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Polymer Engineering For Making Earth A Better Place To Live - 1 views

We live in a world where comfort happens to be the thing with utmost importance, we guys have spoiled all the resources along with the health of our planet for our personal comfort and we continue ...

Polymer engineering Trivedi Effect polymer science Trivedi Science

started by anonymous on 18 Feb 15 no follow-up yet

Basic Polymer Science Linked With Everyday Materials - 0 views

    Polymer science and polymer engineering are the branches of material science where engineers are working towards developing new materials. Polymer materials refer to solid materials, and it is quite possible to quote various examples of liquid as well as gaseous materials that are beneficial to mankind.

Polymer Science and Engineering - 0 views

    Learn more about, what the Trivedi Science has done on polymer science and polymer engineering research.

Polymers Thermal Analysis Experiments by Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Thermal analysis TGA / DTA test on treated polymers at (SAIF) - Nagpur, by Mahendra Trivedi. Experiment shows amazing impact of external energy on polymers

Know All About Polymer Science With Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Polymer is a chemical compound, which has become quite popular these days. It is growing at a really fast pace, and there are innumerable researches going on in the field of Polymer Engineering.

UV Visible Spectroscopy on Polymers By Trivedi Science - 0 views

    UV Visible Spectroscopy (UV-VIS) test done on treated polymers by Mahendra Trivedi at MGV Pharmacy College - Nasik.

Explore & Share at 9th World Congress on Biopolymers & Bioplastics, London - 0 views

    Explore & Share at 9th World Congress on Biopolymers & Bioplastics, London, UK (A solution for Current & Future Global Predicament) August 26-27, 2019 London, UK: Since 2016, Biopolymer Congress has been contributing successfully to the global scientific research field. 8th World Congress on Biopolymers & Bioplastics was held during June 28-29, 2018 at Berlin, Germany with the theme "Biopolymer- A Drug to heal the nature". Active participation of Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, Students and Leaders from the fields of Polymer Science, plastics, Green technology, medical, and Biomaterials is highly appreciated and made this event a blast. Thanks to all of our Organizing Committee members, honourable guests, wonderful speakers, conference attendees and Media partners. With the success of Biopolymer Congress 2018 at Berlin, we are feeling proud to announce Biopolymer Congress 2019 conference with the theme "A solution for current & future Global predicament", is going to held in London, UK, during August 26-27, 2019. Importance and Scope: Over the past few years, global economic activities have increased a lot. This tremendous growth has raised serious problems about current important patterns of production and consumption. As the current society has increased its attention in understanding of the environmental aspects and its industrial practices, greater attention has been given to the concept of sustainable economic systems that rely on energy from undepletable source and materials. The use of biologically derived Polymers become as an important component of this global world. The history of Biopolymer is not a long one. Various reasons are associated with the research and development of Biopolymers. Use of Bioplastics will make a tremendous change and will help rid of the conventional plastics, which is a welcome change. Why to attend?: To take preventive steps for Global Predicament, Biopolymer Congress 2019 offers a fantastic opportunity to meet and

Electron Spin Resonance Analysis on Polymers - 0 views

    Various polymers were tested for electron spin resonance (ESR) done at (SAIF) - IIT- Bombay to see the impact of The Trivedi Effect.

Thermal Analysis and Testing on Treated Polymers - Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Thermal analysis and testing DSC - polymers. Medium Atmospheric Air. Read complete report about this Trivedi Science Project here.

X Ray Diffraction On Polymers - Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Find, how Trivedi Effect impact was on polymers!

Material Research Of Mr. Mahendra Trivedi - 3 views

Mahendra Kumar Trivedi possesses an inimitable aptitude to transmit energy to all living and non-living beings that are directed through his thoughts. This phenomenon is called as Energy Transmissi...

advanced materials research in material science The Effect scientific trivedi

started by anonymous on 23 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Erich Feldmeier

Atmung: Implantat aus 3D-Drucker rettet Säugling das Leben - - 0 views

    "Der Mediziner Glenn Green und der Maschinenbauer Scott Hollister erwirkten eine Notfallfreigabe ihrer noch unerprobten Technik bei der US-Aufsichtbehörde und entwickelten ein Implantat, das aus dem Polymer Polycaprolacton gefertigt wurde. Dieser Kunststoff wird vom Körper langsam abgebaut. Die Stützkonstruktion, die den Hauptbronchus auseinanderhält und sich dennoch bewegen und leicht dehnen lässt, soll sich innerhalb von ungefähr drei Jahren auflösen, damit das Wachstum des Kindes nicht behindert wird. Green und Hollister haben den Splint auf Basis einer Computertomographie des Kindes am Rechner konstruiert und dann mit Hilfe eines 3D-Druckers hergestellt. Der Splint, der wie eine längs aufgeschnittene Röhre aussieht, wurde Anfang Februar 2012 am C.S. Mott Children's Hospital mit Einwilligung der Eltern eingesetzt. Das Implantat bietet dem Bronchus eine Skelett-artige Stütze. Drei Wochen nach dem Eingriff konnte die Gerätebeatmung beendet werden. Auch ein Jahr nach dem Eingriff wurde eine normale Entwicklung der Luftröhre diagnostiziert."
Erich Feldmeier

@biogarage Marcelo Coelo, Skylar Tibbits: MIT researchers unveil a smarter way to 3-D p... - 0 views

    "MIT-based researchers and instructors Marcelo Coelho and Skylar Tibbits teamed up to tackle this very problem. Working under a grant from Ars Electronica, the pair conceived of a whole new way to do 3-D printing. Hyperform is a new strategy for designing and printing large objects irrespective of a printer's bed size. So not only can you print out that chair at home, you can also print a table, bed frame, and everything else you need to furnish a bedroom. The solution is breathtakingly simple. By merely folding the object you want to print, you can jig it to fit into a small-scale printer. In Tibbits and Coelho's project, the object is rendered in 1-D--a line--and endlessly folded into a space-filling curve proportioned to the printer's cubic dimensions. (The designers partnered with Formlabs and iterated the process using a Form 1 tabletop printer.) When the object is exhumed from the printer bed, it doesn't at all resemble its final shape. Rather, it's a dense cluster of thin but sturdy polymer links packaged in a three-dimensional puzzle that can be intuitively assembled"
Mike Chelen

RNA world easier to make : Nature News - 0 views

  • John Sutherland and his colleagues from the University of Manchester, UK
  • ribonucleotide
  • building block of RNA
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • Donna Blackmond, a chemist at Imperial College London.
  • strong evidence for the RNA world
  • 'RNA world' hypothesis, which suggests that life began when RNA, a polymer related to DNA that can duplicate itself and catalyse reactions
  • chemists had thought the subunits would probably assemble themselves first, then join to form a ribonucleotide
  • three distinct parts: a ribose sugar, a phosphate group and a base
  • RNA polymer is a string of ribonucleotides
  • efforts to connect ribose and base together have met with frustrating failure
  • researchers have now managed to synthesise
  • ribonucleotides
  • remedy is to avoid producing separate ribose-sugar and base subunits
  • makes a molecule whose scaffolding contains a bond that will
  • be the key ribose-base connection
  • atoms are then added around this skeleton
  • final connection is to add a phosphate group
  • influences the entire synthesis
  • acting as a catalyst, it guides small organic molecules into making the right connections
  • What we have ended up with is molecular choreography
  • objectors to the RNA-world theory say the RNA molecule as a whole is too complex to be created using early-Earth geochemistry
  • flaw is in the logic — that this experimental control by researchers in a modern laboratory could have been available on the early Earth
  • Robert Shapiro, a chemist at New York University
  • early-Earth scenarios
  • heating molecules in water, evaporating them and irradiating them with ultraviolet light
  • results showing that they can string nucleotides together
  • ultimate goal is to get a living system (RNA) emerging from a one-pot experiment
  • need to know what the constraints on the conditions are first
  • Shapiro sides with
  • another theory of life's origins
  • because RNA is too complex to emerge from small molecules, simpler metabolic processes
  • eventually catalysed the formation of RNA and DNA

Advanced Material Science Research To Enhance Ceramic Engine - 1 views

Material science is the science that is involved with the process of understanding material universe and make optimum use of them. It is a known fact that, the physical body is made up of different...

Advanced research materials Material science and engineering polymer trivedi

started by anonymous on 03 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Thermal Analysis By Mahendra Trivedi - 0 views

    Mahendra Trivedi Thermal analysis can be read at Trivedi Science. He has done analysis over Alginic Acid Sodium Salt, Ethyl Cellulose, Activated Charcoal, Magnesium Nitride etc.
Walid Damouny

What scientists know about jewel beetle shimmer - 0 views

    "Jewel beetles" are widely known for their glossy external skeletons that appear to change colors as the angle of view changes. Now they may be known for something else--providing a blueprint for materials that reflect light rather than absorbing it to produce colors.

Materials Science Research By Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Mahendra Trivedi's unique phenomenon is applied on materials science research also. Read more about materials research at Trivedi Science.

Elemental Analysis For A Depth Understanding Of The Elements - 1 views

The horizons of science are unbound, and there is a huge intricacy in it. Scientists and researchers have been dedicating meticulous efforts for discovering new and amazing things every other day. ...

Elemental advanced materials research structural analysis thermal polymer science trivedi

started by anonymous on 02 Feb 15 no follow-up yet

Elemental Analysis For A Depth Understanding Of The Elements - 0 views

    Elemental Analysis is the process where an element is analyzed under different conditions, sometimes the analysis is dependent on the outer level while there are times when the element is broken and analysis is done over to the deepest level. These analyses are done on the molecular and atomic level.
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