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Isabelle Jones

VTC - KS3 - French - 0 views

    La Bastille iwb games
Isabelle Jones

Haud mea culpa, domina! (As they say in primary school) - Education News, Education - T... - 3 views

    The solution to Ks2/KS3 transition issues?
Barbara Harper

Homepage - Language Skills - 0 views

    the home of gut oye and zut for KS3 - KS4 (mainly)
Isabelle Jones

RSA Resource pack: At a glance - 0 views

    summary doc for the new KS3 curriculum
Isabelle Jones

German - 4 views

    @icpjones a few things on there - Emma Cleaver (EMCintheUK)
Barbara Harper

Languages Resources Index - 2 views

    Follow the links to the left of the page to be redirected to French, German & Spanish resources for Key Stages 3 and 4. Over time, more resources will be added and there is now an AS AND A2 SPANISH RESOURCES section too.
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