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Bruce Gorrill

College Professor Makes his Point Clear: No Laptops Allowed in Class - 1 views

    Yes - this is ridiculous, but it does point out how far we still need to go in terms of managing computer use in a wireless environment. It speaks more to the content of what is going on in class. How can kids get away with facebooking the whole class? What does it say about what is going on in class?
Bruce Gorrill

Smartphones provide positives, negatives on campus - The Ranger - News - 1 views

    Dwight Huber, a professor in the English department, has a practical approach to the issue of cell phones and classroom disruptions. "Students are generally engaged enough in my classes not to have the time to talk on a cell or text anyone," he said. "With active learning, an instructor doesn't need policies as such.
Bruce Gorrill

eSN Special Report: Convergent Education | - 0 views

    This schism between how schools have traditionally taught and how students want to learn is bringing education ever closer to a tipping point.
    "When you cram any innovation, in any sector, into an existing model, that model basically usurps it, conforms it to the way the model already operates," says Michael Horn, a co-author of Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns. "It doesn't fundamentally change that factory model in a way that's student-centric. It doesn't give each student what [he or she] really need[s]."
Chris Hafner

smart phone - 5 views

That's actually what keep's us ahead of most of the rest. ;-) As for a forum... aren't there TED forums? I'll go look.

technology smartphone education

Bruce Gorrill

Rise in Online Classes Flares Debate About Quality - - 2 views

    Yup - saw this. Like anything else - it speaks to there being a good way to do something and a not so good way. I am glad that we are thinking about introducing online tools in a thoughtful, measured way.
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