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Ethereal quantum state stored in solid crystal - physics-math - 12 January 2011 - New S... - 0 views

    ETHEREAL quantum entanglement has been captured in solid crystals, showing that it is more robust than once assumed. These entanglement traps could make quantum computing and communication more practical.

My Love Of Shortwave Radio - 1 views

    How I got interested in shortwave and ham radio by building a crystal radio kit as a child.
Walid Damouny

Taming the wild phonon - 0 views

    "Researchers at MIT and elsewhere have succeeded in creating a synthetic crystal that can very effectively control the transmission of heat -- stopping it in its tracks and reflecting it back. This advance could lead to insulating materials that could block the escape of heat more effectively than any present insulator."

Material Research Of Mr. Mahendra Trivedi - 3 views

Mahendra Kumar Trivedi possesses an inimitable aptitude to transmit energy to all living and non-living beings that are directed through his thoughts. This phenomenon is called as Energy Transmissi...

advanced materials research in material science The Effect scientific trivedi

started by anonymous on 23 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Erich Feldmeier

Justin Hudnall: I really do believe that repression makes you sick. - 0 views

    "Hudnall: I really do believe that repression makes you sick. I'm big believer of what is coming out in the neuroscience and therapy community. Brene Brown, who is a shame and guilt expert, said it best: "We have an epidemic of shame in this country." If you keep things inside and have no one to talk to - and this is not crystals and patchouli - you will get sick, you will be miserable, you will ruin your relationships, and you will be unhappy. I know people whose lives were ruined by silence. Especially women. The one thing that has really opened my eyes while teaching is just what we do to our women. Only my women students have said to me, "I don't know if I have anything worth saying." It smacks me in the face every day. We are really fucking up our women"
Walid Damouny

Diamond coatings are branching out - - 0 views

    Chris Walker looks at some of the uses of a novel amorphous diamond material.
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