education with expert colleagues. Be recognized for your contributions to quality education.
Janos Haits

BioMed Central | The Open Access Publisher - 0 views

    Publisher of 215 peer-reviewed open access journals
Janos Haits

Wikipedia:Academic studies of Wikipedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Below is an incomplete list of academic conference presentations, peer-reviewed papers and other types of academic writing which focus on Wikipedia as their subject. Works that mention Wikipedia only in passing are unlikely to be listed.
Janos Haits

DSpace@MIT: Home - 0 views

    "DSpace@MIT is a growing collection of MIT's research that includes peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, working papers, theses and more. End-user downloads of the 60,000+ items regularly exceed one million per month."
Janos Haits

SciVal Experts | SciVal - 0 views

    SciVal® Experts is an expertise profiling and research networking tool that helps users find researchers with specific areas of expertise for collaboration and enables researchers in your institution to demonstrate their activities to the global research community. Pre-populated with deep publication histories from Elsevier's Scopus® - the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature - SciVal Experts makes it easier to find experts and form teams within your institution and across organizations.
Janos Haits

Scopus - Welcome to Scopus - 0 views

    53 million records | 21,915 titles | 5,000 publishers , the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Scopus delivers an overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities. As research becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, you can make sure that critical research from around the world is not missed.
thinkahol *

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - Magazine - The Atlantic - 0 views

    Much of what medical researchers conclude in their studies is misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. So why are doctors-to a striking extent-still drawing upon misinformation in their everyday practice? Dr. John Ioannidis has spent his career challenging his peers by exposing their bad science. 
Barry mahfood

THE PRICE OF RICE - Transcendence in Bite-Sized Bits: Peering into the Human Brain: Nan... - 0 views

    It is believed that supercomputers will achieve the computational power of human brains by about 2020, personal computers just a few years later, so figuring out the details of the brain's structure and functioning needs to keep pace. A major challenge in this has been the limits of MRI resolution, which is why the news of a major breakthrough has such significance.
Mark Harding

How to control a herd of humans - science-in-society - 04 February 2009 - New Scientist - 1 views

    Fresh insights into why we conform to peer pressure could explain how despotic leaders bend people to their will
Charles Daney

Knight Science Journalism Tracker » Blog Archive » Split decision on cancer s... - 0 views

    Peer review within science journalism
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