P2PU | Rhizomatic Learning - The community is the curriculum - 0 views
Rhizomatic learning is a story
Terry Elliott on 12 Jan 14Is this a narrative played out in nature or is it an artificial, man-inspired story/sortie?
What happens if we let that go?
I think that there are layers of letting go. There is the primary one you describe in the first paragraph--an aware sloughing off of the skin of coursework and curriculum and student and teacher and syllabus--the whole catastrophe. This is very hard unlearning. It requires a continuous monitoring of old metaphors and thinking in the light of ...well, you know not what. The secondary letting go is individual baggage schema we each prize. We call it experience. It is an even greater unlearning. It is the matter of taking Coleridge's axiom, "the willing suspension of disbelief", to heart in ways that most of us are unwilling to do. We say we can do it, but such work is perceived as dangerous. It requires a vulnerability to and presence of the immediate, unmediated now. That is some scary shit, compadre.
trust the idea that people can come together to learn given the availability of an abundance of perspective, of information and of connection?
We are quite capable of doing this. We just have to remember what it was like to be an infant learning once more. Yeah, just open up a vein while you're at it. I will try, but how do I try to do this? First, I have to accept as given that everyone has best intentions at heart. That means that I have to have the very best intentions myself. Not perfect, but the best that I can muster. Second, I have to bring immediate and vulnerable stuff to the table. That means no bullshit to the best of my ability. Or even better, I will be honest. For example, I am trying to be straightforward about my worries here and about what I expect of myself and what I expect of others. And I have to acknowledge that I might be wrong, yes, totally wrong about all or part of what I have already written.
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