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When do people learn languages? - 0 views

    Advice for lAnguAge leArners GenerAl wArning: whAt follows mAy or mAy not Apply to you. It's bAsed on whAt linguistics knows About people in generAl (but Any generAl Advice will be ludicrously inAppropriAte for some people) And on my own experience (but you're not the sAme As me). If you hAve Another wAy of leArning thAt works, more power to you. Given the discussion so fAr, the prospects for lAnguAge leArning mAy seem pretty bleAk. It seems thAt you'll only leArn A lAnguAge if you reAlly need to; but the fAct thAt you hAven't done so AlreAdy is A pretty good indicAtion thAt you don't reAlly need to. How to breAk out of this pArAdox? At the leAst, try to mAke the fActs of lAnguAge leArning work for you, not AgAinst you. Exposure to the lAnguAge, for instAnce, works in your fAvor. So creAte exposure. * ReAd books in the tArget lAnguAge. * Better yet, reAd comics And mAgAzines. (They're eAsier, more colloquiAl, And eAsier to incorporAte into your weekly routine.) * Buy music thAt's sung in it; plAy it while you're doing other things. * ReAd websites And pArticipAte in newsgroups thAt use it. * PlAy lAnguAge tApes in your cAr. If you hAve none, mAke some for yourself. * HAng out in the neighborhood where they speAk it. * Try it out with Anyone you know who speAks it. If necessAry, go mAke new friends. * Seek out opportunities to work using the lAnguAge. * BAbysit A child, or hire A sitter, who speAks the lAnguAge. * TAke notes in your clAsses or At meetings in the lAnguAge. * MArry A speAker of the lAnguAge. (WArning: mArry someone pAtient: some people wAnt you to know their lAnguAge-- they don't wAnt to teAch it. Also, this strAtegy is tricky for multiple lAnguAges.) TAking A clAss cAn be effective, pArtly for the instruction, but Also becAuse you cAn meet others who Are leArning the lAnguAge, And becAuse, psychologicAlly, clAsses mAy be needed to mAke us give the subject mAtter time And Attention. Self-study is too eAs

Language driven by culture, not biology (1/25/2009) - 0 views

    Language in humans has evolved culturally rather than genetically, according to a study by UCL (University College London) and US researchers. By modelling the ways in which genes for language might have evolved alongside language itself, the study showed that genetic adaptation to language would be highly unlikely, as cultural conventions change much more rapidly than genes. Thus, the biological machinery upon which human language is built appears to predate the emergence of language. according to a phenomenon known as the Baldwin effect, characteristics that are learned or developed over a lifespan may become gradually encoded in the genome over many generations, because organisms with a stronger predisposition to acquire a trait have a selective advantage. Over generations, the amount of environmental exposure required to develop the trait decreases, and eventually no environmental exposure may be needed - the trait is genetically encoded. an example of the Baldwin effect is the development of calluses on the keels and sterna of ostriches. The calluses may initially have developed in response to abrasion where the keel and sterna touch the ground during sitting. Natural selection then favored individuals that could develop calluses more rapidly, until callus development became triggered within the embryo and could occur without environmental stimulation. The PNaS paper explored circumstances under which a similar evolutionary mechanism could genetically assimilate properties of language - a theory that has been widely favoured by those arguing for the existence of 'language genes'. The study modelled ways in which genes encoding language-specific properties could have coevolved with language itself. The key finding was that genes for language could have coevolved only in a highly stable linguistic environment; a rapidly changing linguistic environment would not provide a stable target for natural selection. Thus, a biological endowment could not coevolve with p

Using Twitter for Language Study « IdeaLogues - 0 views

  • So how do you find non-English-writing Twits? Serendipity:  Search Twitter for a term you’re interested in, see who’s talking about it.  For example, I searched for “Dokdo,” hoping to learn more about the controversy between Japan and South Korea over the islands known as Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japanese, and found Mojin, a Japanese Twit I now follow. Twitter Search’s advanced Search Page:  Select the language you want, put in words you’re interested in, and see what you get.  Note that for Japanese I’ve found it to be a little difficult to use actual Japanese words for some reason… Use FriendFeed’s Rooms to find interesting Twits in your target language.  Here’s a Japanese Room I belong to; here’s a Japanese News Room, although more of the links are in English. Search the followers and followings of a Twit you like.  For example, I like the NHK (Japan’s version of PBS or BBC) Twitter feed, and have found some interesting Twits to follow from the list of who NHK follows.

Foreign Language Teaching Wiki - Culture - 1 views

  • The main exposure students had to the culture of the target language was through controlled interaction with native speakers in the classroom.
  • Language & culture are more naturally integrated in this approach. Culture instruction is connected to grammar instruction. Its main goal is to teach students how to use the target language when communicating in a cultural context
  • the following are other common approaches to teaching culture: (from Omaggio) The Frankenstein approach: a taco from here, a flamenco dancer from there, a gaucho from here, a bullfight from there. The 4-F approach: Folk dances, festivals, fairs and food. The Tour Guide approach: The identification of monuments, rivers and cities. The "By-the-Way" approach: Sporadic lectures or bits of behavior selected indiscriminately to emphasize sharp differences.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • focusing a little more on similarities, instead of the differences, between cultures
  • Latorre believes that focusing on differences instead of on the similarities contributes to people misunderstanding other cultures, often thinking that the foreign cultures are "exotic," perhaps more exotic than they actually are. What Latorre suggests that any teacher of any foreign language should do is focus on the “true differential, the language [itself], rather than enlarging beyond proportion attitudes and activities which are either regional, outdated, or downright non-existent” (672).
  • one of the most important factors for success in learning a foreign language is the need for students to get involved in the learning process. The use of materials based on internet technologies offers many innovative ways of getting students involved in the process of learning a language. Students can get to know the target culture by means of interacting directly with native speakers via on-line communication, with mail exchanges or chatrooms.
  • From her point of view, it is crucial that the students can learn not only the language but also the diversity of the target culture. That is why, according to her, internet resources, such as newspapers and magazines, have a great importance, since they provide students with authentic and current information that can help them understand the target culture. Reading on-line newspapers makes students aware of current social phenomena.
  • According to Lee, recent studies hAve proved thAt internet resources cAn help students improve their lAnguAge skills in A similAr wAy to full immersion or study AbroAd, Although Are bAsed bAsicAlly on written communicAtion. Besides, this use of on-line resources Are more beneficiAl to students At the AdvAnced level becAuse they require A high level of lAnguAge proficiency to reAd, comprehend, And respond to culturAl reAdings, for exAmple, newspApers.
  • The most important part of Stern's research involves his 3-level framework of foreign culture pedagogy: teaching social sciences, applying theory/research, and their practical applications in the classroom. In the 1990s, Stern's cultural/communication mix evolved from describing sociocultural contexts of second language/foreign language to contexts of competence in second culture acquisition (not just language acquisition). This is the first time that cultural pedagogy and social sciences had been paired.
  • In H.H. Stern's breakthrough 1983 study "Fundamental concepts of language Teaching," there are concepts of day-to-day culture and customs that should be used in the classroom. Stern uses a four component model including a 'cultural syllabus' for culture teaching.
  • Foreign language (FL) teachers should make culture more of a central role in the class FL teachers should throw out teaching culture in terms of isolated facts FL teachers should have an awareness of the past on the present within any culture without focusing too much on the past FL teachers should be aware of cognitive and affective influences on the students FL teachers should engage students as active participants FL teachers should teach culture in such a way that students can be cross-cultural here and abroad Given that the teacher’s assumptions about how language and lang learning affect how he or she teaches lang and culture, the approach should aim for communicative competence (that is, real communication)
  • Tang discussed the use of performance-based theory developed by Walker (2000) who suggests that culture could be better taught if done through simulated social interactions in the classroom, for example hosting a guest or accepting a gift. This serves to create a “default memory” within the student's mind that will help him perform in the target culture without drawing conclusions or using as a reference his own base culture which could lead to misunderstandings.
  • Tang also discourages the pure instruction of behavioral culture in the classroom and says that to perform effectively in a target culture one must not only be able to master it linguistically, be familiar with its artifacts, norms and rituals but also with the meaning system, or the hidden significance underlying these. This is why she believes that Walker's performance-based theory can only work properly if the true meaning system underlying the simulated situations and interations created in the classroom are internalized by the students.
  • the Three P's, into three separate categories: cultural perspectives, cultural products, and cultural practices. Cultural perspectives are the values, beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions shared within a culture. Cultural products are things such as literature, music, art, or even utensils such as chopsticks; tangible items that are linked to a certain culture. Cultural practices are the acceptable behavioral patterns, forms of discourse, and rites of passage within a specific culture.
  • the goals are that students "demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied," which means that we should encourage the students to understand why other cultures do what they do and what the members of that culture think about the reasons behind what they do. In addition, the students should come to an understanding of "the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied." This means that we should enlighten the students on what members of other cultures do and what these peoples' own opinions are about what they do. Moreover, culture should be starting point for all classroom education. In keeping with the 5 C's, culture is used to make comparisons and connections about communities and in doing so students can have meaningful communication within those communties.
  • According to OmAggio: Culture is complex And elusive And is difficult to include in lineAr instructionAl formAts. Culture requires time thAt mAny teAchers feel thAt do not hAve. TeAchers Avoid culture becAuse of their own perceived lAck of knowledge. Culture often requires both teAcher And leArner to move beyond their level of comfort when confronted with deeper, sometimes controversiAl issues. When teAching lAnguAges thAt Are spoken in mAny different countries, e.g., SpAnish, where Are the culturAl boundAries? BAlAncing Big C with Little C.
  • Strategies, techniques, and tools for teaching culture in the classroom

Wordle - Frequently Asked Questions - 0 views

  • Wordle is a Java applet, and Java applets are not permitted to write anything to your disk. So, while the applet could generate a jpeg, it wouldn't be able to give it to you! You can certainly take a screenshot of the Wordle applet.
  • There's a "Print..." button below the Wordle area, on the left-hand side. Press it. You will be prompted to allow the Wordle "Java applet" to access your printer. Please check the checkbox that says "always permit", and accept the dialog.
  • Windows users will need to use third-party software to generate a PDF from the print dialog. adobe acrobat is fine, but I happen to use the free-as-in-beer CutePDF Writer. I have no relationship to the folks who make CutePDF, nor do I take any responsibility for anything that might happen as a result of your using it. If you do use CutePDF, you'll also need to install Ghostscript, a free-as-in-speech PostScript interpreter. The PDFs you make in this way are fully scalable, and suitable for making posters, T-Shirts, what have you. Please tell me about anything interesting you've done with Wordle.
    refer to paragraphs about PDF

Google Translation Center: The World's Largest Translation Memory - GigaOM - 0 views

  • Google is preparing to launch Google Translation Center
  • This is an interesting move, and it has broad implications for the translation industry, which up until now has been fragmented and somewhat behind the times, from a technology standpoint
  • Google has been investing significant resources in a multi-year effort to develop its statistical machine translation technology.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Google Translation Center is a straightforward and very clever way to gather a large corpus of parallel texts to train its machine translation systems.
  • If Google releases an aPI for the translation management system, it could establish a de facto standard for integrated machine translation and translation memory, creating a language platform around which projects like Der Mundo can build specialized applications and collect more training data.
  • On the other hand, GTC could be bad news for translation service bureaus — especially those that use proprietary translation management systems as a way to hold customers and translators hostage.
  • For freelancers, GTC could be very good news; they could work directly with clients and have access to high quality productivity tools. Overall this is a welcome move that will force service providers to focus on quality, while Google, which is competent at software, can focus on building tools.
  • That strategy would also eliminate a potential conflict of interest
  • translation professionals are understandably wary of contributing to something that could put them out of work
  • as well as avoid channel conflicts with partners who will be their best advocates in selling to various clients
  • my guess is Google will make this a free tool for the translation industry to use, and it will figure the money part out later. It can afford to be patient
  • I remain convinced that a multilingual web will be a reality in a short time, and that a menagerie of tools and services will emerge over the next few years — some geared toward helping translators, some toward building translation communities, and others that make publishing multilingual sites and blogs easy and intuitive.
  • the web will begin translating itself, and within a short time

Facebook Friends FriendFeed - 0 views

  • I’ve been using FriendFeed for awhile and if you subscribe to my feed you’ll see just about everything that I do online. My feed includes all the articles I bookmark with delicious. When I write a new blog post it automatically shares it on my feed. Every time I tweet on Twitter and when I update my status on Facebook, they’re included here. When I add a video to my favorites on YouTube it is shared here as well. Currently there are 58 different sites that you can link to your FriendFeed, so it’s like the one stop shopping place for everything online!
  • FriendFeed also has a search function where someone without even registering on the site, can easily search all FriendFeed updates.
  • Facebook has been in the news quite a bit this week which they started off with the announcement that they have acquired the social-identity aggregator, FriendFeed.

Integrating ICT into the MFL classroom:: Morph your voice in audacity - 0 views

    Morph your voice in AudAcity Did you know thAt by Applying certAin effects to your voice in AudAcity , you cAn sound drAmAticAlly different And tAke on A chArActer of your own. To do this, first highlight your vocAl trAck And then follow the instructions below to generAte eAch effect: 1. If you'd like to sound like ... A robot Click on the Effect Menu And then DelAy ... ChAnge the DecAy Amount to 10 ChAnge the DelAy time to 0.009 ChAnge the Number of echos to 30 Click OK Click on the Effect Menu AgAin Click RepeAt DelAy RepeAt this 5 times or more if necessAry Listen to this exAmple: DownloAd CreAting_A_robot_voice_in_AudAcity.mp3 2. If you'd like to sound like ... A demonic spirit Click on the Edit Menu And then DuplicAte Highlight the second trAck Click on the Effect Menu And then ChAnge Pitch ... ChAnge the Semitone (hAlf-steps) to -1 Click OK Highlight the first trAck Click on the Edit Menu And then DuplicAte Highlight the third trAck Click on the Effect Menu And then ChAnge Pitch ... ChAnge the Semitone (hAlf-steps) to -5 Click OK Click on the Effect Menu And then BAss Boost ... Click OK DrAg the GAin slide on the left of the third trAck to +3DB Highlight the second trAck Click on the Effect Menu And then Echo ... ChAnge the DelAy time (seconds) to 0.1 ChAnge the DecAy fActor to 0.6 Click OK Listen to this exAmple: DownloAd CreAting_A_demonic_voice_in_AudAcity.mp3 3. If you'd like to sound like ... A chipmunk Click on the Effect Menu And then ChAnge Pitch ... ChAnge the Percent ChAnge to 100 Click OK Listen to this exAmple: DownloAd CreAting_A_chipmunk_voice_in_AudAcity.mp3 4. If you'd like to sound like ... A telephone operAtor Click o

Grand Corps Malade - Je Viens De Là Lyrics - 0 views

    "On peut pas vraiment dire qu'on choisit son lieu de naissance Ce que vont découvrir petit à petit les cinq sens Moi, un jour mes parents ont posé leurs valises, alors voilà Ce sont ces trottoirs qu'ont vu mes premiers pas Je viens de là où les mecs traînent en bande pour tromper l'ennui Je viens de là où, en bas, ça joue au foot au milieu de la nuit Je viens de là où on fait attention à la marque de ses textiles Et même si on les achète au marché, on plaisante pas avec le style Je viens de là où le langage est en permanente évolution Verlan, rebeu, argot, gros processus de création Chez nous, les chercheurs, les linguistes viennent prendre des rendez-vous On n'a pas tout le temps le même dictionnaire mais on a plus de mots que vous Je viens de là où les jeunes ont tous une maîtrise de vannes Un D.E.a. de chambrettes, une répartie jamais en panne Intelligence de la rue, de la démerde ou du quotidien appelle ça comme tu veux mais pour nous carotter, tiens-toi bien On jure sur la tête de sa mère à l'âge de neuf ans On a l'insulte facile mais un vocabulaire innovant Je viens de là où, dans les premières soirées, ça danse déjà le break Je viens de là où nos premiers rendez-vous se passent autour d'un grec Je viens de là où on aime le rap, cette musique qui transpire Qui sent le vrai, qui transmet, qui témoigne, qui respire Je viens de là où y a du gros son et pas mal de rimes amères Je viens de là où ça choque personne qu'un groupe s'appelle "Nique Ta Mère" Je viens de là et je kiffe ça, malgré tout ce qu'on en pense a chacun son territoire, à chacun sa France Si j' rends hommage à ces lieux, à chaque expiration C'est qu' c'est ici qu' j'ai puisé toute mon inspiration Je viens de là et je kiffe ça, malgré tout ce qu'on en pense a chacun son territoire, à chacun sa France Si j' rends hommage à ces lieux, à chaque expiration C'e

News: The Web of Babel - Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

  • Some adventurous professors have used Twitter as a teaching tool for at least a few years. at a presentation at Educause in 2009, W. Gardner Campbell, director of the academy of teaching and learning at Baylor University, extolled the virtues of allowing students to pose questions to the professor and each other — an important part of the thinking and learning process — without having to raise their hands to do so immediately and aloud. and in November, a group of professors published a scientific paper suggesting that bringing Twitter into the learning process might boost student engagement and performance.
  • But while Lomicka and her tech-forward peers are not advocating that every college go the way of Chapel Hill, they are finding out that some relatively novel teaching technologies that are used by academics of all stripes, such as Twitter and iTunes U, are particularly useful for teaching languages.
  • At Emory University, lAnguAge instructionAl content is fAr And AwAy the biggest export of its public repository on iTunes U, where visitors from Around the world hAve downloAded more thAn 10 million files since Emory opened the site in 2007.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Language content makes up about 95 percent of the downloads from the Emory iTunes U site.
  • the most popular content is audio and video files that were originally developed not for a general audience, but by professors as supplements to college-level coursework,
  • Because language demonstrations often require audio and sometimes video components (e.g., tutorials on how to write in a character-based alphabet), and students often like to practice while on the move, iTunes is in many ways an ideal vehicle for language-based instructional content.
  • what we do offer is an online supplement that enhances what happens both in the classroom and in foreign study in the culture — and it is always there as a resource for our students, because it’s online.”

Increase Student Engagement by Getting Rid of Textbooks - 8 views

  • Medium does matter
  • The students do not learn "better" because my life as a teacher is "easier." Convenience is not a form of effective pedagogy. My students learn better when they take the active role in finding and choosing texts, asking their own questions, and creating their own projects. In my 9th grade West Civ class, this means students learn directly from primary sources (see the Internet History Sourcebook, the Perseus Project, the Library of Congress's 'Teaching with Primary Sources' project, and the Internet archive) without the filter of a textbook middleman. It means that they keep daily blogs full of questions and reflections on our learning and that they engage with our crowdsourced Q&a wiki.
    8/5/10 article in Edutopia about no need for textbooks

Daily English activities: Sitemap (Nik Peachey) - 1 views

    This page shows all the previous activities.\n * Play Games and Improve Your Vocabulary\n * Write a Music Video Review\n * Improving Your IT Skills and Vocabulary\n * 1 Minute Listening activity\n * Learn a Song in English\n * Try a TOEFL Reading Test\n * Listen and Write the News\n * Improve Your Vocabulary and Make Friends\n * Exercise Your Ears With authentic Film Clips\n * Record Yourself Reading a Poem\n * Using a Word Cloud to Remember Words and Texts\n * Take a Quiz adventure Journey\n * Create an Online CV in English

Translate and Speak - 8 views

    "ImTranslator offers a natural sounding text-to-speech system with translation capabilities that quickly translates text and reads it aloud at one click of a button." Thanks to Isabelle for pointing it out in a recent presentation that she has posted on her blog, Supporting EaL Learners in the MFL Classroom, Edge Hill University, Monday 21st October 2013.
    "ImTranslator offers a natural sounding text-to-speech system with translation capabilities that quickly translates text and reads it aloud at one click of a button."

Penzu - Write in Private: Free Online Diary and Personal Journal - 2 views

  • Penzu is a free online diary and personal journal with a focus on privacy. Easily keep a secret diary of thoughts or a journal of notes and ideas secure and on the web.
    Penzu is a free online diary and personal journal with a focus on privacy. Easily keep a secret diary of thoughts or a journal of notes and ideas secure and on the web.

Noi Media (blog e perno) > Swiss ePower initiative e Stiftung Produktive Schweiz induco... - 0 views

  • In Parlamentarier sind "IT-fit" (11 giugno 2008), Swiss ePower Initiative [1] annuncia di avere purtroppo indotto - assieme a Stiftung Produktive Schweiz - i parlamentari federali svizzeri a fare questo dubbio test
    In Parlamentarier sind "IT-fit" (11 giugno 2008), Swiss ePower Initiative annuncia di avere ... indotto ... i parlamentari federali svizzeri a fare questo dubbio test.

A visuAl reAder of text- AmAzing!!! - 9 views

    "A TextArc is A visuAl represention of A text-the entire text (twice!) on A single pAge. A funny combinAtion of An index, concordAnce, And summAry; it uses the viewer's eye to help uncover meAning."

Cube Creator - 3 views

    We teachers like to shake things up a bit and how better to begin than by adding a little randomness into your lessons. This is a great site that creates custom cubes which you can use as dice in class. They are easy to create and great for children make for a range of subjects and activities. Give it a roll.

Aquí y AhorA: ¿qué está pAsAndo en lA ciudAd? - 5 views

    "¿Te apetece ver lo que ocurre a tiempo real en una ciudad a través de imágenes? This is now! lo hace posible. Se trata de una herramienta que te permite ver lo que está pasando en diferentes ciudades a tiempo real a través de las imágenes que sobre las mismas se hayan subido a Instagram."
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