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Benno Hansen

Ethical Analysis of the Climate Change Disinformation Campaign: Introduction to A Serie... - 1 views

  • skepticism in science is essential to increase understanding of the natural world. Yet, ideologically based disinformation is often ethically abhorrent particularly in regard to behaviors about which there is credible scientific support for the conclusion that these activities threaten life and the ecological systems on which life depend. This report focuses on specific tactics that have been deployed in the climate change disinformation campaign.
  • the controversy over climate change science that has unfolded in the last twenty years is a strong example of the urgent need to create new societal norms about how to deal with scientific uncertainty for human problems
  • scientific uncertainty about the consequences of technologies that have great potential for good and harm create new, profound ethical challenges for the human race
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  • the ethics of dealing with scientific uncertainty may be the most pressing ethical problem facing the human race
eyal matsliah

please provide tips for low-impact, energy-efficient lifestyle - 5 views

I'd like to live as simple life as possible, use as little as possible energy and leave a small as possible footprint. I'm also looking for tips on "green" alternatives to air-conditioning, refrig...

alternative-energy environmentalism

started by eyal matsliah on 07 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
Maluvia Haseltine

Ecovative Design - 1 views

    At Ecovative, we are passionate about sustainability. That's why we're working with nature to replace unsustainable plastics and foams with natural composites. Using innovative new materials and radical new technologies, our products perform at least as well as current state-of-the-art synthetics, but at a lower cost to both you and the environment. Ecovative: Making truly sustainable products smart and affordable.
Benno Hansen

Biodiversity loss matters, and communication is crucial - SciDev.Net - 0 views

  • at root is the conflict between the need to radically change our use of natural resources and the desire to maintain current forms of economic growth
  • enhancing the media's ability to communicate messages emerging from the underlying science
  • governments signed up to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have missed their 2010 target, set in 2002, of achieving "a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss"
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  • Finally the apocalyptic tone sometimes used in attempts to drive a message home can further hinder the case for constructive action. Too often, it promotes either cynicism or apathy among those who cannot relate these disaster scenarios to their own personal experience.
  • he issues scientists think most important often seem abstract and far removed from the day-to-day concerns of ordinary people
  • sloppy scientific reasoning can have a broad and lasting impact
  • embed this scientific evidence into viable but sustainable economic growth and development strategies
Natalie Kakovitch

Are you a green social network user? - 4 views

started by Natalie Kakovitch on 10 Aug 09 no follow-up yet
attayaya yaya

Global Warming, what's all the fuss about - 2 views

    they don't fuss
Mark Kabbbash

Industrial Nanotech to Present White Paper to Prominent Industry Leaders at Internation... - 0 views

    Nansulate EPX is a water based epoxy system which has an industry high thermal insulation capability combined with exceptional fire resistance and excellent chemical and corrosion resistance. Nansulate EPX also provides the ability to be applied from one eighth inch thick to several inches thick, a rapid cure time, durability in severe service environments, and is a strong, very light weight, easy-to-apply material.
Benno Hansen

We Don't Know What We're Missing | Psychology Today - 2 views

  • Across generations people construct a conception of what is environmentally normal based on the natural world encountered in childhood
  • with each ensuing generation, the amount of environmental degradation increases, but each generation tends to take that degraded condition as the non-degraded condition, as the normal experience
  • None of us living today have experienced certain forms of interaction with nature that were common even one or two hundred years ago.
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  • Today the Highlands of Scotland are one of the most deforested lands in the world. Perhaps equally disturbing, the Scots of today, according to Hand, have virtually no conception of a forest, of its ecological vastness and beauty.
  • environmental problems can be understood as equally serious across generations even while the problems worsen.
Mark Kabbbash

a sick graph!!! - A must see. People should know. - 1 views

    These figures are in millions. The source for energy R&D expenditures is from the National Council for Science and the Environment. Take a look here:
Benno Hansen

World is facing a natural resources crisis worse than financial crunch | Environment | ... - 1 views

  • humans are using 30% more resources than the Earth can replenish each year, which is leading to deforestation, degraded soils, polluted air and water, and dramatic declines in numbers of fish and other species
  • we are running up an ecological debt of $4tr (£2.5tr) to $4.5tr every year
  • populations and consumption keep growing faster than technology finds new ways of expanding what can be produced from the natural world
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  • by 2030, if nothing changes, mankind would need two planets to sustain its lifestyle
  • Sir David King, the British government's former chief scientific adviser, said: "We all need to agree that there's a crisis of understanding, that we're removing the planet's biodiverse resources at a rate which is as fast if not faster than the world's last great extinction."
  • 50 countries are already experiencing "moderate to severe water stress on a year-round basis"
  • 27 countries are "importing" more than half the water they consume - in the form of water used to produce goods from wheat to cotton - including the UK, Switzerland, Austria, Norway and the Netherlands.
  • A person's footprint ranges vastly across the globe, from eight or more "global hectares" (20 acres or more) for the biggest consumers in the United Arab Emirates, the US, Kuwait and Denmark, to half a hectare in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Afghanistan and Malawi.
  • The global average consumption was 2.7 hectares a person, compared with a notional sustainable capacity of 2.1 hectares.
Benno Hansen

RealClimate: The global cooling mole - 1 views

  • To veterans of the Climate Wars, the old 1970s global cooling canard - "How can we believe climate scientists about global warming today when back in the 1970s they told us an ice age was imminent?" - must seem like a never-ending game of Whack-a-mole.
  • during the 1970s, when some would have you believe scientists were predicting a coming ice age, they were doing no such thing. The dominant view, even then, was that increasing levels of greenhouse gases were likely to dominate any changes we might see in climate on human time scales.
    Contrary to claims of "skeptics" 70ies scientists didn't predict global cooling.
Maluvia Haseltine

 LOVEABLE LOO - Eco Toilet - 1 views

    Affordable composting toilet, a la Humanure Handbook
Benno Hansen

How the 1% Pillage the Environment | AlterNet - 1 views

  • when there’s money to be made, both workers and the environment are expendable
  • If you are a CEO who skims millions of dollars off other people’s labor, it’s called a “bonus.”  If you are a flood victim who breaks into a sporting goods store to grab a lifejacket, it’s called looting.  If you lose your job and fall behind on your mortgage, you get evicted.  If you are a banker-broker who designed flawed mortgages that caused a million people to lose their homes, you get a second-home vacation-mansion near a golf course.
  • The 1% are willing to spend billions impeding democratic initiatives, which is why every so-called environmental issue is also about building a democratic culture.
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  • If you drag heavy fishnets across the ocean floor and pulverize an entire ecosystem, ending thousands of years of dynamic evolution and depriving future generations of a healthy ocean, it’s called free enterprise.  But if, like Tim DeChristopher, you disrupt an auction of public land to oil and gas companies, it’s called a crime and you get two years in jail.   
  • Tearing apart wildlife habitat to make a profit and doing the same at a workplace are just considered the price of doing business. Clearcutting a forest and clearcutting a labor force are two sides of the same coin. 
  • The desperate effort to grow the economy to solve our economic woes is what keeps Timothy Geithner at the helm of the Treasury and is what stalls the regulation of greenhouse gasses.  It’s why we are told we must sacrifice environmental quality for pipelines and why young men and women are sacrificed to protect access to oil, the lubricant for an acquisitive economic engine.
  • we have built an all-encompassing economic engine that requires unending growth.  A contraction of even a percent or two is a crisis, and yet we are embedded in ecosystems that are reaching or have reached their limits.
  • Like so much else these days, the crash, as it happens, will not be suffered in equal measure by all of us.  The one percenters will be atop the hill, while the 99% will be in the flood lands below swimming for their lives, clinging to debris, or drowning.
  • Degrading the planet’s operating systems to bolster the bottom line is foolish and reckless.  It hurts us all.  No less important, it’s unfair.  The 1% profit, while the rest of us cough and cope. After Occupy Wall Street, isn’t it time for Occupy Earth?
Benno Hansen

'The hockey stick is broken' | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist - 1 views

  • Study of the past can be informative for scientists, but it is not explanatory of the present nor is it predictive of the future.
  • The infamous "Hockey Stick" graph was featured prominently in the IPCC TAR Summary for Policymakers.
  • Two Canadians, an economist and a petroleum geologist, took it upon themselves to verify this proxy reconstruction by getting the data and examining the methodology for themselves. They found errors in the description published in Nature of the data used -- errors that prevented them from duplicating the study. Mann et al., the hockey stick's creators, published a correction in Nature, noting where the description did not match what had actually been done.
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  • The fact is, there are dozens of other temperature reconstructions. They tend to show more variability than the original hockey stick (their sticks are not as straight), but they all support the general conclusions the IPCC TAR presented in 2001: late 20th century warming is anomalous in the last one or two thousand years, and the 1990s were likely warmer than any other time in that period.
  • dozens of other proxy reconstructions, some by the same team or involving some of its members, some by completely different people, some using tree rings, some using corals, some using stalagmites, some using borehole measurements -- all supporting the same general conclusion. That general conclusion is what's important to me, not whether or not one Bristlecone pine was or was not included correctly in a single eight-year-old study.
Benno Hansen

Do nations go to war over water? : Article : Nature - 1 views

  • There are 263 cross-boundary waterways in the world. Between 1948 and 1999, cooperation over water, including the signing of treaties, far outweighed conflict over water and violent conflict in particular. Of 1,831 instances of interactions over international freshwater resources tallied over that time period (including everything from unofficial verbal exchanges to economic agreements or military action), 67% were cooperative, only 28% were conflictive, and the remaining 5% were neutral or insignificant. In those five decades, there were no formal declarations of war over water2.
  • it is foolish for Israel, a water-short country, to grow and then export products such as oranges and avocados, which require a lot of water to cultivate
  • water 'embedded' in traded products could be important in explaining the absence of conflict over water
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  • as poor countries diversify their economies, they turn away from agriculture and create wealth from industries that use less water. As a country becomes richer, it may require more water overall to sustain its booming population, but it can afford to import food to make up the shortfall
  • Israel ran out of water in the 1950s: it has not since then produced enough water to meet all of its needs, including food production. Jordan has been in the same situation since the 1960s; Egypt since the 1970s. Although it is true that these countries have fought wars with each other, they have not fought over water. Instead they all import grain.
  • Palestinian and Israeli water professionals interact on a Joint Water Committee, established by the Oslo-II Accords in 1995. It is not an equal partnership: Israel has de facto veto power on the committee.
  • Inequitable access to water resources is a result of the broader conflict and power dynamics: it does not itself cause war.
    • Benno Hansen
      From causation to hen/egg
  • although India and Pakistan have fought three wars and frequently find themselves in eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation, the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty, arbitrated by the World Bank, has more than once helped to defuse tensions over water
  • predictions of armed conflict come from the media and from popular, non-peer-reviewed work
  • I offered to revise its thesis, but my publishers pointed out that predicting an absence of war over water would not sell.
  • most importantly, improve the conditions of trade for developing countries to strengthen their economies
attayaya yaya

Green Fuel - 1 views

    Salah satu upayanya adalah menciptakan berbagai kendaraan yang lebih bersifat ramah lingkungan yang menggunakan bahan bakar yang juga ramah lingkungan. Umumnya bahan bakar itu disebut Bahan Bakar Ramah Lingkungan atau Bahan Bakar Hijau atau Greener Fuels.
Benno Hansen

Capitalism as a threat to the environment - The Irish Times - Sat, Aug 09, 2008 - 1 views

  • "Today's system of political economy, referred to here as modern capitalism, is destructive of the environment, and not in a minor way but in a way that threatens the planet,"
  • current obsession with GDP growth at all costs must be abandoned
  • a shift to much more participative and popular forms of democracy
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  • a shift to a post-consumer society is needed
  • "tackling climate change is the pro-growth strategy for the longer term"
Mark Kabbbash

Tires to Oil GBRC puts a good spin on old tires by recycling them into OIL! - View Message - 1 views

    GRC has developed a proof of concept machine (Patriot 1) that is capable of processing tires on a continuous basis. An example of GRC's tire processing system: For every 1 ton of tires processed in the GRC Patriot 1, there is 120 gallons of oil, 5000 cubic ft. of combustible gases, 200 pounds of reusable steel and 750 pounds of carbon ash produced which are all marketable commodities. \n
Maluvia Haseltine

BuildItSolar: Solar energy projects for Do It Yourselfers to save money and reduce poll... - 1 views

    Plans, tools and information to do renewable energy and conservation projects.
Benno Hansen

We Need Sustainable Capitalism - - 1 views

  • market capitalism has arrived at a critical juncture
  • sustainable development will be the primary driver of economic and industrial change over the next 25 years
  • sustainability issues are central to business and should be incorporated in the analysis of business and management quality
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  • "Nature does not do bailouts."
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