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Stéphane Métral

Cartoon Sound Effects - Free Sound Downloads as WAV and MP3 files - 0 views

    Our sound files samples below are FREE Sound Effects Downloads of Stereo MP3 Sounds and Good Quality .wav audio for non-commercial use only. We offer better quality sound effects for sale.
Stéphane Métral

40+ Sources To Download High-Quality Royalty Free Stock Images | Showcases | instantShift - 0 views

  • 40+ Best Sources To Download High-Quality Royalty Free Stock Images and Photographs over web, from there you can use these images in your projects without paying single penny. However, just make sure to read the license agreements carefully as they can change from time to time.
    you can use these images in your projects without paying single penny, make sure to read the license agreements carefully as they can change from time to time.
Isabelle Jones

Introduction | Lanqua - 0 views

    European language project to develop a language quality label
eflclassroom 2.0

YouTube - ddeubel's Playlists - 0 views

    Karaoke is the best way to learn / practice English. Also a great way to open/close a lesson and engage students. All these karaoke videos can be found in much better quality and with more control (slow the tempo) at EFL Classroom 2.0 Just click TEACH - Karaoke and learn how to download the player and even make your own Karaoke songs/files!
James OReilly

Google Translation Center: The World's Largest Translation Memory - GigaOM - 0 views

  • Google is preparing to launch Google Translation Center
  • This is an interesting move, and it has broad implications for the translation industry, which up until now has been fragmented and somewhat behind the times, from a technology standpoint
  • Google has been investing significant resources in a multi-year effort to develop its statistical machine translation technology.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Google Translation Center is a straightforward and very clever way to gather a large corpus of parallel texts to train its machine translation systems.
  • If Google releases an API for the translation management system, it could establish a de facto standard for integrated machine translation and translation memory, creating a language platform around which projects like Der Mundo can build specialized applications and collect more training data.
  • On the other hand, GTC could be bad news for translation service bureaus — especially those that use proprietary translation management systems as a way to hold customers and translators hostage.
  • For freelancers, GTC could be very good news; they could work directly with clients and have access to high quality productivity tools. Overall this is a welcome move that will force service providers to focus on quality, while Google, which is competent at software, can focus on building tools.
  • That strategy would also eliminate a potential conflict of interest
  • translation professionals are understandably wary of contributing to something that could put them out of work
  • as well as avoid channel conflicts with partners who will be their best advocates in selling to various clients
  • my guess is Google will make this a free tool for the translation industry to use, and it will figure the money part out later. It can afford to be patient
  • I remain convinced that a multilingual web will be a reality in a short time, and that a menagerie of tools and services will emerge over the next few years — some geared toward helping translators, some toward building translation communities, and others that make publishing multilingual sites and blogs easy and intuitive.
  • the web will begin translating itself, and within a short time
Isabelle Jones

TeacherTube - Food - 0 views

    audio flashcards with quality pictures
Isabelle Jones

YouTube - Ma petite planète chérie - 0 views

    high quality animation on the environment
Isabelle Jones

24 hours in pictures | News | - 0 views

    Great up-to-the minutes good quality photos to discuss anything topical in your class or keep them thinking...
Isabelle Jones

Searchme Visual Search - Beta - rev. 2.0.1 - 0 views

    good for searching for videos and quality pictures
Isabelle Jones

Bloggers create a new audio media with Odiogo podcasts. - 0 views

    Odiogo empowers you to convert your blog posts into high quality audio files.
Maggie Verster

Novelinks: Great resource for school about authors and reading - 0 views

    Novelinks is maintained by the Education section of the English Department at Brigham Young University. Our goal is to provide educators with quality teaching materials that will enhance classroom instruction for a wide variety of commonly taught novels in middle through secondary schools. Novelinks includes online as well as printed references to biographical, historical and critical insights on authors and their works. We also offer reading strategies and units for specific novels under the heading reading resources.
Stéphane Métral

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online - 0 views

    Enter what you're reading or your whole library. It's an easy, library-quality catalog.
herrn 96

Generic grade descriptors and draft supplementary subject-specific guidance for inspectors - 6 views

  • Modern languages generic grade descriptors and draft supplementary subject-specific guidance for inspectors (PDF) 220.06 kB
    • herrn 96
      interesting reading, particularly quality of teaching and curriculum
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