Contents contributed and discussions participated by shaik pasha
Proven answers to tough job interview questions - 1 views
Job interview? How to answer any question an interviewer could possibly throw at you! Arm yourself with these proven behavioral interview answers! Use them as templates to "Package & Spin" your work experience so you can demonstrate your critical thinking skills, be more likeable, increase your confidence, uncover the interviewer's hidden needs, and tell them exactly what they want to hear - So You Get Hired!
The Wonder Book of Bible Stories - 0 views
Contains the best stories from the Bible. Written in simple and understandable language, the stories are perfect for retelling to children of all ages. The wonder book of Bible stories is not only a recasting of the familiar stories of the Bible such as the finding of Moses and the story of Adam and Eve. It goes a step further to add characterization to make them look contemporary and lively. Interesting reading and specially suited for children as well as for adults who teach at Sunday schools. Every family should have this beautiful story book.
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