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Sara Wilkie

QuickThoughts - A place to think and share » Blog Archive » Discussing design... - 0 views

    "A couple of weeks ago I had an interesting meeting with about 25 instructional designers from UBC, where we discussed design models for hybrid learning, defined as a deliberate attempt to combine the best of both face-to-face and online learning. "
Sara Wilkie

Tutorial Designers, Guides, Step-by-Step Instructions: Amplification & Imagin... - 3 views

    "Tutorial Designer" is one of the six roles, Alan November lists in his Digital Learning Farm that empower student learners and describes in his book 'Who owns the Learning?. Take a look at the examples below of students: sharing what they have learned in class sharing beyond their classroom and their parents sharing with a global audience in mind. As you are watching these samples… Where does your imagination take you? What ideas come to your mind? What comes to mind for YOUR STUDENTS TO SHARE? What lesson or unit, could you "upgrade" to include the creation of a video, audio or screencast?"

The Playground Advocate: Teacher Creativity Skill: Solve a Problem - 0 views

  • "If only there were some sort of device that was connected to a network of information and resources..."
  • search for information well on the Internet.
  • Even my most tech-savvy colleagues will occasionally give me the opportunity to use the Let Me Google That For You Web Tool.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • More importantly, though, the Internet is a social space where you can ask a question directly to human beings. My favorite method for this is to ask a question on Twitter or in one of the Google+ communities that I belong to.
  • Creating environments in which students can safely take on the role of problem-solver is the focus of many of the most compelling initiatives in learning, including Project-Based Learning, Design Thinking, and the Maker Movement.
    I gave a final exam designed to do just that - provide the opportunity for students to see, touch, and feel that information is cheap and freely available and therefore, there is little inherent value in finding it and especially in spitting it back!. Either my mission was flawed (no surprise), or the deck is seriously stacked against the effort. The result: MUST FIND ANSWERS! Wow, look at me, I have the answers....Couldn't apply it if my life depended on it, but man, just look at my answers! I was preaching the Problem Solver, PBL mantra in a recent conversation and was told bluntly, providing that opportunity in the real isolation of 1 45 minute period out of 7 is a complete waste of time. Man, that stung and I continue to resist it, but there is a very large kernel of CAP T Truth present there.
Theresa Luong

The 20-Minute Paper Airplane | Journey Into Unschooling - 0 views

    design challenges
Sara Wilkie

6 Channels Of 21st Century Learning - 0 views

    "we constantly wrestle with two big questions: How do people learn, and how can they do it better in a constantly evolving context? In pursuit, the theme of "21st century learning" often surfaces, a popular label that, while perhaps cliche, still seems to be necessary as we iterate learning models, fold in digital media resources, and incorporate constantly changing technology to an already chaotic event (i.e., learning). This has produced our 9 Characteristics of 21st Century Learning, a kind of overview we created in 2009, and our Inside-Out School model that is meant to be a kind of bridge between current school design and what's possible moving forward."
Sara Wilkie

always learning - teaching technology abroad - 0 views

    "Established Goals (ISTE NETS Standards) 2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. 4. Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving & Decision-Making: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students: b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. 5. Digital Citizenship: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. 6. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. Students: b. select and use applications effectively and productively. d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. Enduring Understandings: Students will understand that: Responsible digital citizens demonstrated shared characteristics, habits and attitudes. We can work together to teach others what we have learned. We can use web 2.0 tools to collaborate and communicate with a global audience. Essential Questions: What are the characteristics, habits and attitudes of a responsible digital citizen? How can we work together to teach others about responsible digital citizenship? How can we collaborate and communicate with others online? Assessment Evidence GRASPS Task Goal: Your goal is to produce a multimedia handbook about basic technology tools and digital citizenship for ISB
Richard Fanning

Practical PBL Series: Design an Instructional Unit in Seven Phases | Edutopia - 1 views

    Seven-step process for planning problem-based learning experiences.
Sara Wilkie

A Biography Study: Using Role-Play to Explore Authors' Lives - ReadWriteThink - 0 views

    "Dramatizing life stories provides students with an engaging way to become more critical readers and researchers. In this lesson, students select American authors to research, create timelines and biopoems, and then collaborate on teams to design and perform a panel presentation in which they role-play as their authors. The final project requires each student to synthesize information about his or her author in an essay."

Media and Technology Resources for Educators | Common Sense Media - 0 views

    Get tools to educate yourself and your students from Common Sense Media for Educators. In addition to their K-12 curriculum on Digital Literacy and Citizenship, they offer an online tutorial designed to help you implement the curriculum in your classroom. Units are: Safety, Security, Digital Life, Privacy and Digital Footprints, Connected Culture, Respecting Creative Work, Searching, Research and Evaluation, Self-Expression and Identity. Common Sense Media has partnered with Edmodo. Together they have created the Digital Citizenship Starter Kit. Join the Digital Citizenship Community to obtain the resources!
Deana Ratnala

Poetry 180: A Poem a Day for American High Schools (Poetry and Literature Center, Libra... - 0 views

    "Poetry 180 is designed to make it easy for students to hear or read a poem on each of the 180 days of the school year. I have selected the poems you will find here with high school students in mind. They are intended to be listened to, and I suggest that all members of the school community be included as readers. A great time for the readings would be following the end of daily announcements over the public address system. Listening to poetry can encourage students and other learners to become members of the circle of readers for whom poetry is a vital source of pleasure. I hope Poetry 180 becomes an important and enriching part of the school day."
Sara Wilkie

Project-Based Learning vs. Problem-Based Learning vs. X-BL | Edutopia - 0 views

    "At the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), we've been keeping a list of the many types of "_____- based learning" we've run across over the years: Case-based learning Challenge-based learning Community-based learning Design-based learning Game-based learning Inquiry-based learning Land-based learning Passion-based learning Place-based learning Problem-based learning Proficiency-based learning Service-based learning Studio-based learning Team-based learning Work-based learning . . . and our new fave . . . "

10 Ways Teacher Planning Should Adjust To The Google Generation - 0 views

  • Instead, anchor learning experiences around new kinds of thinking that force the synthesis of disparate ideas, media, and communities. Scenario-based learning, challenge-based learning, project-based learning, learning simulations, and so on.
  • , the focus should be on more classically human practices of observation, study, and perspective.
  • Curriculum maps should promote careful, self-directed study of relevant and meaningful ideas, rather than design micro-lessons to “efficiently deliver information.”
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  • Actually make social networks and media channels part of curriculum
  • Rather than emphasizing content, emphasize how to deal with an abundance of fluid and perishable content on a daily basis.
  • In an age of information and analytics, data is abundant. Currently, maps and units and lessons are not designed to accept data, leaving it up to the teacher to extract it, and constantly make often significant adjustments to planning in light of it.
    • anonymous
      Can someone help me better understand what the author meant here? #5 isn't making sense to me. What data is she referring to?
  • It’s simply being pro-active–creating a map–or at least units within a map–that can facilitate the educated guesswork and instinct on the part of teachers.
  • Will they need extra time? Mini-lessons on Digital Citizenship? Unique literacy strategies? A mix of digital and physical texts? More choice or less? Currently this is all done at the unit or lesson level. What would it look like at the curriculum map level?
  • Of course students need to “understand”–but (hoping Grant’s not reading this) prescribing exactly what students will understand, when they will understand it and at what depth, and where, and how they will prove it–regardless of background knowledge, natural interest, literacy levels, etc.–is a bit…ambitious.
  • establish a handful of the most important ideas in content that act as anchors for other more discrete knowledge and facts, and practice them over and over again at a variety of cognitive levels (e.g., Bloom’s).
  • emphasize that learning is a marathon, not a series of artificially-divided sprints.
  • Content is incredible if we can just let it be incredible, and for the Google Generation, it’s right there at their fingertips. Curriculum documents should underscore the nuance of the world, not provide a chronologically-based checklist to cover it all.
  • A curriculum map should be as much for the student as they are for the teacher. As such they should function as learning and discovery pathways, helping the learners see where they’ve been, where they’re going, and what’s possible.
    "The age of knowing is slowing giving way to an age of data navigation, and what students need help with should be adjusted accordingly-even if in ways other than the ideas below."
Sara Wilkie

Teaching Empathy: Turning a Lesson Plan into a Life Skill | Edutopia - 0 views

    "In cooperative learning, students work together, think together and plan together using a variety of group structures designed along an instructional path. This dynamic learning model breaks with the dusty forms of frontal teaching that often create classrooms of "lonesome togetherness" -- students who may sit together but live worlds apart. Cooperative learning creates what Daniel Goleman calls "cognitive empathy," a mind-to-mind sense of how another person's thinking works. The better we understand others, the better we know them -- pointing toward (among other virtues) greater trust, appreciation and generosity. "
Sara Wilkie

kindergarten-learning-approach.pdf - 0 views

    "All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking) I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten * Mitchel Resnick MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA 02139 USA +1 617 253 9783 ABSTRACT This paper argues that the "kindergarten approach to learning" - characterized by a spiraling cycle of Imagine, Create, Play, Share, Reflect, and back to Imagine - is ideally suited to the needs of the 21 st century, helping learners develop the creative-thinking skills that are critical to success and satisfaction in today's society. The paper discusses strategies for designing new technologies that encourage and support kindergarten-style learning, building on the success of traditional kindergarten materials and activities, but extending to learners of all ages, helping them continue to develop as creative thinkers. "
Sara Wilkie

iTunes - Books - The iPad Is Not a PC by Jonathan Nalder - 3 views

    "The iPad is not a PC. As obvious as that sounds, if the only computer you've ever used was mainly a box on a desk, or ran a desktop operating system with a physical keyboard attached, its only natural that the ways you attempt to use a new device will be dictated by the old paradigm. Instead of just sticking with such an approach, this book looks at the different ways that the PC and iPad have been designed to work, and then detail new ways that the iPad can be used for workflows not work. "
    Reading it is one of my most significant failures...the "proper" or effective use of the iPad as a creative workflow device in my practice. I have to admit that I have, and perhaps to a large extent still do, view it as a cooler PC. Only just recently have I been able to envision the possibilities via app smashing. A few dollars spent to provide some smashing possibilities, but not the vehicle or the time allocated to let students experience it for themselves. Onward, we endeavor to persevere!
Sara Wilkie

Educational Leadership:Feedback for Learning:Seven Keys to Effective Feedback - 1 views

    Advice, evaluation, grades-none of these provide the descriptive information that students need to reach their goals. What is true feedback-and how can it improve learning? Who would dispute the idea that feedback is a good thing? Both common sense and research make it clear: Formative assessment, consisting of lots of feedback and opportunities to use that feedback, enhances performance and achievement. Yet even John Hattie (2008), whose decades of research revealed that feedback was among the most powerful influences on achievement, acknowledges that he has "struggled to understand the concept" (p. 173). And many writings on the subject don't even attempt to define the term. To improve formative assessment practices among both teachers and assessment designers, we need to look more closely at just what feedback is-and isn't.

Pros and Cons of The Flipped Classroom | TeachHUB - 2 views

  •   I useScreenr in conjunction with my iPad and the app Air Sketch to record the videos.  The students go to my website to view.
  • I know as I'm teaching, I get direct feedback from my students by looking at their faces and gauging comprehension. I, as a teacher, don't get that feedback as I'm designing and creating my videos.”
  • Helps kids who were absent, stay current.•Helps kids who don't get the lesson the first time in class.
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  • Can attach Google spreadsheets or other online quizzes to check for comprehension, along with the video link sent to students
  • •I have a long way to go in my skill set in making the videos interesting (they, to me anyway, are really boring to watch).
  • I hope to continue to utilize this approach, but I'd like to find a more streamlined method. Right now I've looked mostly for lecture opportunities to "flip". The omission of these lectures in the classroom setting allows for more time to discuss literature and practice writing techniques.”
  • The videos are beneficial because they are easy to access and very easy to understand.  The textbook we use for an AP course is college level material- it is expected that students will be able to read at that level when taking an AP course.  However, many students are 'learning' how to read at that level. 
  • The videos are refreshing and entertaining, and may allow many to increase their literacy by having that 'access' to the text that may not have been available if they were to simply trudge through the work taking bland notes.”
  • without the proper methods to distribute technology and video information, the flipped model is doomed to fail.
  • As educators, shouldn’t our ultimate goal be to help students become “learners, who can learn for themselves, by themselves.”
    Shares both positive and negative examples straight from classroom teachers. Good food for thought and consideration if you're attempting the model!
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