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Christophe Deschamps

Importance of social software to organizations - 0 views

    Résultats d'une enquête Deloitte Entreprise20 Enquete_ SocialSoftware Statistiques_ Contenu_
Christophe Deschamps

Youzzers - 0 views

    Réseau social d'entreprise
Christophe Deschamps

7 stratégies d'adoption d'un intranet social - 0 views

    Par @aponcier Entreprise20 AdoptionTechnologies20 Contenu_ 2012 Rse_ Intranet_
Christophe Deschamps

Les communautés 2.0 au cœur de la production de connaissances - 0 views

    Entreprise20 Collaboration_ Cop_ Contenu_
Christophe Deschamps

Comment créer un contexte social favorable à l'intelligence collective et l'i... - 0 views

    Second livre numérique de Thomas Bonnecarrère @Thomas_BO IntelligenceCollective livre_numérique Contenu_ Collaboration_ Entreprise20 
Christophe Deschamps

Management 2.0 : les vertus des petites équipes - 0 views

    Management_ Entreprise20 Collaboration_ TravailCollaboratif
Christophe Deschamps

Quand le Department of State montre l'exemple en adoptant l'esprit Enterprise2.0 - 0 views

    Petite étude de cas par @demainlaveille Entreprise20 Diplomatie_ Usa_ OutilsCollaboratifs contenu_ EtudeDeCas
Christophe Deschamps

If You Think Your Team Makes Decisions, Think Again - 0 views

  • The group discussion helped evolve the boss's thinking, which reshaped the ultimate decision. But even if the decision wasn't one the boss would have initially made or isn't his or her top choice, the fact is that the CEO was part of the consensus. And as long as the boss is a required part of the consensus — as long as whatever is decided has to be inside the boss's acceptable set of outcomes — then accountability never really shifts to the group. It is the leader, not the group, who ultimately allows that particular decision to go through.
  • In a study of top management team performance conducted by the global executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles a few years ago, 124 CEOs worldwide and 579 of their direct reports were asked to rate whether leadership team decision processes were clear. On a scale of one to seven, the CEOs rated decision process clarity, on average, at 5.62. The executives who worked for them returned a rating of only 3.86.
  • The wise boss will recognize that individuals, not groups, own decisions and will make this clear to subordinates. Some may be concerned that team members will feel disempowered. But the truth is not nearly as disempowering as fostering an illusion.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • If something the group does can be reversed by a quick trip to the boss's office afterwards, then the group wasn't accountable for making that decision in the first place. It might be a recommendation, or a preferred option, or a consensus view, but it wasn't a decision.
    Billet de blog HBR
Christophe Deschamps

Groofer - 0 views

    Service de social search et social bookmarking pour les organisations
Christophe Deschamps

Yuku - 0 views

    Service de création de réseaux sociaux privés
Christophe Deschamps

HyperWeek - 0 views

    Nouveau réseau social d'entreprise en SaaS. Test possible.
Christophe Deschamps

Comparatif des solutions de réseau social d'entreprise - 0 views

    JDnet. BlueKiwi, Jive, Yammer, Yoolink et d'autres
Christophe Deschamps

5 raisons de remplacer votre intranet par un réseau social d'entreprise - 0 views

    Contenu_ Rse_ ArticleBlog Intranet_ OutilsCollaboratifs
Christophe Deschamps

Les réseaux sociaux d'entreprise entrent en phase de généralisation - 0 views

    Rse_ ArticlePresse Etude_ Statistiques_ OutilsCollaboratifs
Christophe Deschamps

Livre blanc sur les plateformes communautaires Open Source - 0 views

    Rse_ OutilsCollaboratifs Entreprise20 Contenu_ LivreBlanc
Christophe Deschamps

Zwiggo - 0 views

    Service de création de réseaux sociaux personnalisés SocialMedias Rse_ OutilsCollaboratifs outil_
Christophe Deschamps

SmartQ - 0 views

    workflow visualization, task tracking and team collaboration app. Payant. GestionDeProjet GestionDuTemps OutilsCollaboratifs Rse_ outil_ Rse_ ServiceEnLigne Productivite_
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