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At the National Conventions, the Words They Used - Interactive Feature - - 3 views

    Wow. This is really interesting and such a great way to present the information.

Marketing Strategy: Communications Strategy: Business Strategy: FrogDog: Article: 2012 ... - 1 views

    Re: "The next big thing" this study suggests that only 58% of businesses have a social media strategy. Twitter is apparently on the way down. Pintrest and Tumblr are on their way up.

The Rise Of Visual Social Media | Fast Company - 0 views

    Interesting article in relation to our discussion of technological determinism - are we shaping the tools or are they shaping us?

With Facebook Defriending, Cognitive and Emotional Resonance - 0 views

    A study about emotion, identity and facebook that might be worth exploring.

PEJ Economist Challenge | - 0 views

    Here's a great challenge - free data and a chance to win. 

Tools - 0 views

    Thank you for sharing this! I was able to fix the issue I had with adding the Diigolet to my toolbar.

Millennials: A Portrait of Generation Next - Pew Research Center - 0 views

    Generations, like people, have personalities, and Millennials - the American teens and twenty-somethings currently making the passage into adulthood - have begun to forge theirs: confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to new ideas and ways of living

World Internet Usage Statistics News and World Population Stats - 0 views

    Interesting source of information about the spread of the internet world-wide.

Web TV, audiences and content producers of the XXI century: challenges and op... - 0 views

    Potentially use of tablets to make TV interactive.

A demographic portrait of creators and curators and users of various social media servi... - 0 views

    These data shed additional light on access and use.

St. Leonard elementary school | Toshiba Canada Blog - 0 views

    Is it the technology or the teaching? Toshiba says: "Creativity, innovation, information fluency, critical thinking, problem solving- these are the skills that students need in order to work effectively and live productively in today's digital world," said Kimberly Giles, Principal at St. Leonard. "The use of technology in the classroom helps us create an environment that fosters these skills."

Map: How New York Tweeted During Hurricane Sandy | Co.Design: business + innovation + d... - 1 views

    Interesting little article offering interpretation about twitter patterns during "Superstorm" Sandy. I noticed similar patterns following the event. Even though the storm really seemed to be hitting Delaware more directly, most of the information on social media was coming from Manhattan.

How To Build A Revolutionary Political Social Network | TechCrunch - 3 views

    Failed startup offers some advice for building a social platform for political engagement. The article provides good insight into transforming ideas (ideals?) into software.

Joe Kahne - Digital Evolution: Social Media's Growing Impact on Youth Political Engagem... - 0 views

    Some of you might be interested in the web presentation. It's November 6 at 11 am PST.

Iceland votes for crowdsourced constitution (Wired UK) - 0 views

    A real example of the democratic potential of social media...

American Media exec: QR codes need consumer education to understand value - Content - M... - 0 views

    Is it the technology or the application of the technology? Has anyone seen a good use for QR codes?
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