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Tendon Tip Sheet - 3 views

    I found this on the AOTA's website and it is a tendon tip sheet. It tells exactly what a tendon injury is and also what OT implements with this form or injury. It is a short, but informative page on this topic. I thought it would be beneficial to print out as a source to keep to look back on.

Tendon Injuries - 0 views

    When a person experiences a tendon injury in the hand that affects the ability to flex or extend the hand properly and in a safe way, he or she likely will have a difficult time completing everyday tasks, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, using the bathroom, and attending to chores at home and at work. This could be a wonderful handout to someone who has had surgery or experiencing these same issues.
Leslie Hamock

Stretches for Tendinitis in the Hand - 0 views

    Tendinitis is a condition caused by an inflammation of the connective tissue that connects your muscles to your skeleton. It can be caused by repetitive stresses placed on your tendons, a shortening of the connective tissue as a result of aging or placing too much stress on a tendon.

Exploring Hand Therapy - Tip Movies - 2 views

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    This web site provides a list of video tips for hand therapy such as tendon and nerve gliding. The videos help me understand some of the therapy exercises Teri listed in her articulate lesson on CTDs.
Cabby Rader

Body Mechanics Training - 0 views

    Body Mechanics Training. Body mechanics training is the application of proper body movement to prevent and correct poor posture, reduce stress on ligaments, joints and tendons and to enhance physical capabilities. Mechanics studies energy and forces and their affects on bodies. Mechanics derives from physics. Biomechanics is applying mechanics to biological systems, and it...

Proper Mechanics for a Golf Swing - 0 views

    I posted this with my stepdad in mind. He is retired now and has hip isssues along with a distal biscep tendon rupture last fall. Everytime he goes golfing now, he comes home sore and disheartened by being retired and not being able to enjoy his golf game. So for all you men and women that love the golf game, here is the correct way to swing!

Ergonomics - 2 views

    Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) affect the muscles, nerves and tendons. Work related MSDs (including those of the neck, upper extremities and low back) are one of the leading causes of lost workday injury and illness.
    This is a really great website that talks about ergonomics in the workplace. It specifically talks about how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. One thing unique about this website is that it also address what the employers responsibilities are and what rights the worker has in regards to prevention, and a safe workplace. It gives multiple links to OSHA standards for a workplace, and also a list of some of the top careers that result in musculoskeletal disorders.

Cumulative trauma disorder - 1 views

    A cumulative trauma disorder, also known as CTD, is defined as the excessive wear and tear on tendons, muscles and sensitive nerve tissue caused by continuous use over an extended period of time. CTDs can develop from improper work positioning, repetition or force. Millions of Americans work in front of computers every day.
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